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But someone will say, “How are the dead raised up? And with what body do they come?” 1 Corinthians 15:35 After discussing the resurrection of the dead.

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Presentation on theme: "But someone will say, “How are the dead raised up? And with what body do they come?” 1 Corinthians 15:35 After discussing the resurrection of the dead."— Presentation transcript:


2 But someone will say, “How are the dead raised up? And with what body do they come?” 1 Corinthians 15:35 After discussing the resurrection of the dead the natural question arises, “So what does this resurrected body look like?” Paul addresses this question by exposing the Corinthian believers to a few truths about our resurrected body. Let us examine together these glorious mysteries concerning our resurrected bodies!

3 “What you sow is not made alive unless it dies”

4 “And what you sow, you do not sow that body that shall be…” Different Bodies are evident in the animal kingdom Different Bodies are evident in the planetary realm Different Bodies are evident in the resurrected body

5 Very Different Animals TarsierDumbo Octopus

6 Very Different Animals Aye-ayeAxolotl (ajolote)

7 Blobfish Platypus

8 Komondor DogLeafy Sea Dragon


10 “And what you sow, you do not sow that body that shall be…” Different Bodies are evident in the animal kingdom Different Bodies are evident in the planetary realm Different Bodies are evident in the resurrected body

11 Corruption  Incorruption Dishonor  Glory Weakness  Power Natural  Spiritual Living being  life-giving Spirit From the Earth  From the Heavens Image of Adam  Image of Jesus Christ

12 And as we have borne the image of the man of dust, we shall also bear the image of the heavenly Man. 1 Corinthians 15:50

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