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1. Corporate Introduction 2. Product Introduction 3. Drawbacks of Aluminum Rollers 4. Why use ESROLL Rollers? 5. Tests & Certification 6. Current Satisfied.

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Presentation on theme: "1. Corporate Introduction 2. Product Introduction 3. Drawbacks of Aluminum Rollers 4. Why use ESROLL Rollers? 5. Tests & Certification 6. Current Satisfied."— Presentation transcript:



3 1. Corporate Introduction 2. Product Introduction 3. Drawbacks of Aluminum Rollers 4. Why use ESROLL Rollers? 5. Tests & Certification 6. Current Satisfied Users 7. Important Links

4 Easyroll Technology (Hong Kong ) Ltd. manufacturer of User Freindlly Composite Nylon Rollers have joined hands with Aero Products India a distribution network in South East Asia for Aerospace products under Exclusive Contract for Sales & Distribution of Rollers in following region: 1. India 2. Bangladesh 3. Sri Lanka.


6 1. A composite Nylon Roller is an GSE replacement parts which are widely used in Loaders, Cargo Transfer Desks of almost every airport around the world 2. Our Roller is been used satisfactorily in over 70 Loaders & Cargo Transfer Desks in one of the world busiest airport, Hong Kong International Airport since 1999. 3. Already 70,000 rollers is currently used. 4. Since 1999 Six generations of Roller is been developed. The Sixth Generation took 2 years to realise as we bring out the highest level of a world class product. 5. With every development we focus on 4 major characteristics i.e. Hardness, Stiffness, Wear Resistance & Skid Resistance.

7 With the technology improvement in the production of Composite nylon, it has proved to be a successful replacement for metal parts essentially because of following drawbacks of Metal/Aluminum Rollers: 1. Conflicts against theory of Tribology 2. Limitation in Hardness & Stiffness operation. 3. Fast wear & tear ratio. 4. High Cost 5. Poor Skid Proof Function & Cargo Box movement

8 1. Cost: Price is well placed 20-30% lower than normal. 2. Skid Proof: Our Roller provides Excellent Skid Proof Performance even in Rainy season. No additional manual handling is required in operation. 3. Durable/Wear Resistance: Our Roller have 10,500 – 30,000 hours of operation in comparison Aluminum Rollers have just 4500-12500 hours of operation. 4. Reduced weight: This is only 42% of Aluminum Roller 5. Warranty: 3 years

9 1. Tested by SGS: Our 6 th generation Composite nylon material is a unique formula tested by SGS in five areas including Hardness, Taber abrasion, Dynamic coefficient of friction, IZOD Impact strength and Water absorption. 2. Simulation: Three major performance tests of 6th generation were carried out separately including 360-hours non-stop simulation. 3. International Patent: Invention patent- Protection of Formula and Manufacturing methods with Utility model patent- Structure protection Kindly check link page ahead to watch actual testing video on youtube.

10 1. Thai Airways [Thailand] 2. Semmco Ltd [UK] 3. Hong Kong Air Cargo Terminal Ltd. 4. Ground Support Engineering Ltd. 5. AESC Joint Stock Company [Vietnam] 6. Larpco [UAE] 7. HOLO Pack [Taiwan] 8. Sage Parts [America] 9. Many more

11 1. Video “skid proof test”: ded&v=RwbBM3TqHwc ded&v=RwbBM3TqHwc 2. Video “wear resistance test”: ded&v=OMTb6yrwidY ded&v=OMTb6yrwidY 3. RFQ/ORDER:

12 We recommend to go through other documents attached for better understanding of the product lines. Aero Products India would like to help your future success by supplying its enhanced SOLUTIONS in the form of products & Services to your already outstanding organisation. Your RFQ’s /Queries can be directed to: AERO PRODUCT S INDIA Mr. Somesh K Dubey 12, 4 TH floor [Stellar Edge},, Annexue Tower, Stellar IT Park Noida [U.P.] – 201309, India Tel - 091- 9873408700 I Fax - 091- 0120-4186701/ 2442211 Mail: / KNOW MORE ABOUT US:

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