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Published byKyla Pizer Modified over 10 years ago
ŠKOLA: Gymnázium, Tanvald, Školní 305, příspěvková organizace ČÍSLO PROJEKTU: CZ.1.07/1.5.00/34.0434 NÁZEV PROJEKTU: Šablony – Gymnázium Tanvald ČÍSLO ŠABLONY: III/2 Inovace a zkvalitnění výuky prostřednictvím ICT AUTOR: Zora Pavlištová TEMATICKÁ OBLAST: Anglický jazyk NÁZEV DUMu: Opravování chyb 1 POŘADOVÉ ČÍSLO DUMu: 16 KÓD DUMu: ZP_AJ4.R_16 DATUM TVORBY: 28.8.2013 ANOTACE (ROČNÍK): DUM procvičuje používání správných gramatických tvarů a správných slov při čtení krátkých textů. Tím DUM pomáhá uvědomovat si, pamatovat si a uplatňovat gramatická pravidla i pravidla používání správných slov nejen při čtení, ale následně i v mluveném projevu. METODICKÝ POKYN: Na prvním snímku cvičení je celý text obsahující 15 chyb. Studenti čtou text po jednotlivých větách a snaží se každou větu přečíst správě. Snímky jsou časovány v intervalu 10 vteřin. Po této době se na dalším snímku objeví věta opravená s tučně vytištěným správným tvarem/slovem. Jestliže je věta bezchybná, objeví se stejný snímek jako předchozí. Na předposledním snímku je chybný text se zvýrazněnými nesprávnými výrazy (možné použít jako písemné cvičení) a na posledním jsou tyto výrazy už opravené a opět zvýrazněné.
Read the letter one sentence after another. There are 15 mistakes in it, mostly one mistake in each sentence. But there are a few correct sentences or sentences with 2 mistakes in them. You have 10 seconds to find the mistake(s) and read the sentence correctly.
Read the letter and try to find mistakes. There are 15 of them. Dear Terry, I´m write to tell you that I´ve got a job like a ski instructor at a ski resort. As you can imagine, I´m really exciting about it. I get up at 8 o´clock because I must to be at work by 10. In the mornings, I have group lessons with beginners. I show them how to skiing on flat land. I prefer the afternoons, though, because I has private lessons with more advanced skiers. I show them more complicated techniques. I usually finish in 6 o´clock at the evening. I have to be responsible to made sure that there aren´t no accidents. I also need to be patient when I´m teaching people a new skill. Of course, I have to be fat to spend all day skiing. I really enjoy teaching people what to ski. What I like most is the looks on them faces when they ski down the slope for the first time. Unfortunately, I can´t stand people which think they know everything. I hope you can visit me soon. Drop me a line and say me all your news. Write soon! Love, Mary
Read the letter and try to find mistakes. There are 15 of them. Dear Terry, I´m writing to tell you that I´ve got a job as a ski instructor at a ski resort. As you can imagine, I´m really exciting about it. I get up at 8 o´clock because I must to be at work by 10. In the mornings, I have group lessons with beginners. I show them how to skiing on flat land. I prefer the afternoons, though, because I has private lessons with more advanced skiers. I shows them more complicated techniques. I usually finish in 6 o´clock at the evening. I have to be responsible to made sure that there aren´t no accidents. I also need to be patient when I´m teaching people a new skill. Of course, I have to be fat to spend all day skiing. I really enjoy teaching people what to ski. What I like most is the looks on them faces when they ski down the slope for the first time. Unfortunately, I can´t stand people which think they know everything. I hope you can visit me soon. Drop me a line and say me all your news. Write soon! Love, Mary
Read the letter and try to find mistakes. There are 15 of them. Dear Terry, I´m writing to tell you that I´ve got a job as a ski instructor at a ski resort. As you can imagine, I´m really excited about it. I get up at 8 o´clock because I must to be at work by 10. In the mornings, I have group lessons with beginners. I show them how to skiing on flat land. I prefer the afternoons, though, because I has private lessons with more advanced skiers. I shows them more complicated techniques. I usually finish in 6 o´clock at the evening. I have to be responsible to made sure that there aren´t no accidents. I also need to be patient when I´m teaching people a new skill. Of course, I have to be fat to spend all day skiing. I really enjoy teaching people what to ski. What I like most is the looks on them faces when they ski down the slope for the first time. Unfortunately, I can´t stand people which think they know everything. I hope you can visit me soon. Drop me a line and say me all your news. Write soon! Love, Mary
