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El futuro: los irregulares. las terminaciones the irregular verbs are irregular in the stem but still use the regular endings below -é-emos -ás-éis -á-án.

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Presentation on theme: "El futuro: los irregulares. las terminaciones the irregular verbs are irregular in the stem but still use the regular endings below -é-emos -ás-éis -á-án."— Presentation transcript:

1 El futuro: los irregulares

2 las terminaciones the irregular verbs are irregular in the stem but still use the regular endings below -é-emos -ás-éis -á-án

3 verbos que añaden “r” (to fit) caber → cabr- (have) haber → habr- (to be able to) poder → podr- (to know) saber → sabr - (to want) querer → querr-

4 verbos que añaden “dr” (to put) poner → pondr- (to leave) salir → saldr- (to have) tener → tendr- (to be worth) valer → valdr- (to come to) venir → vendr-

5 verbos que no siguen una norma (to say/tell) decir → dir- (to do/make) hacer → har-

6 Les toca a ustedes 1. I will have a career in business. 2. You will know how to make a living. 3. We will do the program of studies at the university. 4. The mechanic will come to the technical school.

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