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User and admin training WIFI: smex4,5 Password: v0lcan1c.

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Presentation on theme: "User and admin training WIFI: smex4,5 Password: v0lcan1c."— Presentation transcript:

1 User and admin training WIFI: smex4,5 Password: v0lcan1c

2 Ground rules

3 About participants

4 Pair up and find out as much as possible about why your partner is here. Some questions to start you off: Their organisation and role What information do they need to store and why? What work flows and business processes do they want to improve, and why? What specific ways do they think CiviCRM can help? How are they using CiviCRM at the moment? Are there any other specific questions they want answering?

5 Aims Understand the principals of CiviCRM Be able to carry out day to day admin tasks Be able to set up and configure CiviCRM Have solutions to the problems you came here to solve Choose your lunch (before 10.30)

6 Day 1 Morning 1.Meet CiviCRM 2.Organising your data 3.Custom fields 4.Profiles Afternoon Component exercises

7 Day 2 Morning 1.Configuring 2.Importing data 3.Website integration 4.Deduping Afternoon Component exercises

8 About the project

9 What is CiviCRM? It’s Contact Relationship Management Task focused and ‘contact-centric’ Designed for non-profits, political, and campaigning organisations Localized/Internationalized Open source and community led Web-based integrated with CMS

10 CiviCRM and your CMS Designed to work with a content management system (CMS) –i.e. Drupal and Joomla Advantages of integration with CMS –Website visitors can ‘self serve’ activities, e.g. renew membership, event sign up, donate, manage email subscriptions –you can share parts of your CRM data, e.g. upcoming events, online directories –Single source of data to maintain, real time integration

11 CiviCRM & Drupal Concern Worldwide

12 CiviCRM & Joomla Brighton Permaculture Trust

13 Who uses it? Foundations – Wikimedia Humanitarian orgs – Concern Worldwide Community Arts – Wellington Circus Trust Human Services – Physician Health Program Membership – WWOOF UK Political parties – NZ Green Party Service delivery – GMCVO, VAW, etc. Trade associations – Clean Economy Network Government – NYS Senate Educational, Religious, Others…

14 Community and growth 375,000+ downloads 3,500+ installations (via ping-back) running v2.0+ 15,000 forum members make 50+ posts a day NTEN report –Solid A’s for user satisfaction –Highest adoption rate for organizations up to $500k Two published books (one in its 3 rd edition – we’ll send you a copy) Organisations sponsor major new features with MIH

15 Meet CiviCRM

16 Contact-centric model Membership Events Contributions Mailings Activities Relationships Case s Pledges Notes Campaign s Survey s Petitions

17 Home page

18 Search tools Quick search box Search pages –Find contacts (basic search) –Advanced search –Full-text search –Search builder –Custom searches Component searches –Retrieve component records, not contacts

19 Search results actions contact type

20 Search actions For more than one contact Send an email Record an activity Add/remove a group/tag Create mailing labels Export data Merge duplicates

21 Viewing contacts

22 Adding contacts New contact form Via components Import –CSV (export from Excel, Access, other apps ) –SQL query –Match import fields to CiviCRM fields (map) –Save “mapping” for repeated imports

23 Contact actions

24 Exercises

25 Organising your data

26 Contacts Contacts split into types –individuals, –households, –organizations Can define sub-types –Staff –Volunteer –Funder

27 Contact fields Communication preferences and opt outs Addresses, email and phone, etc. –Location types –Primary contact methods Shared address Current employer Latitude and longitude

28 Groups Used for –Mailing lists –Access control –Segmentation and categorisation Regular group –Admin add or contact ‘subscribes’ –Added/removed status and date Smart groups –Saved search - contacts in group if they meet search criteria –Contacts may be added or removed manually

29 Tags Simple ‘attribute’ of a contact Flat or hierarchical categorization Easy to search Can use in smart groups No ‘history dimension’ Tagsets (free tagging)

30 Relationships Connect two contacts Can create new relationship types Can be disabled to allow historical tracking Can control related record permissions