Read the letter and try to find mistakes. There are 15 of them. Dear Terry, I´m writing to tell you that I´ve got a job as a ski instructor at a ski resort. As you can imagine, I´m really excited about it. I get up at 8 o´clock because I have to be at work by 10. In the mornings, I have group lessons with beginners. I show them how to skiing on flat land. I prefer the afternoons, though, because I has private lessons with more advanced skiers. I shows them more complicated techniques. I usually finish in 6 o´clock at the evening. I have to be responsible to made sure that there aren´t no accidents. I also need to be patient when I´m teaching people a new skill. Of course, I have to be fat to spend all day skiing. I really enjoy teaching people what to ski. What I like most is the looks on them faces when they ski down the slope for the first time. Unfortunately, I can´t stand people which think they know everything. I hope you can visit me soon. Drop me a line and say me all your news. Write soon! Love, Mary
Read the letter and try to find mistakes. There are 15 of them. Dear Terry, I´m writing to tell you that I´ve got a job as a ski instructor at a ski resort. As you can imagine, I´m really excited about it. I get up at 8 o´clock because I have to be at work by 10. In the mornings, I have group lessons with beginners. I show them how to skiing on flat land. I prefer the afternoons, though, because I has private lessons with more advanced skiers. I shows them more complicated techniques. I usually finish in 6 o´clock at the evening. I have to be responsible to made sure that there aren´t no accidents. I also need to be patient when I´m teaching people a new skill. Of course, I have to be fat to spend all day skiing. I really enjoy teaching people what to ski. What I like most is the looks on them faces when they ski down the slope for the first time. Unfortunately, I can´t stand people which think they know everything. I hope you can visit me soon. Drop me a line and say me all your news. Write soon! Love, Mary
Read the letter and try to find mistakes. There are 15 of them. Dear Terry, I´m writing to tell you that I´ve got a job as a ski instructor at a ski resort. As you can imagine, I´m really excited about it. I get up at 8 o´clock because I have to be at work by 10. In the mornings, I have group lessons with beginners. I show them how to ski on flat land. I prefer the afternoons, though, because I has private lessons with more advanced skiers. I shows them more complicated techniques. I usually finish in 6 o´clock at the evening. I have to be responsible to made sure that there aren´t no accidents. I also need to be patient when I´m teaching people a new skill. Of course, I have to be fat to spend all day skiing. I really enjoy teaching people what to ski. What I like most is the looks on them faces when they ski down the slope for the first time. Unfortunately, I can´t stand people which think they know everything. I hope you can visit me soon. Drop me a line and say me all your news. Write soon! Love, Mary
Read the letter and try to find mistakes. There are 15 of them. Dear Terry, I´m writing to tell you that I´ve got a job as a ski instructor at a ski resort. As you can imagine, I´m really excited about it. I get up at 8 o´clock because I have to be at work by 10. In the mornings, I have group lessons with beginners. I show them how to ski on flat land. I prefer the afternoons, though, because I have private lessons with more advanced skiers. I show them more complicated techniques. I usually finish in 6 o´clock at the evening. I have to be responsible to made sure that there aren´t no accidents. I also need to be patient when I´m teaching people a new skill. Of course, I have to be fat to spend all day skiing. I really enjoy teaching people what to ski. What I like most is the looks on them faces when they ski down the slope for the first time. Unfortunately, I can´t stand people which think they know everything. I hope you can visit me soon. Drop me a line and say me all your news. Write soon! Love, Mary
Read the letter and try to find mistakes. There are 15 of them. Dear Terry, I´m writing to tell you that I´ve got a job as a ski instructor at a ski resort. As you can imagine, I´m really excited about it. I get up at 8 o´clock because I have to be at work by 10. In the mornings, I have group lessons with beginners. I show them how to ski on flat land. I prefer the afternoons, though, because I have private lessons with more advanced skiers. I show them more complicated techniques. I usually finish in 6 o´clock at the evening. I have to be responsible to made sure that there aren´t no accidents. I also need to be patient when I´m teaching people a new skill. Of course, I have to be fat to spend all day skiing. I really enjoy teaching people what to ski. What I like most is the looks on them faces when they ski down the slope for the first time. Unfortunately, I can´t stand people which think they know everything. I hope you can visit me soon. Drop me a line and say me all your news. Write soon! Love, Mary
