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Welcome to the “Time To Act!” community education presentation.

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1 Information on Prescription Medication Abuse and steps parents can take
Welcome to the “Time To Act!” community education presentation. Drugs and alcohol exist in our kids’ lives. For many parents, there will be a moment, or a growing awareness, that your child either might be using, or is using drugs and alcohol. That moment is your “time to act.” We love our kids. We want the best for them, and taking action when they need our help is the one of the best ways we can show our love.

2 National Drug & Alcohol Scene
Marijuana Rx Drugs Inhalants Ecstasy Cough Medicine Cocaine/Crack Another way to understand the national drug scene is to look at the wide range of drugs that are out there and that we need to talk with our kids about. While alcohol and pot are – far and away – at the top of the list, the number of kids who use other drugs – especially prescription and over-the-counter drugs -- should concern us all. LSD Meth Heroin Partnership for a Drug-Free America, Partnership Attitude Tracking Study, 2009

3 Real Danger “Abusing prescription (RX) and over-the-counter (OTC) drugs can be just as dangerous, addictive and even deadly as using ‘street’ drugs” Prescription / over-the-counter drugs – known as Rx/OTC – are a real danger to teens. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, prescription drugs can be as dangerous, addictive, and deadly as the ‘street’ drugs we’re all familiar with, like cocaine, crack, and heroin. There is a reason why pharmaceutical companies put all those warning labels on drug bottles, and when they’re ignored, users put themselves at great risk. National Institute on Drug Abuse, 2008

4 Rx/OTC Medicines Being Abused
Rx pain relievers (Vicodin, OxyContin) Rx stimulants (Adderall, Ritalin) Rx tranquilizers/sedatives (Xanax, Valium) OTC cough/cold with ‘DXM’ (Robitussin, Coricidin) So – what prescription / over-the-counter drugs are being abused? Rx pain relievers (Vicodin, OxyContin) Rx stimulants (Adderall, Ritalin) Rx tranquilizers/sedatives (Xanax, Valium) OTC cough/cold with the active ingredient dextromethorphan (DXM) - (Robitussin, Coricidin)

5 Troubling Indicators of Medicine Abuse
Unintentional drug poisoning now second leading cause of accidental death in US, after car crashes Emergency room visits related to Rx/OTC abuse now almost equal to ER visits due to all “street drugs” Rx drugs are now the most commonly abused drugs among year olds We’ve talked about the prevalence of Rx/OTC drug abuse – What effect are they having on teens? Unintentional drug poisoning now second leading cause of accidental death in US, after car crashes Emergency room visits related to Rx/OTC abuse how almost equal to ER visits due to all “street drugs” Rx drugs are now the most commonly abused drugs among year olds Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, The Three Leading Causes of Injury Mortality in the United States, , 2008; Drug Abuse Warning Network; Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, National Study on Drug Use and Health, 2007

6 Key Factors Driving Teen Medicine Abuse
Misperceptions that abusing medicine is not dangerous (safer than “street drugs”) Ease of access via medicine cabinets at home or friend’s house, own or other person’s prescriptions We also saw that when perception of risk is low, and availability is high, use goes up. That’s also happening with Rx/OTC – Teens misperceive that abusing medicine is not dangerous (they think it’s safer than using “street drugs”) Ease of access via medicine cabinets at home or friend’s house, or using their own or another person’s prescriptions

7 Teen perceptions of safety
Sanitized Created in a medical laboratory for healing purposes Sanctioned Accepted by society as a “positive” Safe Certified by FDA What beliefs are driving teens’ misperceptions of safety? They see it as being: Sanitized -- Created in a medical laboratory for healing purposes Sanctioned -- Accepted by society as a “positive”; and Safe -- Because it is certified by FDA

8 Rx New Step in Drug Ladder
heroin, meth, crack cocaine shrooms, ecstasy Prescription / over-the-counter drugs (Rx/OTC) Kids normally start drug use with cigarettes, alcohol, and marijuana. Before prescription drug abuse became prevalent, it was a huge jump to go from there to using “harder” drugs like cocaine and heroin. Now, the Rx experience facilitates an easier transition in the progression. So how exactly does this happen? liquor, marijuana cigarettes, beer/wine Rx abusers are more likely to add a 3rd rung in the progression 8

