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Mauriana, Marcus, Takaylin

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1 Mauriana, Marcus, Takaylin
Temperate Rainforest

2 Location Temperate Rain Forest are found along the Western edge of North and South America where there is relatively warm offshore waters that affect inland climates The latitude is 44 degrees north, and the longitude is 78 degrees west It can be found in Eastern half of United States, Canada, Europe, Parts of Russia, china, and Japan

3 Climate Precipitation falls at 20 to 60 inches annually as rain or snow but with snow being more likely at higher elevations Average annual temperature is about 60o F which is influenced by the nearby pacific ocean It has a seasonal variation with short Summer temperatures rising to about 86o F and long Winter temperatures dropping to a near freezing 22oF Given the cold climates, these rainforests can actually be covered in snow for much of the year

4 Soil The warm humid conditions encourage faster decay and recycling of nutrients back into the soil This forest has nutrient-rich soil because there is a lot of dead organic matter on the ground . This dead material is being slowly digested by the fungi,insects,and bacteria that live there. In tropical forests the trees have to spend some of their energy drawing up water and getting rid of heat.

5 Plants epiphytes such as mosses and ferns grow on top of other plants to reach light. cool temperatures lead to slow decomposition but seedlings grow on "nurse logs" to take advantage of the nutrients from the decomposing fallen logs. trees can grow very tall due to amount of precipitation. Lianas are vines that begin life on the ground as small self-supporting shrubs and rely on other plants to reach the light-rich environment of the upper canopy

6 Animals Because of the high rainfall some animals must grow thicker coats to protect from the moister. Larger mammals such as deer are smaller and has shorter antlers then deer in other biomes this gives them the ability to move freely. Larger carnivores such as wolves and wildcats grow thicker pelts in the fall to protect during the cold winter

7 Endangered Species Because of logging practices, the amount of old-growth forests has declined, and so has the spotted owl. Its closest relative, the barred owl, does better in younger forests and has replaced the spotted owl. There was a controversy over the endangered spotted owl which created a huge disturbance in the state, where many people saw it as a fight between logging jobs and a bird.

8 Threats to the biome Most of the threats toward the temperate rainforest come from humans harvesting trees to use as resources for such things as paper, pencils ,and furniture, also to drill for oil and metals . Other threats towards the temperate rainforest comes from nature. These threats include fire from thunder storms , floods from heavy rain, and lighting may destroy trees causing damage to some animal homes. By this we end up killing the animals by destroying their homes and from pollution.

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