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Lista Verde CancunSan Miguel CozumelYucatan 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 Chichen.

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Presentation on theme: "Lista Verde CancunSan Miguel CozumelYucatan 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 Chichen."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lista Verde CancunSan Miguel CozumelYucatan 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 Chichen Itza

2 You should 100

3 You should= Debes

4 S/he is right 200

5 S/he is right =Tiene razón

6 300 S/he was in a bad mood

7 S/he was in a bad mood = Estaba de mal humor

8 To meet people 400

9 To meet people =Conocer a personas

10 I needed to know 500

11 I needed to know =Necesitaba saber

12 Many years ago 100

13 Many years ago = Hace muchos años

14 He bought 200

15 He bought = compró

16 He got mad 300

17 He got mad = Se puso enojado

18 There was a jungle 400

19 There was a jungle = Habia una selva

20 He finally arrived 500

21 Por fin llegó

22 Like this, like that 100

23 Like this, like that = asi

24 Next to 200

25 Next to = al lado de

26 A loud voice 300

27 A loud voice = una voz fuerte

28 There were people everywhere 400

29 There were people everywhere = Habia gente por todas partes

30 He is embarrassed 500

31 He is embarrassed= Tiene verguenza

32 Tocaba la guitarra 100

33 S/he/I used to play the guitar

34 While he was living/ used to live 200

35 While he was living = mientras vivía

36 I like that 300

37 I like that = me gusta eso

38 She taught him to dance 400

39 She taught him to dance =Le enseñó a bailar

40 He told her about the thief 500

41 He told her about the thief =Le dijo acerca de la ladrona

42 Yes = 100

43 Yes= Sí (with an accent)

44 Poor little thing 200

45 Poor little thing Pobrecito

46 Sounds good 300

47 Sounds good = Suena bien

48 He picked up the knife 400

49 He picked up the knife Se alejaron Recogió el cuchillo

50 500 She is afraid of high places

51 =Tiene miedo de los lugares altos

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