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Dato - Main output from user group. Shipper comments to the general model General support of the Dutch balancing model Green area = no TSO interference.

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Presentation on theme: "Dato - Main output from user group. Shipper comments to the general model General support of the Dutch balancing model Green area = no TSO interference."— Presentation transcript:

1 Dato - Main output from user group

2 Shipper comments to the general model General support of the Dutch balancing model Green area = no TSO interference Yellow area = TSO reaction (primerely trading products) Red area = physical boundaries Greater favour of keeping balance position from day-to-day, than to be cashed out end-of-day Linepack flexibility service Depending on pricing Small imbalances could be free of charge Support for ”helper-causer” regime Dato -

3 Shipper comments on prices for being in imbalance Prices should be based on TSO costs to balance And not with extra incentive balance costs Balancing market can solve the problem, without incentives Could give more stable prices during an early warning Could start ”slowly” with one model, and then loosen up when it has proven itself Dato -

4 Shipper comments on trading products General favour of longer opening hours on the market Depending on how often data is updated within-day More physical products (eg. locational products) trading with the TSO could be interesting (if there is money to make) General favour of using exchange rather than balancing platform But depening on transparency and TSO trading behaviour TSO must act as ”non-commercial” as possible Dato -

5 Shipper comments on data provision Strong wish for data every hour More often = less uncertainty Need, when no balancing maring is applied The connection between trading hours, products and how often data is provided is key to the design of the balancing regime Dato -

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