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MyGrid: A User-Centric Approach for Grid Computing Walfredo Cirne Universidade Federal da Paraíba.

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Presentation on theme: "MyGrid: A User-Centric Approach for Grid Computing Walfredo Cirne Universidade Federal da Paraíba."— Presentation transcript:

1 MyGrid: A User-Centric Approach for Grid Computing Walfredo Cirne Universidade Federal da Paraíba

2 High-Performance Computing High-Performance Computing means running faster than the typical machine du jour Unbeatable price/performance of microprocessors has killed specialized high-performance machines Therefore, paralelism currently is the way to do High-Performance Computing –Parallel supercomputers

3 Solving a Real Problem I had hundreds of thousands of independent simulations to run Parallel supercomputers are typically –hard to get acess to –slow (too much time in the queue) Since my simulations were independent, I had the perfect application for the Computational Grid

4 Grid Computing Grid Computing aims to enable the execution of parallel applications over processors that are: –Geographically distributed –Under multiple administrative domains –Not dedicated The potential for resource gathering is enormous –“Let´s run over the Internet”

5 Grid Applications Not all applications can benefit from the Grid Loosely coupled applications match the Grid characteristics much better than tightly coupled applications

6 State of Art in Grid Computing Most services are provided by the Grid Infrastructure –Naming, remote execution/task control, security, etc Scheduling is done at the application level Globus “Virtual Organizations”

7 Back to the Real Problem I had hundreds of thousands of independent simulations to run I was working in a top research lab in Grid Computing I could not manage to use the Grid It is hard to get the Grid Infrastructure Software installed everywhere

8 The Motivation for MyGrid Users of loosely coupled applications could benefit from the Grid now However, they don´t run on the Grid today because the Grid Infrastructure is not widely deployed What if we build a solution at the user level? That is, a solution that does not depend upon installed infrastructure?

9 MyGrid MyGrid is a framework to build infrastructure-independent grid applications The user provides: –A description of her Grid –A way to do remote execution and file transfer –“The application” MyGrid provides: –Grid abstractions –Scheduling

10 MyGrid Goals open = do not require a particular infrastructure self-installable = do not require manual installation on a given machine extensible = simple to add refinements complete = cover the whole production cycle

11 MyGrid Concepts Job = set of independent tasks –Tasks have three pieces: init, remote and final Home machine  Grid machine Grid abstractions –remote execution –file transfer –playpen –mirroring

12 Defining My Personal Grid dsc, linux ssh %machine %command scp %localdir/%file %machine:%remotedir scp %machine:%remotedir/%file %localdir dsc, linux ssh %machine %command scp %localdir/%file %machine:%remotedir scp %machine:%remotedir/%file %localdir cse, linux ssh %machine %command scp %localdir/%file %machine:%remotedir scp %machine:%remotedir/%file %localdir

13 Fatoring with MyGrid Fatora n gerates tasks, init, remotei, and collect User runs mygrid.ui.AddTask < tasks tasks task: init= init remote= remote1 final= collect processor= linux playpensize= 0 cost = 1 task: init= init remote= remote2 …

14 Fatoring with MyGrid init java mygrid.ui.MyGridUI p $PROC./Fat.class $PLAYPEN remote1 java Fat 3 18655 34789789798 output-$TASK remote2 java Fat 18655 37307 34789789798 output-$TASK collect java mygrid.ui.MyGridUI g $PROC "" $PLAYPEN saida-$TASK.

15 Running an MyGrid Task (3c) (3b) task-done (4) remote exec (3) playpen, file xfer, and remote exec (3a) (2) add-task (1) Home Machine Grid Machine Task Manager User Agent Server home stasks User Agent Daemon grid stask

16 User Agent User Agent provides the grid abstractions User Agent Daemon runs on grid machines User Agent Server runs on home machines The Daemon and the Server rely upon public-key cryptography to authenticate each other

17 Self Instalation We are working on having MyGrid install and start-up User Agents everywere The user provides a way to do remote execution and file transfer to make that possible

18 Scheduling in MyGrid Grid scheduling is application dependent and effort intensive Most people don´t want to spend months to write good schedulers for their applications MyGrid provides a sensible default scheduler –The user can of course replace the default scheduler

19 Default Scheduler How to provide good performance with no knowledge about the application or the current state of the Grid –The key is to avoid having the job waiting for a task that runs in a slow/loaded machine Task replication is our answer for this problem –Task replication is only done when the jobs has no other tasks

20 Preliminary Results During a 40-day period, we ran 600,000 simulations using 178 processors located in 6 different administrative domains widely spread in the USA MyGrid took 16.7 days to run the simulations My desktop machine would have taken 5.3 years to do so Speed-up is 115.8 for 178 processors

21 Conclusions Running Grid Applications at the user-level is a viable strategy Bag-of-tasks parallel applications can currently benefit from the Grid Is “upperware” the way to go for new middleware development?

22 Future Work Turn MyGrid into a production-quality software Investigate the impact of task replication in resource consumption Develop a default scheduler for data intensive applications –Such a scheduler should try to minimize data movement

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