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3rd OIE Global Conference on Animal Welfare Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

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1 OIE Animal Welfare Standards And The Mulitlateral Trade Policy Framework
3rd OIE Global Conference on Animal Welfare Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Dr Sarah Kahn Dr Mariela Varas

2 Contents OIE Standard Setting Procedures
The OIE Animal Welfare Working Group The Current OIE Animal Welfare Standards Engagement of OIE Member Countries Animal Welfare and the multilateral trade policy framework Standards and specifications of the private sector Future challenges and engagement of the OIE Conclusion

3 OIE’s International Standard Setting
OIE develops and publishes standards for the prevention and control of animal diseases as well as for the safe trade of animals and animal products and standards for animal welfare => Codes biological standards for diagnostic tests and vaccines => Manuals Adopted by OIE Member Countries during General Session each May by consensus The OIE regularly updates its international standards as new scientific information comes to light, following its established transparent and democratic procedures. The only pathway for adoption of a standard is via approval of the World Assembly of Delegates meeting in May each year at the OIE General Assembly. Developed using a science-based approach

4 OIE Standards setting procedure
Commissions, Delegates and Others Request Comments 2 rounds ad hoc Groups Updated text Codes/Manuals AWWG Adopted Issue / problem identified by Delegate, OIE Commission, industry, scientist, individual: new scientific information eg from research or disease outbreak new disease - emerging new approaches eg vaccination > Addressed by appropriate Commission as new or revised standard, using working groups and ad hoc groups for specialist tasks eg : animal welfare, BSE, epidemiology, avian influenza, TB Experts advice : the OIE utilises all sources: individual / expert group from industry / academia / government other OIE Commission or Reference Lab Transparency: NGOs with OIE agreement are consulted as per Member Countries eg IDF experts may participate in meetings Commission reports on OIE Web site Commission proposal circulated for comment to Member Countries, experts, organisations (at least 2 rounds of comments) Commission may revise proposal on basis of comments received Discussed by the World Assembly of Delegates at General Session may be discussed only and returned to Commission for further work may be adopted as OIE international standard > Opportunity for all Members to be involved in standards development World Assembly TAHSC or AAHSC OIE Members Report & texts Text for adoption Text for comment

5 OIE Animal Welfare Working Group (AWWG)
Inaugurated in 2002, and a key driver of the OIE animal welfare standard setting programme. Dr Sira Abdul Rahman Dr Peter Thornber Dr David Bayvel Prof Hassan Aidaros Mr Luc Mirabito Prof David Fraser Dr Marosi Molomo Dr Vincent Guyonnet Dr Andrea Gavinelli The working group is represented by governmental officials from the regions, industry experts, science, NGO sector and key intergovernmental representatives. Its work covers major animal welfare issues including the welfare of farmed animals, pre slaughter and slaughter welfare; welfare of laboratory animals; welfare of companion animals (including population control), and welfare of animals during transport.

6 AWWG Mission To advise The Director General and the Aquatic and Terrestrial Commissions concerning OIE priorities and proposed activities in the field of animal welfare. Preparation and circulation of educational material to enhance awareness of OIE Members and stakeholders Promotion of the inclusion of AW in undergraduate and post-graduate veterinary curricula Identification of AW research needs and encouragement of collaboration between centres of research. The OIE animal welfare working group is involved in activities promoting the inclusion of animal welfare into veterinary curricula globally, and is in regular communication with the OIE expert collaboratiing centres to identify research needs and encourage collaboration.

7 OIE AWWG Key Work Areas Draft reviews and amendments to adopted standards in the Aquatic and Terrestrial Codes New scientific evidence Standard setting procedure Regional support and engagement Regional Animal Welfare Strategies (RAWS) National Focal Point Seminars Members of the animal welfare working group are involved in assisting development of egional animal welfare strategies, and in Focal Point training seminars aimed at capacity building in the regions and implementation of OIE animal welfare standards

8 Definition of Animal Welfare for the Purpose of the Terrestrial Code
Animal welfare means how an animal is coping with the conditions in which it lives. An animal is in a good state of welfare if (as indicated by scientific evidence) it is healthy, comfortable, well nourished, safe, able to express innate behaviour, and if it is not suffering from unpleasant states such as pain, fear, and distress. Good animal welfare requires disease prevention and veterinary treatment, appropriate shelter, management, nutrition, humane handling and humane slaughter/killing. Animal welfare refers to the state of the animal; the treatment that an animal receives is covered by other terms such as animal care, animal husbandry, and humane treatment. Animal welfare refers to the state of the animal; the treatment that an animal receives is covered by other terms such as animal care, animal husbandry, and humane treatment. Adopted at the 71th General Session (2003)

9 Animal Welfare Standards in the Terrestrial Code
Introduction to the recommendations for animal welfare (7.1) The transport of animals by land (7.2.) The transport of animals by sea (7.3.) The transport of animals by air (7.4.) The slaughter of animals for human consumption (7.5.) The killing of animals for disease control purposes (7.6.) The control of stray dog populations (7.7) The use of animals in research and education (7.8.) Animal welfare and beef cattle production systems (7.9.) The OIE, through the adoption of standards, encourages its 178 Members to implement standards for humane treatment of animals in such key areas as livestock transport, slaughter, and killing for disease control purposes, as well as for the control od stray dog population and the use of animals in research and education. The Veterinary Services are key players in improving animal health and welfare.

