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 LG 3: Management of Resources  Analyze how management of key natural resources affects location and patterns of movement of people, products and money.

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Presentation on theme: " LG 3: Management of Resources  Analyze how management of key natural resources affects location and patterns of movement of people, products and money."— Presentation transcript:

1  LG 3: Management of Resources  Analyze how management of key natural resources affects location and patterns of movement of people, products and money and evaluate how societies create sustainable development.  Criteria for Success  Analyze how management of key natural resources affects location and patterns of movement of people, products and money  Evaluate how societies create sustainable development.

2  Most democratic governments tend to have capitalist or free enterprise economic systems  Provide three examples  However, this is not always a sure bet. There are examples of newly industrialized countries which are totalitarian.  Examples include Iran and China.

3  Definition: A type of long term pattern of resource usage and economic development in which the goal is to meet human needs while preserving the environment for future generations.  Regardless of political systems, all countries must find ways to promote sustainable development  Why is this so important?

4  Watch the following clip  com/watch?v=YYmrP n1CnzY com/watch?v=YYmrP n1CnzY  What are government regulations  Answer the following  What is a potential outcome if there are no regulations?  How could regulations have helped in this scenario?


6  The Amazon Rainforest has a tremendous amount of natural resources.  This causes people and companies to flock to the rainforest  Competition  Wildlife  Natives  Loggers  Cattle Ranchers  Rubber tapers  Government Developers

7  com/watch?v=iSMD8 3H37y4 com/watch?v=iSMD8 3H37y4  How would these competing industries put strain on the rainforest?  What should be done to meet the needs of the people while protecting the environment for future generations?

8  This is Lake Travis before the drought


10  Remember that WATER is a NATURAL RESOURCE  How do people use water?  How can create strain on Lake Travis?  People drink water  Water their lawns  Boaters, water skiers, tubers, fishers  Water is needed for lives stock  What needs to happen to lessen the strain on Lake Travis?

11  With a partner do the following  Research an example of a natural resource being exhausted (This can be water, oil, trees, gold, diamond)  In what ways has this created jobs?  How has it strained the environment?  How is the local government trying to protect the environment?  What would you do in order to meet the needs of people and protect the environment?

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