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American Printing USA Automotive ROI Maximizer Explaining in detail…. American Printing USA 1 How it works 2 What you can expect 3 Results Guaranteed.

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2 American Printing USA Automotive ROI Maximizer

3 Explaining in detail…. American Printing USA 1 How it works 2 What you can expect 3 Results Guaranteed

4 How it works… 1 American Printing USA Automotive ROI Maximizer

5 How it works… Do you know consumers buying habits?  Buying cycle for car buyers is between 1 and 20 weeks (or more) from the time they start looking at vehicles to the time they “pull the trigger” buy from your dealership.  Attempting to Speed this process up to be on your schedule does no good and in the long run can be costly…in more ways than one.  45% of all vehicle sales in any given month are done by Franchised Dealers.  Most consumers purchase during a buying cycle of 1-10 weeks. About 8% of those looking will “pull the trigger” in any given month. Make sure your information is in front of them when they “pull the trigger.” ARM

6 How it works… How does ARM work?  We start with a cost effective targeted behavioral proprietary data base consisting of consumers “hand raisers” that are displaying buying signals.  We send two email broadcasts combined with postal routes mailings covering the highest concentration of “hand-raiser” households for your market area.  We empower ARM analytics determining which postal routes in a dealer’s market area hold the largest concentration of currently in-the-market households and deliver mail to only to those postal routes.  We provide a Guarantee determining a number of vehicles that will sell during the promotion based on your market area, and prior months sales and campaign size. Guaranteed ROI with completely trackable results! ARM

7 2 What you can expect… American Printing USA Automotive ROI Maximizer

8 Simply finding the right buyers in their cycle and Marketing to them on your behalf! Quantify the Results… We match the sales to our manifest (list of people we market to.) Fact: Approximately 16% of population are looking at buying a vehicle at any given time ( buying cycle 1-20 weeks). We only market to the most appropriate ones for your dealership while they are in their buying cycle! Automotive ROI Maximizer

9 What you get with ARM… Automotive ROI Maximizer

10 3 Results Guaranteed… American Printing USA Automotive ROI Maximizer

11 More results… Automotive ROI Maximizer

12 Sales by Media Summary Total Mail sales175 Percentage from mail60.14% Total Email Sales116 Percentage from Email39.86% Conquest NO Previous Sales History at dealership 206 As a percentage of campaign 70.8% From Postal 175 From E-Mail 116 Total Sales Total Sales 291 Target 190 2012 4 th Quarter Campaign Report Target 190 Each Campaign Consisted of: Intelligent Postal: 100,000 households Note: Mail portion contained premium Targeted Email: 200,000 households (Broadcast twice) Profit: Front and Back End Combined $800,250.00 plus Service $64,097.15$864,347.15 Average Profit Per Vehicle Sold $2,750.00 — Investment $86,750.00 ROI = 996%



15 More results… Automotive ROI Maximizer

16 15 Years Ago Consumers spent Zero Time on the Internet They went to 7.9 Dealers before purchasing TODAY Consumers spend 11.7 Hours on the Internet They go to 1.1 Dealers before purchasing” Source: Automotive News Trends… Be the 1.1 Dealer they come to BUY from…

17 “Automakers no longer can post large gains merely by riding the industry upward; they’ll have to steal customers away from rivals.” Automotive News In conclusion…

18 Contact American Printing today!

19 * Rates subject to change without notice. $27,900

20 What’s Your Message? Automotive ROI Maximizer 2013 American Printing USA American Printing USA

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