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Spatial Vision Project Team Wildfire Project User Workshop Round 2 – Spatial Products Jo Cannington – Beca Anne Batrouney – Beca Stephen Farrell – Spatial.

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Presentation on theme: "Spatial Vision Project Team Wildfire Project User Workshop Round 2 – Spatial Products Jo Cannington – Beca Anne Batrouney – Beca Stephen Farrell – Spatial."— Presentation transcript:

1 Spatial Vision Project Team Wildfire Project User Workshop Round 2 – Spatial Products Jo Cannington – Beca Anne Batrouney – Beca Stephen Farrell – Spatial Vision Thursday 2 November 2006

2 Spatial Vision Project Team What is the Purpose of this Workshop?  Update potential users on progress  Present project outputs  Seek feedback on framework developed, and proposed project trial

3 Spatial Vision Project Team Today’s Agenda  1. Welcome  2. Project Summary  3. Project Update and Review of Key Issues  4. Project Outputs  5. Morning tea  6. Trial of Project Framework  7. Next Steps

4 Spatial Vision Project Team What are the Wildfire Project Objectives?  To develop:  A methodology to evaluate the potential consequences of wildfire on assets throughout Victoria.  State wide wildfire consequence map and datasets presented in a uniform and accessible format that supports integrated wildfire planning and decision making

5 Spatial Vision Project Team What is the Project Scope?  State wide, strategic and uniform decision making approach across DSE, CFA and Local Government.  Wildfire events  All land tenures – natural environment  Assets – identification and consequence of loss  Not concerned with likelihood  Potential translation to other emergency events  Resource for IMFMP Process – complementary but different

6 Spatial Vision Project Team Project Scope – Consequence of Loss Project Focus

7 Spatial Vision Project Team Project Outputs – Users and Processes

8 Spatial Vision Project Team Key Concepts -Methodology Overview

9 Spatial Vision Project Team What Consultation has been undertaken?  Project Management Team (9 meetings)  Expert Panel Workshops (4 Meetings)  Stakeholder User Consultation (4 Round 1 Workshops – Melbourne, Benalla, Horsham, Bairnsdale)  Web-site, project updates, information sheets  Co-ordination with IMFMP Project and CRC  Independent Technical Advisor/Interested Parties review - DoI and BoM

10 Spatial Vision Project Team Project Outputs – Spatial Products  Spatial Reporting Unit based  Asset Summary Dataset (all Asset Class CoL)  Asset Class Datasets (all Asset Category CoL)  Asset Category Databases  Spatial feature based  Assets as Features (lines, points and polygons)  Source datasets

11 Spatial Vision Project Team Example Output – State wide Map Data Views

12 Spatial Vision Project Team Example Output – LGA Map Data Views

13 Spatial Vision Project Team Questions?

14 Spatial Vision Project Team Key Concepts  Asset Classification  Consequence of Loss  Disruption  Spatial Reporting Unit

15 Spatial Vision Project Team Key Concept - Asset Classification Key levels:  10 Asset Classes  170+ Asset Categories  Asset Groups:  Environmental  Economic  Social  Differentiated on basis of assigning either:  Value, or  Disruption implications

16 Spatial Vision Project Team Key Concept – Consequence of Loss Consequence = DAMAGE + DISRUPTION DAMAGE = total loss of value (replacement or intrinsic) DISRUPTION = impact from the loss of an asset (based on service and/or function it performs)

17 Spatial Vision Project Team Key Concept – Disruption Elements  Impact on services and/or functions performed by asset

18 Spatial Vision Project Team Progress Since Last Workshops?  Synthesis of Round 1 Consultation Information  Prepared Methodology  Assigned Values  Assigned Disruption Element Ratings  Developed Initial Spatial Products to Implement

19 Spatial Vision Project Team Spatial Product Generation  Consequence of Loss generated for Asset Categories and 8 Asset Classes  CoL also generated for 2 proposed versions of Asset Classes  Findings Report prepared  Used 173 Asset Categories in total

20 Spatial Vision Project Team Round 1 User Workshops Four workshops were held:  Melbourne – 30 May 2006  Benalla – 1 June 2006  Horsham – 6 June 2006  Bairnsdale – 8 June 2006  Good representation from each Agency  Differences in each region – 4 Workshop locations  Limited representation from across the State- most travelled within 1-2 hour of venue  Examples worked well

21 Spatial Vision Project Team Key Issues arising from consultation  Inclusion of proposed developments and projections (eg. population estimates, new infrastructure)  Disruption independent of damage (service of function performed can be lost without damage to asset)  Tighten terminology concerning planning levels (use of term ‘local’)  Need to retain integrity of Statewide view, but allow ‘user’ to assign value and disruption at local level  Different number of disruption elements in Asset Groups may lead to bias  Disruption must be assigned by ‘user’

22 Spatial Vision Project Team Key Issues Outcome - Scope

23 Spatial Vision Project Team Key Issues Outcome – Disruption  Disruption is the impact over time ascribed to an asset category due to the loss of a physical asset or the service it provides.