Read the letter and try to find mistakes. There are 15 of them. Dear Terry, I´m writing to tell you that I´ve got a job as a ski instructor at a ski resort. As you can imagine, I´m really excited about it. I get up at 8 o´clock because I have to be at work by 10. In the mornings, I have group lessons with beginners. I show them how to ski on flat land. I prefer the afternoons, though, because I have private lessons with more advanced skiers. I show them more complicated techniques. I usually finish at 6 o´clock in the evening. I have to be responsible to made sure that there aren´t no accidents. I also need to be patient when I´m teaching people a new skill. Of course, I have to be fat to spend all day skiing. I really enjoy teaching people what to ski. What I like most is the looks on them faces when they ski down the slope for the first time. Unfortunately, I can´t stand people which think they know everything. I hope you can visit me soon. Drop me a line and say me all your news. Write soon! Love, Mary
Read the letter and try to find mistakes. There are 15 of them. Dear Terry, I´m writing to tell you that I´ve got a job as a ski instructor at a ski resort. As you can imagine, I´m really excited about it. I get up at 8 o´clock because I have to be at work by 10. In the mornings, I have group lessons with beginners. I show them how to ski on flat land. I prefer the afternoons, though, because I have private lessons with more advanced skiers. I show them more complicated techniques. I usually finish at 6 o´clock in the evening. I have to be responsible to make sure that there are no accidents. I also need to be patient when I´m teaching people a new skill. Of course, I have to be fat to spend all day skiing. I really enjoy teaching people what to ski. What I like most is the looks on them faces when they ski down the slope for the first time. Unfortunately, I can´t stand people which think they know everything. I hope you can visit me soon. Drop me a line and say me all your news. Write soon! Love, Mary
Read the letter and try to find mistakes. There are 15 of them. Dear Terry, I´m writing to tell you that I´ve got a job as a ski instructor at a ski resort. As you can imagine, I´m really excited about it. I get up at 8 o´clock because I have to be at work by 10. In the mornings, I have group lessons with beginners. I show them how to ski on flat land. I prefer the afternoons, though, because I have private lessons with more advanced skiers. I show them more complicated techniques. I usually finish at 6 o´clock in the evening. I have to be responsible to make sure that there are no accidents. I also need to be patient when I´m teaching people a new skill. Of course, I have to be fat to spend all day skiing. I really enjoy teaching people what to ski. What I like most is the looks on them faces when they ski down the slope for the first time. Unfortunately, I can´t stand people which think they know everything. I hope you can visit me soon. Drop me a line and say me all your news. Write soon! Love, Mary
Read the letter and try to find mistakes. There are 15 of them. Dear Terry, I´m writing to tell you that I´ve got a job as a ski instructor at a ski resort. As you can imagine, I´m really excited about it. I get up at 8 o´clock because I have to be at work by 10. In the mornings, I have group lessons with beginners. I show them how to ski on flat land. I prefer the afternoons, though, because I have private lessons with more advanced skiers. I show them more complicated techniques. I usually finish at 6 o´clock in the evening. I have to be responsible to make sure that there are no accidents. I also need to be patient when I´m teaching people a new skill. Of course, I have to be fit to spend all day skiing. I really enjoy teaching people what to ski. What I like most is the looks on them faces when they ski down the slope for the first time. Unfortunately, I can´t stand people which think they know everything. I hope you can visit me soon. Drop me a line and say me all your news. Write soon! Love, Mary
