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User Introduction to the TeraGrid 2007 SDSC NCAR TACC UC/ANL NCSA ORNL PU IU PSC.

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Presentation on theme: "User Introduction to the TeraGrid 2007 SDSC NCAR TACC UC/ANL NCSA ORNL PU IU PSC."— Presentation transcript:

1 User Introduction to the TeraGrid 2007 SDSC NCAR TACC UC/ANL NCSA ORNL PU IU PSC

2 Agenda: AM 8:30 Welcome and Introductions 9:00 Discovering the TG via the User Portal -- Maytal Dahan 10:30 Break 10:45 How to become a TG user – Dave Hart 12:00 Lunch

3 Agenda: PM 1:30 Resolved: That the TG is More Useful Than the Sum of its Parts 1:45 LEAD: Solving a Specific Science/Education Problem by a Workflow Combining TG Resources Problem and Concepts – Dennis Gannon BreakBreak Demo & Hands-on Surprise – Suresh Marru, Marcus Christie 4:30-5:00 Wrap-up and Adjourn

4 Discover the TeraGrid via the User Portal Maytal Dahan, Project Lead

5 Outline Motivation Vision What’s included? Live Demonstration

6 TG UP Motivation Motivation –Launch-pad for new users –Control panel for TeraGrid users with accounts –Make using TeraGrid simple –Increase productivity of TeraGrid researchers – allow them to do more science!

7 Vision –The TeraGrid User Portal will integrate important user capabilities in one place: TeraGrid allocation and account management TeraGrid user documentation, consulting, and training info Comprehensive resource information services Simple access to interactive resource grid capabilities Potentially, all user services and interactions (e.g., surveys, online training, real-time consulting, interactive data mining, remote visualization, etc.) –Provide personalization and customization capabilities –Foundation for integration of application portals and (some) science gateways.

8 What’s Included? Account Management Services –View projects and allocation usage –View system account usernames –Portal password reset –Distinguished name listing tool –Add/remove a user form Resource Services –View comprehensive list of TG resources & resource attributes –View load and status information for resources –View job queues on resources –Batch queue prediction service - Wait time & Deadline prediction –View & access TG science gateways –View & access TG data collections

9 What’s Included? Documentation Services –Current User Info documentation –Contextual help for all interfaces Click “?” icon for immediate documentation about how to use an interface Training Services –Calendar of training courses –Comprehensive listing of online training modules Consulting Services –Help desk submission form –Portal feedback channel Allocation Services –Info about how to apply for allocations –Allocation request/renewal

10 User Portal BOF What features would you like to see in the User Portal? To hear about upcoming features and share your insight and feedback attend the User Portal BOF!! Wednesday June 6th 5:30-6:30pm

11 Live Demonstration

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