31 Activities Built in Meetings and phone calls User defined activities e.g. survey, interview Memberships became a member of our organisation Contributions Donated or pledged some money Participations (in events) registered / attended an event Cases For scheduling and monitoring a set of activities

32 Tracking activities Automatically recorded when contact ‘self serves’ –You send a contact an email Manually recorded when –Staff process donation or event registration –You record a manual activity (e.g. paper mailing, meeting)

33 Exercises

34 Custom data & modeling

35 Custom data Custom fields organized in sets Where does this belong? (what type of record?) Broad or specific? e.g. –Eye Color - used for Individuals but not for other contact types –Annual Budget - used for Organizations

36 Adding custom data First add custom field set –What is it used for What records What types? All or some? –(for contacts) inline or tab? –Is it collapsed (search and display) –Multiple or single records Then add custom fields…

37 Custom fields Field labels –fixed for back-office screens –can change for front-end screens Data and input type Required? Searchable? Field help

38 How should I model X? a.k.a. custom data vs. groups vs. tags vs. relationships Important to look at what you want to do with the data (as opposed to what looks nicest) Is it needed? Examples from participants?

39 Example: adding activity fields Use case: Carry out an annual evaluation of volunteers Record answers in CiviCRM Include when the evaluation was carried out and who carried it out.

40 Example: adding activity fields


42 Exercises

43 Profiles

44 What are profiles? A set of ‘pointers’ to existing fields. Many uses… Collecting and editing data –New contact pop-ups –Website user registration and view / edit user (Drupal) –Online contribution, membership and event registrations –Standalone forms –Batch (bulk data) update ‘grids’ exposing data –Searchable directories –Search result views

45 User registration

46 Public searchable directory

47 New contact forms

48 Event registration

49 Creating profiles 1. Add the profile ‘container’ –Title –Used for … –Help 2. Configure any necessary advanced settings –Limit listings to group –Add to group –Notify –User account creation –reCaptcha and mapping 3. Then add fields

50 Profile fields 1. Select record type and field 2. Modify label as needed 3. Required? 4. Set visibility –User / Admin hides from other constituents –Public for searchable fields –Results column for listings

51 Exercises

52 User and admin training WIFI: smex4,5 Password: v0lcan1c

53 Configuration

54 The admin section Hide Editing sections (Administer » Configure » Global Settings) Hide Address fields Hide Tabs Option list configuration (name prefix, location types …)

55 Configuration Checklist User interface System settings 3rd party services Permissions (Drupal) Component options

56 Configure contact screens Hide Editing sections (Administer » Configure » Global Settings) Hide Address fields Hide Tabs Option list configuration (name prefix, location types …)

57 Dedupe

58 Two types of default rules for interface –Strict: used when by users as part of online registrations including Events, Membership, Contributions and Profile pages –Fuzzy: used when contacts are added / edited by admins in the backend Can create other rules for dedupe admin

59 Imports

60 Can import contacts Can also import activities, contributions, participants, memberships Can define duplicate checking rules and actions (skip, update, fill) Save mappings Memberships and contributions can be added or updated

61 Reports

62 Come from predefined report templates –With variables –Relative time periods Can add to dashboard Can add to menus with permissions View on screen (tables or graph) and export to PDF or CSV Can schedule reports to be emailed

63 Reports vs. searching Reports useful for repeatedly asking same question Relative time periods (‘last quarter’) Actions only available from searching (though some reports have add to group action)

64 Creating a report Start with a template Criteria –Display columns –Filters –Group by (for summary reports) Settings –Title, etc. –Menus –Permissions

65 Report permissions

66 Membership report example Use case: Senior management would like reports of all members lapsed in the last quarter on a quarterly basis

67 Membership report example Steps: Choose report template Create report instance Finalize report settings Create CRON job

68 Emailing

69 Ways to email The "send mail to contacts" action CiviMail (CiviCRM's 'mass mailer')

70 Benefits of email email sent is stored in the activity history Single address book Tokens

71 Benefits of CiviMail Bounced emails Recipients can manage subscriptions Statistics are available on opens and clicks Individual data on who is clicking on what Track and record incoming email

