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Stand Against Racism & Inequality
Restorative Approaches and Hate Crime Services Jack Bailey, Project Manager, Stand Against Racism and Inequality
Support Against Racist Incidents
23 years plus working with victims of Race Hate Crime Commissioned to provide Hate Crime Services across all Protected Characteristics Lead organisation in new collaborative model of working across the city Stand Against Racism and Inequality Nearly 1,600 incidents of hate crime were reported in Bristol last year and many go unreported Working with 7 Housing Associations across South West and Bristol City Council Landlord services
Hate Crime & Housing Your communities are becoming more diverse
Not just about race or nationality with increases in disability/ homophobic and transphobic hate crime Understand the relationships between Hate Crime and ASB These issues breakdown communities A variety of tools are available Proportionality/ Serious Detriment Early intervention/ staff with cultural competencies and confidence
Restorative Approaches
Restorative Approaches
Justice OR Approaches? Restorative approaches to resolving conflict and repairing harm are about doing things differently and engaging those involved in conflict to be part of the solution. Philosophy that can be applied to range of situations and not just Criminal Justice Restorative Bristol will NOT refer to Restorative Justice BUT to Restorative Approaches
Restorative Bristol VISION
A city where individuals, agencies and services see restorative approaches as the first option for dealing with conflict. Restorative Bristol builds connections and networks between organisations and individuals who work across the spectrum of restorative justice, restorative approaches and restorative philosophies. We recognise and value the diversity of work on this issue and also recognise the common principles which underpin restorative work. So why S.A.R.I.? Victim orientated approach. Working in communities to build cohesive communities.
Key Principles Facilitating dialogue between all those affected by the wrong doing or conflict Encouraging those responsible for the harm done to become accountable for their actions and responsible for putting right the wrong Ensuring that all those involved or affected are given the opportunity to share their story, their feelings and their needs Involving everyone affected in finding mutually acceptable ways forward Repairing the harm caused by any behaviour that has a negative impact on others while attempting to build relationships Racially motivated offending and behaviour in YP’s is reduced Young perpetrators demonstrate increased understanding and tolerance for diverse communities Repeat victimisation Hate incidents reduce in ‘Hot Spot’ neighbourhoods Increased Cultural Awareness in Bristol communities
People harmed through conflict
Values Families Organisations People harmed through conflict Communities Perpetrators Organisations We want to encourage the effective use of Restorative Approaches amongst staff and employees across all sectors. By providing support, training opportunities and an information hub in the form of the Restorative Bristol website, we hope to support organisations and businesses to integrate a restorative approach into the management of their staff and the way they interact with their customers and clients. People Harmed Through Conflict Restorative Bristol will place the victims of crime at the heart of any restorative approach. Repairing the harm caused by conflict, crime and disorder has a huge impact on the ability of the victim to recover from an often stressful and life changing event. Sadly, the victim is often forgotten in the overriding need to see justice done and the offender punished. Bristol has led the way in offering those harmed a voice. Perpetrators Although the victim of crime should be at the very forefront of restorative justice, a restorative process can also meet the needs of the offender. There is firm evidence that an offender is less likely to reoffend if they have been involved in a restorative approach, particularly if that approach has involved the victim of their crime. Avon & Somerset Constabulary (Police), Avon & Somerset Probation Trust (Probation) and the city’s Youth Offending Team (YOT) use a number of restorative approaches to tackle crime and reduce reoffending. Communities By involving a diverse range of communities in Restorative Bristol, we will be better placed to develop solutions at a community level. Many minority ethnic communities share the principles of restorative approaches as a key community value. We want to build on this and equip community leaders with more skills and support communities to resolve community issues and tensions through restorative approaches. Families Restorative Bristol is embedding restorative approaches in schools, parenting and tackling conflict within the home. Restorative approaches are well established in some schools because children and young people can change their behaviour through a better understanding of their emotions and the effects their behaviour can have on others. Bristol has recently set up an early intervention scheme in line with the Troubled Families agenda, who will aim to increase the number of restorative approaches involving young people and families. Training Restorative Bristol will work to make more training opportunities open to staff, volunteers and parents. Bristol already has a number of highly trained and dedicated volunteers and paid restorative practitioners across the city. The success of Restorative Bristol will depend on these individuals offering training programmes across the city. Innovation We want to make Bristol the national leader for restorative approaches and become a city that sets the benchmark for their uses. We want to keep Bristol at the forefront of the implementation and development of innovative forms of restorative approach, building on the excellent systems already in place. develop a range of communication tools to promote our efforts, good practice and learning 2. develop a standard for organisations and individuals to meet to become part of Restorative Bristol 3. identify training needs, developing and implementing a training package to meet these needs across our diverse population within Bristol 4. make restorative approaches available to everyone, with a skilled and diverse workforce across the city and develop a service user group to meet community needs 5. Work collaboratively with key partners in different organisations adopting a multi-agency approach to strengthen the use of restorative approaches across the city 6. Continue to develop innovative ways of using restorative approaches in Bristol with special emphasis on hate crime, substance misuse, homelessness and workplace tension 7. Develop a clear set of performance measures to record the number of restorative approaches being used across the city and evaluate their effectiveness Training Innovation
Options Not to be seen as a diluted option/ intervention
Flexibility/ must do what is possible to get voices heard Can be used: Instead As well After Victim/ Harmed must understand process so need to invest time Benefits – Victim satisfaction/ reduced re offending
Case Studies Racist Hate Crime Homophobic Hate Crime
Students in shared house Use of SMS services Police unable to take formal action. Partnership working with Police & University Feedback from ‘harmed’ and ‘harmed’s family.’ Conference feedback And now? Homophobic Hate Crime Homophobic verbal abuse and threats Impact on ‘harmed’ Criminal action Conference Solutions
Feedback Time – Setting up and getting understanding from both harmed and harmer Measures of success? Time scales – not a quick option with time for review Early understanding of Hate motivated issues Link to ASB and underlying causes? Need good communication/ inter agency liaison
So what next? Not a watered down version
If you don’t repair the harm then what are the options Building teams and partnerships that have cultural competencies and confidence to understand Hate Crime and then engage early Won’t be right all the time, but an additional tool in your toolbox Build communities and celebrate diversity Barriers= Police
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