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The Voluntary Framework of Accountability for community colleges, by community colleges.

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Presentation on theme: "The Voluntary Framework of Accountability for community colleges, by community colleges."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Voluntary Framework of Accountability for community colleges, by community colleges

2 VFA New User Overview Presentation VFA Membership VFA Data Entry Tools VFA Data Dashboards & Exports Data Resources Q&A Post slides online Questions? Feedback.

3 Reporting VFA Data Six Year Cohort Two Year Cohort Main Credential Seeking First Time In College Developmental Education Progress Measures Two-Year Progress Measures Six-Year Outcomes Measures Career & Technical Education Measures Adult Basic Education Measures CTE Cohort ABE Cohort


5 Resources  Data Resources  VFA Metrics ManualVFA Metrics Manual  VFA Data Help CenterVFA Data Help Center  VFA User GuideVFA User Guide  VFA User CommunityVFA User Community  VFA FAQsVFA FAQs

6 Questions Deeper Dive Webinar: December 11Deeper Dive Webinar Contact Us:

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