10 Animal Welfare Standards in the Aquatic Code
Introduction to recommendations for the welfare of farmed fish (Chapter 7.1) Welfare of farmed fish during transport (Chapter 7.2) Welfare aspects of stunning and killing of farmed fish for human consumption (Chapter 7.3) Killing of farmed fish for disease control purposes (Chapter 7.4) For the purpose of this talk the focus is on terrestrial animal standards, and these animal welfare standards for the Aquatic Animal Health Code are included for completeness. 10

11 Control of Stray Dog Populations (Chapter7.7.)
This chapter addresses animal welfare, animal health and public health mandates of the OIE More than 50,000 people die each year from rabies. A majority are children and in many cases the source of infection is a stray dog. Guiding principles Programmes for dog population control have the following objectives: Improve health and welfare, reduce numbers, promote responsible ownership, create and maintain a rabies free dog population, reduce the risk of other zoonotic diseases, manage other human health risks, prevent harm to the environment, prevent illegal trade.

12 Animal welfare related provisions of Islamic Law – OIE Discussion Paper
Draws attention to Islamic law requirements for humane handling of animals, including during transport and at slaughter. Aims to stimulate dialogue between National Veterinary Services and Religious Authorities to achieve mutually acceptable animal welfare outcomes.

13 Use of Animals for Research and Education (Chapter 7.8.)
Recognises the significant contribution laboratory animals make to advancing medical and veterinary research, and respects the internationally accepted three R’s (replace, reduce, refine) New article on transportation and the Official Agreement with IATA aim to provide appropriate safeguards for animal health and welfare, and public safety. The OIE recognises the significant role of veterinarians in animal-based research. Given their unique training and skills, they are essential members of a team including scientists and animal care technicians. The veterinarian, should have the necessary expertise to work with research animals, and their specific role is to provide advice on the care, use and welfare of such animals; This team approach is based on the concept that everyone involved in the use of animals has an ethical responsibility for the animals’ welfare. The approach also ensures that animal use leads to high quality scientific and education outcomes. The OIE emphasises the need for humane treatment of animals . The use of live animals in research is of key importance in regulatory testing, particularly for the final approval of human medicinal products, and in some specialist research fields. Having access to these animals and the associated necessary air transportation (Collaboration with IATA) is critically important to maintaining progress in advancing human medicine. OIE/IATA Discussion paper

14 Engagement of OIE Member Countries
Regional Animal Welfare Strategies and Implementation Plans Currently developed in the Asia, the Far East and Oceania region Promising developments in other regions Animal Welfare National Focal Point Seminars Organised for the Animal Welfare Focal Points – national government officials responsible for an animal welfare agenda Thematic training with active involvement of representatives from the industry and the NGO sector when relevant. The first regional animal welfare strategy has been developed in the Asia, Far East and Oceania region. It serves as guidance to governments of the member countries for implementation of the OIE animal welfare standards. An implementation plan based of the regional strategy has been developed as well. Every two years in each region OIE organizes training seminars for national animal welfare focal points – government officials responsible for an animal welfare agenda. These seminars update the focal points with developments in animal welfare both in the regions and globally.

15 Animal Welfare and the multilateral trade policy framework
The General Agreement on Tarifs and Trade, (GATT) The World Trade Organisation Agreements The SPS Agreement The TBT Agreement

16 Coverage of Animal Welfare by the GATT
Provides for equal opportunity amongst WTO member countries Prohibits discriminatory treatment of like products Are animal products from different animal welfare systems like products? WTO appellate body found that likeness is fundamentally a determination about the nature and extent of the competitive relationship between products 1616

17 Animal Welfare Remains Outside The SPS Agreement
Animal health is a significant determinant of animal welfare Evidence that better animal welfare leads to better animal health and food safety is equivocal WTO internet website states that animal welfare measures are not covered by the SPS Agreement

18 Coverage of animal welfare by the TBT Agreement
TBT requires: identical treatment of like products regardless of the processing and production methods of the country of origin. Imported products are not treated less favourably than like domestic products. Pending Disputes DS 400 and DS 401 Rulings and subsequent developments should provide clarification on the consistency of animal welfare measures with GATT and TBT rules.

19 Private Standards & Specifications
Animal welfare has become a focus of attention for multinational food companies Market power of large multinationals increasingly drives producer practice. OIE World Assembly 2008, Resolution XXXII 2012 Cooperation Agreement between OIE & ISO ISO TC 34 working group

20 Future Challenges Public interest and concern about animal welfare is likely to increase. WTO members are likely to remain hesitant about including animal welfare in WTO negotiations. Private sector specifications that provide competitive advantage will continue to evolve. Recognition of alternate systems in developing countries that produce equivalent animal welfare outcomes will probably need more attention.

21 Conclusions OIE science based standards developed through an inclusive and democratic process are a well established and powerful tool to establish globally acceptable animal welfare standards. For effective implementation of OIE standards many countries need: Support to update legislation Capacity building assistance and budget support for their veterinary services

22 Conclusions Regional strategies provide a valuable guide for local implementation of OIE standards Pilot and twinning and programmes also offer excellent opportunities to tailor implementation choices to fit local needs Governments, international organisations and donors are urged to give their full support to OIE in this important area of work (inclusive standard setting and implementation).

23 Thank you for your attention!
Organisation mondiale de la santé animale World Organisation for Animal Health Organización Mundial de Sanidad Animal 12 rue de Prony, Paris, France - –

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