Read the letter and try to find mistakes. There are 15 of them. Dear Terry, I´m writing to tell you that I´ve got a job as a ski instructor at a ski resort. As you can imagine, I´m really excited about it. I get up at 8 o´clock because I have to be at work by 10. In the mornings, I have group lessons with beginners. I show them how to ski on flat land. I prefer the afternoons, though, because I have private lessons with more advanced skiers. I show them more complicated techniques. I usually finish at 6 o´clock in the evening. I have to be responsible to make sure that there are no accidents. I also need to be patient when I´m teaching people a new skill. Of course, I have to be fit to spend all day skiing. I really enjoy teaching people how to ski. What I like most is the looks on them faces when they ski down the slope for the first time. Unfortunately, I can´t stand people which think they know everything. I hope you can visit me soon. Drop me a line and say me all your news. Write soon! Love, Mary
Read the letter and try to find mistakes. There are 15 of them. Dear Terry, I´m writing to tell you that I´ve got a job as a ski instructor at a ski resort. As you can imagine, I´m really excited about it. I get up at 8 o´clock because I have to be at work by 10. In the mornings, I have group lessons with beginners. I show them how to ski on flat land. I prefer the afternoons, though, because I have private lessons with more advanced skiers. I show them more complicated techniques. I usually finish at 6 o´clock in the evening. I have to be responsible to make sure that there are no accidents. I also need to be patient when I´m teaching people a new skill. Of course, I have to be fit to spend all day skiing. I really enjoy teaching people how to ski. What I like most is the looks on their faces when they ski down the slope for the first time. Unfortunately, I can´t stand people which think they know everything. I hope you can visit me soon. Drop me a line and say me all your news. Write soon! Love, Mary
Read the letter and try to find mistakes. There are 15 of them. Dear Terry, I´m writing to tell you that I´ve got a job as a ski instructor at a ski resort. As you can imagine, I´m really excited about it. I get up at 8 o´clock because I have to be at work by 10. In the mornings, I have group lessons with beginners. I show them how to ski on flat land. I prefer the afternoons, though, because I have private lessons with more advanced skiers. I show them more complicated techniques. I usually finish at 6 o´clock in the evening. I have to be responsible to make sure that there are no accidents. I also need to be patient when I´m teaching people a new skill. Of course, I have to be fit to spend all day skiing. I really enjoy teaching people how to ski. What I like most is the looks on their faces when they ski down the slope for the first time. Unfortunately, I can´t stand people who think they know everything. I hope you can visit me soon. Drop me a line and say me all your news. Write soon! Love, Mary
Read the letter and try to find mistakes. There are 15 of them. Dear Terry, I´m writing to tell you that I´ve got a job as a ski instructor at a ski resort. As you can imagine, I´m really excited about it. I get up at 8 o´clock because I have to be at work by 10. In the mornings, I have group lessons with beginners. I show them how to ski on flat land. I prefer the afternoons, though, because I have private lessons with more advanced skiers. I show them more complicated techniques. I usually finish at 6 o´clock in the evening. I have to be responsible to make sure that there are no accidents. I also need to be patient when I´m teaching people a new skill. Of course, I have to be fit to spend all day skiing. I really enjoy teaching people how to ski. What I like most is the looks on their faces when they ski down the slope for the first time. Unfortunately, I can´t stand people who think they know everything. I hope you can visit me soon. Drop me a line and say me all your news. Write soon! Love, Mary
Read the letter and try to find mistakes. There are 15 of them. Dear Terry, I´m writing to tell you that I´ve got a job as a ski instructor at a ski resort. As you can imagine, I´m really excited about it. I get up at 8 o´clock because I have to be at work by 10. In the mornings, I have group lessons with beginners. I show them how to ski on flat land. I prefer the afternoons, though, because I have private lessons with more advanced skiers. I show them more complicated techniques. I usually finish at 6 o´clock in the evening. I have to be responsible to make sure that there are no accidents. I also need to be patient when I´m teaching people a new skill. Of course, I have to be fit to spend all day skiing. I really enjoy teaching people how to ski. What I like most is the looks on their faces when they ski down the slope for the first time. Unfortunately, I can´t stand people who think they know everything. I hope you can visit me soon. Drop me a line and tell me all your news. Write soon! Love, Mary
Read the letter and try to find mistakes. There are 15 of them.
Read the letter and correct the mistakes. They are highlighted.
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