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Greek City-States.

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1 Greek City-States

2 The Polis: Center of Greek Life
Polis- Greek word for city-state Politics: derived from Polis Town, city, or village, w/ its surrounding countryside Gathering place was in center in a hill Acropolis-fortified place (attack), religious center Agora- place below the acropolis where people could gather (market)


4 City-States Varied in size Community; all shared common goals
Men (political rights) Women and Children (no political rights) Slaves and Resident Aliens (non-citizens) Aristotle: citizen does not belong to himself Loyalty to city-state very important

5 Developing Military System
Aristocracy was head of military 700 B.C.- hoplites heavily armed infantry soldiers (foot soldiers) Carried a round shield, short sword, thrusting spear (9ft. Long) Phalanx- shoulder to shoulder rectangular formation Created wall of shields


7 Tyranny People who seized power by force (rich and poor)
Tired of aristocrats This was not a sign of honor in Greek system Did not last long Inspired Democracy: Gov’t. by the people Most remained oligarchies Oligarchy-rule by the few


9 Sparta Athens Did Spartans conquer outside colonies or neighboring states? What did spartans do to people from the land they conquered? What does the word “Spartan” mean? When did men have to enroll in the army Could they marry? Soldiers typical diet: What was a women’s role in the home? Explain the story of the mother that sent her son to the army Direct democracy Did poor citizens participate in government? Explain. Explain how Athenians practiced Ostracism Tell me how Pericles made Athens “The School of Greece” Ho many slaves were there? What kinds of jobs did slaves have? The primary function of the family: The woman’s role: Control over women: Girls education: Boys education:

10 Sparta Athens Direct democracy
Conquistaron tierras vecinas o tierras lejanas? Que le hacían a la gente de las tierras que conquistaban? Que quiere decir la palabra “Spartan”? A que edad tenían que inscribirse en el ejercito los hombres? Se podían casar los hombres en el ejercito? Típica dieta de un soldado: Cual era el rol de la mujer en casa? Explica la historia de la mujer que mando a su hijo al ejercito: Direct democracy Did poor citizens participate in government? Explica como practicaban el ostracismo? Dime como Pericles hizo a Atenas “La Escuela de Grecia” Cuantos esclavos habían, y que trabajos realizaban? La función primaria de la familia: Rol de la mujer: Control de la mujer: Educación de los niños; Educación de las niñas:

11 Sparta Needed more land Didn’t colonize abroad
Instead took land from neighbors Conquered neighbors became serfs (helots, Greek: for captured) Created military-state to maintain power

12 Spartan Military State
Spartan: highly disciplined Boys checked at birth; those judged unfit were left on mountainside to die Boys childhood: learning military tactics Enrolled in army at 20 At 30 they could live at home Were in army until 60 Ate black broth: piece of pork boiled in blood, salt, and vinegar


14 Government of Sparta Oligarchy 2 kings- led army
Ephors- 5 men responsible for education, & all citizens Council of Elders: 28 citizens over the age of 60 decided on issues presented to group of citizens Group of citizens- vote (not debate) on issues

15 Attitude to Outsiders Not welcoming Didn’t accept new ideas
Didn’t allow citizens to travel, read philosophy, literature, or the arts This could bring new ideas and destroy Sparta Military was art to Spartans

16 Athens 700B.C.- unified polis Created democracy
Age of Pericles- 461 B.C.; height of success Even poor citizens could be public officials Ostracism- kicked out people that were overly ambitious Center of Greek culture

17 Athenian Economy Farming and trade Grains, vegetables, fruit
Grapes and olive trees (wine and oil) Sheep and goats (wool and milk)



20 Athenian Family Life Father, wife, and kids also slaves
Produce new citizens Women: could not own property, always had a male guardian Women married at 14-15 Read, played instruments, no formal schooling

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