24 Spatial Vision Project Team Key Issues Outcome – Spatial Reporting Unit  For planning purposes need to aggregate and summarise information

25 Spatial Vision Project Team Key Issues Outcome – Asset Categories  Biodiversity  Land  Water  Air  Cultural Heritage  Social Infrastructure  Human Life  Economic Production  Infrastructure  Property Asset Classification Definitions 3 Tiered Asset Classification  Environmental Social  Economic Triple Bottom Line Asset Classes ( Reporting Level) Asset Categories (Data Analysis/Collation) Implemented  29  Nil  2  Nil  12  40  10  24  37  19  173

26 Spatial Vision Project Team Key Issues Outcome – Value and Disruption

27 Spatial Vision Project Team Questions?

28 Spatial Vision Project Team Project Outputs  Spatial Datasets and Tables  Prepared and provided on DVD  Map Representation of Data  show result of initial application  CD containing State and LGA results prepared  Findings Report prepared

29 Spatial Vision Project Team Project Outputs Asset Class Summary datasets Asset Category Databases Asset Class Component Feature Datasets Raw Feature Databases Reporting area summary data Feature data main associated

30 Spatial Vision Project Team Inputs Spatial Datasets - Assets as Features

31 Spatial Vision Project Team Project Outputs – Consequence of Loss Data

32 Spatial Vision Project Team Asset Class – Consequence of Loss Databases

33 Spatial Vision Project Team Project Outputs  Maps  Desktop GIS  Corporate GIS (eg. DSE Metashare)

34 Spatial Vision Project Team Project Outputs - Learnings  What was learnt  Data Representation  Polygon data representation (use of weights)  Dataset coverage  Data volumes

35 Spatial Vision Project Team Findings – Data representation

36 Spatial Vision Project Team Findings – Polygon Representation

37 Spatial Vision Project Team Derived Data - Human Life – Res. Pop. (ABS & Building density)

38 Spatial Vision Project Team Derived Data - Biodiversity – Conservation Network

39 Spatial Vision Project Team New Data - Econ. Production – Agricultural Production

40 Spatial Vision Project Team Data Product Demo  Information Package  Spatial Links / Query  Data Representation  Weighting – Asset Category Significance  Context – integration with other data

41 Spatial Vision Project Team Map Representation CD  Review of maps and CDs

42 Spatial Vision Project Team Questions?

43 Spatial Vision Project Team Project Trial Scope  Integral component of product development  Target participants – planning forums at various levels  Integration with other related projects  Evaluate accessibility, applicability, relevance and reliability of products  Consider ongoing data management  Commence March 2007

44 Spatial Vision Project Team Aim Ensure that Wildfire Project final products can contribute to integrated strategic wildfire planning and decision making

45 Spatial Vision Project Team Objectives  To confirm that the methodology and spatial products meet user needs and are fit for purpose, prior to their formal release  To explore the potential contribution of wildfire products to concurrent projects e.g. IMFMP, Bushfire CRC and DSE/SII – PEMS  To assess the validity and reliability of the wildfire methodology and the sensitivity and accessibility of information presented as spatial products

46 Spatial Vision Project Team Methodology  Representation of the assets as features, categories, classes and groups  Quantification and valuation of assets  Validity – methodological assumptions  Reliability  User interactivity

47 Spatial Vision Project Team Spatial Products  Datasets  Sensitivity – spatial representation  Representation and format  Resolution  User accessibility  Business rules for planning at different levels  Application for the delivery of interactive products  Delivery platform - desk top, web interface etc.

48 Spatial Vision Project Team Feedback for the Trial – Target Groups  GIS User Groups  Integrated Planning (IMFMP)  Planners  Community Safety Officers  Integration with other Groups eg. Bushfire CRC  Different Geographic Locations and Scale  State  Regional  Local  General

49 Spatial Vision Project Team Governance  Project Board  Project Management Team  GIS Technical Project Team

50 Spatial Vision Project Team For further information   Brian Hine Manager, Major Project Office of Emergency Services Commissioner Level 23, 121 Exhibition Street Melbourne VIC 3000 phone: 03 8684 7920 mobile: 0439 366 238 email:

51 Spatial Vision Project Team Trialling the Test Outputs  Proposed 12 month trial  After completion of Stage 3  OESC to prepare Terms or Reference  Stage 3 to assist trial preparation  Testing of products, method, interactivity  Require range of participants  Apply at a range of planning levels  Timing

52 Spatial Vision Project Team Questions?

53 Spatial Vision Project Team Feedback for the Trial  Key Concepts  Asset Classification  Consequence of Loss  Disruption  Spatial Reporting Unit  Weightings  Interaction Issues

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