72 Configuring CiviMail System configuration is technical (get help, see book and wiki) Configure groups Configure mailing list subscription pages Create templates –Headers and footers Test

73 Contributions

74 Planning and configuring Contribution types –e.g. event fees, member dues, donations, grants… –Reporting and analysis –Accounting system integration Custom data for all or specific contribution types Offline vs. online donations

75 Online contribution pages Create different pages for different purposes –For each campaign –For general donations –For membership signup and renewal Set contribution type Recommended giving levels Pay later option Additional info to collect (profiles) Premiums and thank-you gifts More options (in honour of, tell a friend, etc.)

76 Contribution page example

77 Creating a contribution page Use contribution page wizard Set processor, donation levels, pay later, pledges Thank-you and receipting Membership signup / renewal option Set profiles Personal campaign pages Contribution ‘widget’

78 Recording offline contributions Start with –Record new contribution (adding a new contact if necessary) –The contact record Choose to send an email receipt Can also batch import contributions –Contacts must exist in DB –Key contribution to contact using external or internal ID or email address or first and last name –Can bulk send receipt after import

79 Processing transactions offline Available on the contacts contribution tab (Submit credit card contribution) Only available if using embedded credit card processing Will run transaction and create CiviCRM record

80 Pledges A container holding series of pledged contributions Defined by total donation + frequency (CiviCRM will calculate the individual payments) Payment reminders via email link to a corresponding contribution page Received contributions are logged against pledge payment records

81 Pledges & recurring contributions Pledges are a promise to pay Pledges generate reminders Future payments are dependent on constituent initiative Recurring Contributions are triggered automatically (depend on processor) Constituent may cancel at any time

82 Contribution search and export Find contributions returns contributions Advanced search returns contacts Can search by –Date and / or amount ranges –contribution page, contribution type, custom field and more… Create smart groups based on contribution history Export contributions –primary fields (contact and contribution data) –select fields and save export mapping

83 Payment processors What is the fee structure? Recurring contribution support? Where do transactions occur? Their site or your site? RMDOC/CiviContribute+Payment+Proces sor+Configuration

84 Membership

85 When to use CiviMember If one or more of the following applies… You offer memberships with defined benefits and durations Your membership is paid for You want to allow online signup / renewal You want to limit access to website content or features

86 Memberships and contributions Membership is an ongoing historical record of the contact’s member- relationship with your organization The membership fee is handled as an associated but distinct contribution Over time, a single membership will have a history of contributions representing renewals

87 Configuration Create membership types and associated custom data Create status rules (new, current, expired, grace) What organisation does this membership apply to? What are the membership fees? What is the duration and period type? Inherited membership (e.g. employer - employee) Message templates for renewal reminders Set ‘CRON job’ to keep statuses updated and send renewal reminders

88 Join/renew online Use an online contribution page Add a membership block Select membership type(s) to offer User account facilitates self-service renewals –Page will show existing membership if logged in –Contact matching will still renew membership

89 Recording memberships offline Start with –Record new contribution (adding a new contact if necessary) –The contact record Option to record associated payment Option to send confirmation (and receipt) Import –Contacts must exist in DB –Macth contribution to contact using external or internal ID, email address or first and last name

90 Renew memberships offline Renew from contact’s membership tab or find members Renewal period follows from expiry date Renewing is different from (and better than) creating a new membership record

91 Search and export Find Members exports memberships Advanced Search exports contacts Export memberships –primary fields (contact and membership data) –OR select fields and save export mapping

92 Events

93 Global Event Configuration Event Types Participant Roles Participant Statuses Confirmation/receipt templates Price Sets Custom data and profiles

94 Event Templates Defaults for recurring /similar events Can set most event properties Selecting a template when creating an event prepopulates the record with whatever is included in the template. You may then adjust/customize as needed

95 Event custom data Can appear in a few different places Person data, e.g. age Participant data, e.g. session choice, event evaluation –Just for this event? –Just for specific types of participants, e.g. speakers –Just for these type of events Event data for, e.g. what subjects are being covered at this event

96 Event fees and price sets Basic fees –Single list of options, registrant selects one –Can implement date-based discounts Price sets –Allows multiple sets of fees –Fees may be presented as select box, checkboxes, radio buttons, or quantity/unit text box –Value can be counted against max participants –Cannot apply date-based discounts

97 Creating an Event Step 1 - Basic event information / settings –Participant listing? –Max participants/waiting list options –Map to event? –Public event?

