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The official newsletter of Yellowwood Park A. C. Go To In this edition……. Captain’s Corner Bluff Vets Running Matters with Megz Time Trials with Kalman.

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2 The official newsletter of Yellowwood Park A. C. Go To In this edition……. Captain’s Corner Bluff Vets Running Matters with Megz Time Trials with Kalman Motivation and Destressing YWP in the media Sani Stagger Westville Christmas Challenge BMG Stainbank Cup Happy Birthdays The Last Word…. The Yellowwood Warbler Nov/December 2010 Visit our website E-mail the editor View 2010 time trial and race results E-mail Kalman E-mail for Social News

3 Captain’s Corner Wow! What a couple of months it’s been! We’ve long forgotten the jubilation of the Sharks winning the Curry Cup with the hectic schedule of club events the girls have laid on for us. Recently it’s been The Bluff Vets with the 50+ Ballies winning the inaugural YWP Ballies Challenge, followed by November month-end at The Castle where we christened our new sound system! Then came the Staggering Sani weekend where Megz and Heather outdid themselves. Fred’s amazing BMG Stainbank Cup was next and he took his team to new heights of excellence, and finally the Westville Christmas Challenge where YWP were once again the standout performers, thanks again to Heather and Megan, ably assisted by Shane, Warren, Rob and Phil, amongst others. Yes, when can we pause for breath please?! All I can say is “What a great club we have”, end of story! Performances of Note Bluff Vets Half Marathon: Ladies Winner Jenny Sutton, 1st 60+ Rob Edouard-Betsy, 2 nd 50-59 Mike Sutton. BMG Stainbank Cup: 2 nd 40-49 Jenny Sutton I’d like to thank everyone who contributed to making this year so amazing. To single anyone out would be folly because, as a wise man once said. “Yellowwood Park Athletic Club - Making Running a Team Sport!” Love and Peace for Christmas and New Year Mike


5 RUNNING EXCUSES BEATEN! I don’t want to run fast, do I still need to do speed work? No you don’t but who doesn’t want to run faster than they are! You don’t need to go do track but run time trial (doesn’t have to be flat out every week – just at a higher tempo) or add some fartlek to your running schedule. Running faster improves your form and the more efficiently you run, the less prone to injury you are. Are long runs really necessary? You should go for a longer run once a week. It will improve your fat burning capacity, increase running endurance and build overall stamina. I’m not competitive, why should I race? You don’t have to go to a race and run your hardest – you can make it an organised training run. You can explore new areas that you don’t usually run in and interact with runners around you. That competitive side will probably come out and you will want to improve your times and this will benefit your training. So no more excuses! Get out there and enjoy your runs!

6 PBs set in November/December 2010 : Timetrial Duty Roster : 5 Jan 2011 5 Jan 2011 Garth Hancock 2 Feb 2011 2 Feb 2011 Megan Anticevich 12 Jan 2011 Sandra Conway 9 Feb 2011 9 Feb 2011 Mike Sutton 19 Jan 2011 The Lesters 16 Feb 2011 Heather Conway 26 Jan 2011 Steve Conway 23 Feb 2011 Kalman Porritt DistanceRunnerDateTime2.5km Heather Conway 10 Nov 2010 12:54 Dave Pittaway 17 Nov 2010 14:20 4km Mike Smith 10 Nov 2010 18:04 Johnson Dayal 10 Nov 2010 18:29 Heather Conway 17 Nov 2010 21:40 Sharon Gilchrist 10 Nov 2010 22:45 8km Run Glenn Le Roux 8 Dec 2010 8 Dec 201034:15 Megan Anticevich 8 Dec 2010 8 Dec 201043:20

7 Congratulations to Megan, Heather and Sharon on filling the top three places for the annual time trial league. Megan also won the final Quarterly Time Trial.PosNamePointsPosNamePoints1 Megan Anticevich 74 745/6 Sarah Roodt 49 49 2 Heather Conway 71 717 Dave Pittawaay 48 48 3 Sharon Gilchrist 64 648 Glenn Le Roux 44 44 4 Phil Gilchrist 53 539 Mike Smith 40 40 5/6 Zamili Noconjo 49 4910 Jenny Sutton 38 38

8 There are two types of motivation: extrinsic motivation and intrinsic motivation. Extrinsic motivation involves doing something as a means to an end. While extrinsic motivation might help you focus on a task or project in the short-term, it is likely that your motivation will disappear once you get the reward. Intrinsic motivation comes from within. It is simply the satisfaction or pleasure of doing the activity or being challenged. Research shows that it positively affects behaviour, performance and wellbeing. Here are some types of intrinsic motivation: A sense of purpose or meaningfulness - the passion you have for a task's purpose or the feeling that you are on a path that is worth your time and energy; that you are on a valuable mission and that your purpose matters in the greater scheme of things. A sense of choice - this is the opportunity you feel to select activities that make sense to you and to perform them in a way that seem appropriate; the feeling that you are able to use your own judgement and act out of your own understanding. A sense of competence - the accomplishment you feel in skilfully performing the activities you have chosen; the feeling that you are doing good, high-quality work. A sense of progress - the accomplishment you feel in achieving the purpose; the sense that your work is moving forward and your activities are accomplishing something. Which type of intrinsic motivation describes what makes you tick? W e a l l k n o w t h a t a f t e r a l l t h e t r a i n i n g i s d o n e r u n n i n g b e c o m e s v e r y m u c h a m e n t a l c h a l l e n g e, a n d t h e f o l l o w i n g a r t i c l e g i v e s a n i c e i n s i g h t i n t o o u r p s y c h e ’ s i n t e r m s o f … …. What motivates you? Submitted by Desireé – Many Thanks Now you’re fully motivated, here’s another article kindly sent in by Gary to help you run off your stress…

9 A sneak preview of an article that will appear in an upcoming edition of Fresh Living, the Pick ‘n Pay magazine. Missing from the shot is Martin, who was herding the zebra!



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