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El imperativo formal.

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Presentation on theme: "El imperativo formal."— Presentation transcript:

1 El imperativo formal

2 Verbos regulares - ar Verbo lavar Conjugate the verb –
present tense (yo) lavo 2. Take the o lav 3. Replace with e for Ud lave Ud. 4. Replace with en for Uds laven Uds. 5. NEGATIVE – JUST ADD NO BEFORE THE VERB. - NO LAVE / NO LAVEN

3 Verbos regulares – er and ir
Verbo leer - abrir 1. Conjugate the verb – present tense (yo) leo - abro 2. Take the o le - abr 3. Replace with a for Ud.---- lea Ud./ abra Ud. 4. Replace with an for Uds.- lean Uds./ abran Uds. 5. NEGATIVE – JUST ADD NO BEFORE THE VERB. – NO LEA – NO LEAN / NO ABRA – NO ABRAN

4 El imperativo familiar

5 Imperativo familiar -Verbos regulares – ar - er - ir
lavar – comer - abrir 1. Conjugate the verb – present tense (Ud.) lava – come – abre 2. The imperative is the same as the Ud. form

6 NegativoVerbos regulares – ar - er - ir
Verbo lavar – comer - abrir 1. Conjugate the verb – present tense (yo) lavo – como – abro 2. Take the o ----- lav - com - abr 3. Replace with es for ar verbs: – no laves 4. Replace with as for er - ir verbs : no comas no abras

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