98 Step 2 - Location Sharing location between events Event contact information Hiding event location

99 Step 3 - Event Fees Free or paid Payment processor Pay later Simple fees or price set Discounts by signup date Other discount options?

100 Step 4 - Online Registration Online or offline only? Limited registration dates Register multiple participants Approval required option Expiring ‘pending’ registrations Configuring registration screens (text and profiles) –Main vs. additional participant profiles Confirmation and receipting

101 Step 5 - Tell a Friend Configure default message What the user sees…

102 Registration workflows Use ‘Find Contributions’ to update pending Contribution Status If approval Required, use ‘Find Participants’ to change participant status Cron job required to expire Pending registrations Waitlist and registration approval workflows –Need to enable relevant participant statuses (disabled by default) –Need to set up CRON job to process email notifications and status changes

103 Test-driving event registration Uses ‘testing’ processor setup Test registrations do NOT show up in contact event tab and event dashboard Use Find Participants » Find Test Participants

104 Offline Registration New event participant Submit credit card event registration Add contacts to event (from search) Import participants

105 Promoting Events Adding links to your website and mailings RSS feed and HTML event listings Drupal views integration

106 Event Management Event Dashboard Find Participants Name badges Attendee list

107 Case management

108 What is a case? Collection of activities surrounding a single topic or issue Defined workflow represented by series of activities which may be defined by a timeline

109 Case Configuration Case Types Case Activities Case Relationships Case configuration files (xml) Case statuses Redaction rules

110 Case Configuration Files RMDOC/CiviCase+Configuration Used to define: –What case activities apply to a specific case type –What relationships are available as case roles –Whether the case should be prepopulated with a defined timeline of activities

111 Definitions Case roles: –Individuals directly involved in case resolution (e.g. staff, consultants, advisors, etc.) Case resources: –Contacts indirectly involved in case resolution (e.g outside agencies, etc.) –Serves as a resource directory for all cases Other relationships: –Existing contact relationships are listed within the manage case page for easy access

112 Creating a Case Create from “create new” or from the contact’s case tab Creates “open case” activity Thereafter, all work will be conducted in the manage case page –Most of the work is spent creating and updated activities associated with the case resolution process

113 Case Configuration Files Test thoroughly Receiving errors? –Are all the activities defined in the config file present in your system? –Are all the relationships defined in the config file present in your system? –Does the config file name match the case type defined in the system?

114 Searching and reporting Case dashboard Find cases Case reports –Case Summary Report –Case Time Spent Report –Contact Demographics Report

115 Campaign

116 Link together events, mailings, activities, and contributions Create petitions (online) and surveys (offline) Record levels of interest and engagement Set goals (monetary or other) for campaign

117 CiviSurvey - workflow For offline and backend surveys Creates printed surveys Reserve repondents = create a group of people to survey Respondents released from group after completing survey

118 CiviSurvey - building Create activity type for survey Create custom fields for survey Create profile which has custom fields Add these to the survey Add result options

119 CiviPetition - workflow Create a petition Add some extra data to the petition People sign online View signatories and results

120 CiviPetition - create Create necessary custom data about contact and activity Create profile for contacts and activities Attach profiles and intro text to petition Spread word with petition link

121 Customization

122 Customizing and extending Upgrade-ability is key No changes to ‘core’ files if possible Good and bad ways to extend Customization options –Custom templates and CSS (look and feel) –Hooks to add fields / add or change behavior –APIs to integrate with other systems The subject of the other training course

123 Resources

124 Talking to each other Getting more involved Project home Documentation –http://documentation.civicrm.org –Understanding CiviCRM ( Community Forum (support and discussion)

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