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Lesson 11 2 Corinthians: Prolegomena & Overview

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1 Lesson 11 2 Corinthians: Prolegomena & Overview
Step By Step Through the New Testament (Part II) Lesson 11 2 Corinthians: Prolegomena & Overview Rev. Christopher J. Respass Antioch Bible Institute Spring 2014

2 Prolegomena Second Corinthians features Paul’s defense of his ministry and reveals some of the sources of Paul’s incredible endurance. It is a reminder that God’s grace is always sufficient in our lives and it gives a concrete example of a Christian response to opposition and misunderstanding. (Lea & Hudson, 155)

3 The City of Corinth Corinth was the largest and most prosperous city of Greece. Because it was a port city, it became a center of thriving commerce. It had a population of several hundred thousand and was a multi-cultural cosmopolitan city. The Acrocorinth was the city’s most impressive physical feature. But Corinth is notorious for its immorality.

4 The City of Corinth Corinth was an immoral city that attracted those whose purposes for visiting included seeking illicit pleasures. For example, some sacred priestesses of the Cult of Aphrodite made themselves available us cult prostitutes and the Temple dedicated to Aphrodite. The reputation of Corinth was so bad that the name “Corinth” was synonymous with living a debased, libertine lifestyle.

5 Prolegomena 1. The Apostle Paul is the Author of both 1 and 2 Corinthians. 2. First Corinthians was written in 54 AD; while Second Corinthians was written in 56 AD.

6 Non-Extant Corinthian Letters
To say that a document is “extant” is to say that it is available to us. Paul alludes to two letters that he wrote to the Corinthian church that are not extant and are not considered “biblical” or inspired by God. 1. 1 Corinthians 5:9 (“I wrote to you…”) 2. 2 Corinthians 2:1-4 (“I wrote to you…” [after the “painful visit” in v. 1])

7 Overview of 2nd Corinthians
I. Date and Purpose A. 2 Corinthians was written 56 AD B. It accomplished at least three (3) goals: 1. Explain the greatness of the ministry that God gave Paul. 2. Appeal to the church to complete their financial pledge to the Jerusalem Church. 3. Defend Paul’s apostleship.

8 Overview of 2nd Corinthians
Theme and Outline A. Theme: The Ministry of Reconciliation B. Outline I. Paul Explains his Actions (1:1-2:13) II. Paul Exalts his Ministry (2:14-7:16) III. Paul Appeals for Generosity (8:1-9:15) IV. Paul Defends his Authority (10: :14)

9 The Ministry of Reconciliation (2 Cor. 5:11-21)
I. The Motivation to Perform the Ministry of Reconciliation (v.10-15) A. We must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ (v.10) B. Reverential fear of The Lord compels us to persuade others (v.11) C. The love of Christ controls us (v.14) D. We know that Jesus died for us, so we live and serve for His sake.

10 The Ministry of Reconciliation (2 Cor. 5:11-21)
II. The Example of the Ministry of Reconciliation (v.17-19). A. God reconciled us to himself through Christ (v.18). 1. Through Christ, God reconciled the world to himself, making them "savable." 2. God didn't count their trespasses against them. B. God gave the message of reconciliation to us (v. 19c).

11 The Ministry of Reconciliation (2 Cor. 5:11-21)
III. Our Work of Reconciliation (v.20). A. Our work of reconciliation is to be Ambassadors for Christ. 1. Ambassadors represent a country and its leader. 2. Ambassadors declare the message as instructed by the leader. B. Our message is a passionate, persuasive appeal to others to be reconciled to God.

12 A Look at Generosity (2 Cor. 8:1-7)
The Macedonian Church A. Joy in the midst of poverty resulted in generosity (v.1-2) B. They begged to share in the ministry of supporting their fellow saints in Jerusalem (3-4). 1. Giving willfully (“own accord") 2. Above and beyond their means

13 A Look at Generosity (2 Cor. 8:1-7)
C. How were they able to give like this? (v.5) 1. Gave themselves to the Lord first 2. Gave themselves to the Saints D. As the saints excel in all things, we should also excel in generosity (v.7).

14 A Look at Generosity (2 Cor. 8:1-7)
The Corinthian Church (2 Cor. 8:8-15) A. When you give lovingly and sacrificially you resemble Jesus (v.8-9) 1. He was rich and became poor for us. 2. We were poor and became rich through Him.

15 A Look at Generosity (2 Cor. 8:1-7)
B. Giving generously benefits you (v.10-11; Prov. 19:17). C. Generous giving is not about Equal Giving, but Equal Sacrifice (v.12-15).

16 The Cheerful Giver (2 Cor. 9:6-15)
I. There is a correlation between how we give and how we reap for the Kingdom of God (v.6). II. Tithes, Grace Giving, Generous Giving Ultimately we must decide what we will give and do so cheerfully.

17 The Cheerful Giver (2 Cor. 9:6-15)
If the OT standard was 10% before Christ, what should the NT standard be after Him? The New Testament model for giving is the woman with two mites (see, Luke 21:1-4). She gave all that she had.

18 The Cheerful Giver (2 Cor. 9:6-15)
III. As you sow bountifully, God increases your ability to sow more bountifully and he increases the harvest of your righteousness (2 Cor. 9:8-11).


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