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Healthcare Here, There, Everywhere Neil Versel April 21, 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "Healthcare Here, There, Everywhere Neil Versel April 21, 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 Healthcare Here, There, Everywhere Neil Versel April 21, 2010

2 What is mobile healthcare? 2

3 3

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9 Forrester Research: 95 percent of all healthcare enterprises make use of smartphones McKinsey & Co.: $50B-$60B worldwide market in 2010, $20B in the U.S. alone 9

10 What is mobile healthcare? An enabling technology that’s part of a personalized, wireless future 10

11 Buzzword? 11

12 Events featuring m-health 12

13 Sprint CEO Dan Hesse at HIMSS10 13

14 West Wireless Healthcare Institute 14 Mission: “to cut health care costs by identifying, creating, validating and commercializing the use of wireless technologies to transform medicine.”

15 Pocket ultrasound at the Olympics 15

16 White House joins in 16

17 Medical Records Institute becomes mHealth Initiative 12 “Application Clusters” ©2009 Peter Waegemann/mHealth Initiative 17

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19 But, there’s a new wild card. 19

20 But, there’s a new wild card. 20

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24 Dr. Andrew Barbash 24

25 Dr. Andrew Barbash “The mobile phone becomes kind of the enabler.” “Where I am should not limit what I can do or how I get it done” "Your phone has become a remote- control device for your availability." 25

26 Google Talk on Droid Phone 26

27 Hello Health 27 “Hello Health uses common, everyday technology to build strong doctor/patient relationships. By using a website that works like a social media site, you can find a board-certified physician, schedule in-person or online appointments and get fast answers to questions.”

28 Mobile health in Haiti Photo by Randy Roberson/Humanitarian Emergency Logistics & Preparedness 28

29 Bellagio, Italy 29

30 Bellagio, Italy 30

31 award 31

32 $5,000 to activate a Level 1 trauma team 32

33 Live video from ambulance 33

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35 mHealth Initiative’s Application Clusters 12 “Application Clusters” ©2009 Peter Waegemann/mHealth Initiative 35

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38 Tracking Alzheimer’s patients 38

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40 Telehealth at the VA Dr. Adam Darkins: “It’s really a routine part of doing care.” Includes home telehealth, clinical videoconferencing and store-and-forward telemedicine. Home telehealth growth:  2003: 3,000 patients  2009: 40,000 patients  2011 (projected): 75,000 patients Mostly telephone consultation today, with some monitoring devices, but VA wants more mobility, with wireless monitors and readings delivered automatically over cellular and Internet connections. 40

41 Remember this? “I’ve fallen and I can’t get up.” 41

42 ‘Nana’ technology 42

43 Parks Associates: U.S. sales of wireless home- health technology will grow from $304M in 2009 to $4.4B in 2013, partially due to federal stimulus money for health IT. 96% market growth in 2010 126% growth in 2011 95% growth in 2012 43

44 Not just for elderly patients 44

45 Two recent reports 45

46 From the report Pew Internet & American Life Project: Those with mobile broadband Internet access are far more likely than those with only wired connections to seek health information online. Medicine/health is the third-fastest-growing category of iPhone apps, trailing only games and travel. 46

47 Steve Brown “First of all, Connected Health is a much bigger idea than the original idea of telemedicine, which was all about laying the painful last mile of technology to finally reach those with the greatest needs to communicate about health.” “Connected Health, in contrast, is not about devices, sensors and gadgets. It is about the idea that how people connect with each other has a profound impact on health. “ 47

48 Thank you. Neil Versel 48

49 Resources UK mHealth Initiative UK Steve Brown American Telemedicine Association 49

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