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The Performance Appraisal Welcome to Kathleen A. Razi, Ph.D. Razi & Associates, Inc. Razi & Associates, Inc. Presented by.

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Presentation on theme: "The Performance Appraisal Welcome to Kathleen A. Razi, Ph.D. Razi & Associates, Inc. Razi & Associates, Inc. Presented by."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Performance Appraisal Welcome to Kathleen A. Razi, Ph.D. Razi & Associates, Inc. Razi & Associates, Inc. Presented by

2 ©2005 Razi & Associates, Inc. Performance Management

3 ©2005 Razi & Associates, Inc. Planning  Explain performance measurement system  Define job responsibilities  Set goals

4 ©2005 Razi & Associates, Inc. Planning: 3 Tips for Using Performance Success Factors  Review at the beginning of the performance cycle.  Explain the different levels of success where applicable.  Start small with department specific factors.

5 ©2005 Razi & Associates, Inc. Planning: Using the Annual Evaluation (AE) Form 1. Manager confirms goals for upcoming year and record on Annual Evaluation (AE) form. 2. Manager adds department – specific success factors (if applicable). 3. Manager and employee review goals and success factors.

6 ©2005 Razi & Associates, Inc. Performance  Observe  Coach and correct  Reward and recognize

7 ©2005 Razi & Associates, Inc. © 2005 TreeLine Training Make Communicating Standards Part of Your Environment  Involve co-workers.  Listen to employees.  Have at least one meeting to specifically discuss standards with each employee.

8 ©2005 Razi & Associates, Inc. The Key to Giving Feedback  Employees will be more receptive to your advice when they know you have confidence in them and they feel they are also involved and therefore remain engaged. Make it frequent and positive.

9 ©2005 Razi & Associates, Inc. Review  Review accomplishments and challenges.  Evaluate performance.  Conduct performance appraisal.

10 ©2005 Razi & Associates, Inc. Typical Problem Issues  Poor quality  Not meeting deadlines  Slow  Inadequate skills  Doesn’t get along with others  Abusing privileges  Absenteeism  Passing the buck  Blaming others  Creating bottlenecks  Personal issues affecting work performance

11 ©2005 Razi & Associates, Inc. Specific Documentation 1. Doesn’t greet customers quickly. 2. Absent six days in the last month. 3. Error rate of 10%. 4. Doesn’t complete work assignments by specified due dates. 5. Doesn’t make eye contact and talks to other employees rather than to customers.

12 ©2005 Razi & Associates, Inc. Goal Setting for Next Year This is a separate meeting where you will set goals and timelines for the coming year. This is not part of the appraisal meeting.

13 ©2005 Razi & Associates, Inc. Overall Rating – Performance Summary OUTSTANDING PERFORMANCE EXCELLENT PERFORMANCE SUCCESSFUL PERFORMANCE NEEDS IMPROVEMENT UNSATIS- FACTORY Performance is clearly outstanding and consistently exceeds the requirements and the expectations of the job. Based on job responsibilities, the employee makes extraordinary contributions to the College’s mission. Employee demonstrates performance beyond expectations for the position. Performance is well above the competent level. Employee performance meets the criteria and standards of job performance. Performance is steady, reliable, and is maintained with appropriate supervision Meets some, but not all, expectations. Performance is marked with inconsistency demonstrated through periods of poor job performance. Performance requires improvement or further development. Performance is unacceptable and does not meet standards. Major improvement is needed.

14 ©2005 Razi & Associates, Inc. YEAR-LONG Process  Do you know how your employees are doing?  Do you know what they are doing?  Do you know what they are going through?

15 ©2005 Razi & Associates, Inc. YEAR-LONG Activities  Goal Setting  Informal conversations about work  Informal conversations about the person  Informal conversations about dept/organization  Formal conversations

16 ©2005 Razi & Associates, Inc. The Continuous Performance Appraisal  Step 1: Preparation Involve the Employee Gather Information  Step 2: The Appraisal Meeting Put the Employee at Ease Be Positive and Listen Agree on Mutual Goals  Step 3: Follow-through Regular, Positive Feedback Coaching is the Key

17 ©2005 Razi & Associates, Inc. The Continuous Performance Appraisal  Step 1: Preparation Involve the Employee Gather Information

18 ©2005 Razi & Associates, Inc. Preparation Questions  What are some good sources of employee performance information at BW?  What are the benefits of thorough Performance Appraisal preparation?  How can you communicate the benefits to employees and other managers/supervisors?

19 ©2005 Razi & Associates, Inc. The Continuous Performance Appraisal  Step 2: The Appraisal Meeting Put the Employee at Ease Be Positive and Listen Agree on Mutual Goals

20 ©2005 Razi & Associates, Inc. Performance Appraisal Meeting Questions  Is there an informal, quiet area that would provide a positive environment for the meeting? If not, could one be created? What are some other alternatives?  What are your listening skills during the meeting? Do you listen 70% of the time? Is there room for improvement? What are the benefits of good listening skills?  What is the reason goals should be set mutually?  Should agreements be recorded?

21 ©2005 Razi & Associates, Inc. The Continuous Performance Appraisal  Step 3: Follow-through Regular, Positive Feedback Coaching is the Key

22 ©2005 Razi & Associates, Inc. Follow Through Questions  Do you tend to be negative and critical, or do you praise when possible? Remember to monitor your feedback.  What opportunities do you have for observing your employees on the job? How do you take advantage these opportunities?  How do you use a your coaching approach when you address an employee’s performance? Remember, praise when possible, coach when necessary.

23 ©2005 Razi & Associates, Inc. Course Review  What are the key learnings you are leaving with?  What do you need more help with?  What questions do you have?

24 for your participation and attendance today!

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