9 What about parents’ perceptions?
Street drugs are generally considered more dangerous Parents are less familiar with “pills” – they often have no frame of reference since these types of drugs of abuse didn’t exist in their youth There’s a lack of urgency around Rx/OTC So – What do parents think? As it turns out, their perceptions on safety parallel their kids’. (Click sequentially) Street drugs are generally considered more dangerous Parents are less familiar with “pills” – they often have no frame of reference since these types of drugs of abuse didn’t exist in their youth As a result, there’s a general lack of urgency about Rx/OTC abuse – and this is troublesome

10 Time To Act Website
Dynamic, interactive site that allows parents to follow one of two tracks – What to do if: I think my child is using I know my child is using So – we know that drugs are out there; and kids are making decisions whether or not to use. The Partnership talks with parents – a lot. The message they’ve received is “don’t just tell me to talk, give me tools to communicate with my kid,” especially when parents are in a crisis. This led to the creation of the “Time to Act” website at The Time to Act website is a valuable resource for parents in each of two different situations regarding drug/alcohol use by their children – one is when they suspect their child may be using, but may not be totally sure, and the other is when they know for sure that they are using.

11 Today, we are going to show you some of the resources that are available on this site and share some of the most important points you’ll fine there. This dynamic, interactive site allows parents to follow one of two tracks – What to do if: “I think my child is using” or “I know my child is using.” We will start by looking at the “think my child is using” track.

12 “I think my child is using”
First Step: Ask Look for Signs Learn Risk Factors Why Teens Use Need to Know If you think your child is using, the Partnership recommends five steps: Ask; Look for signs; Learn the risk factors that may make your child especially vulnerable; and Learn why teens use We also share some key points we believe parents need to know

13 “1. First Step: Ask” * Plan your conversation
Role play with spouse / friends Call teacher / coach if others notice issues Communicate concern & support, not “gotcha” Know what you are going to ask It can be easier to start by talking about friends Learn what they know / think they know Find the right time to ask When you can really talk, not “on the run” If you believe think your child might be using, the first step to take is to ask them. This may not be an easy conversation, but it is an important one. In the same way that you would prepare for a job interview, or a presentation at work, you need to prepare for it. Role play with spouse / friends. Call teachers or coaches to see if they are also noticing the issues that are causing you concern. But most of all, prepare to communicate concern & support; this should NOT be a “gotcha” situation While it is important to set and maintain rules against substance use, if you think your child is using you need to let them know that you care about them and this is a health issue. Find the right time to ask and minimize distractions. Know what you’re going to ask – you may start off by talking about whether they think kids are using at school; whether their friends are using; and finally, whether they have used or are using. *

14 “2. Look for Signs & Symptoms”
Signs of use / abuse Behavioral issues Personal appearance Personal habits Home, car related issues Health issues School or work related issues Hard to tell difference between signs of use & “normal” teen behavior Next, look for signs and symptoms that indicate your child may be using. They may include behavioral issues – especially challenging or difficult behavior; changes in personal appearance, habits, and health issues; are they having problems at school or work? It can be hard to tell the difference between signs of use & “normal” teen behavior. The keys are look for are multiple changes, or the suddenness of changes. Trust your instincts, and be aware of risk factors, which we will discuss in a moment.

15 At Time to Act, you will find clues that indicate how you can respond to behavioral issues, such as changes in relationships with family members or friends, decreased motivation, or changes in sleep habits.

In our lives, we analyze and respond to risks every day. For example, if we drive during bad weather, the risk of an accident is greater, so we slow down. As caring adults, we need to look at the risks our kids face, and determine how to react to them. There are factors that may be present in your child’s life that increase their chances of either becoming involved with drugs/alcohol, or, once involved, increase their chances of getting in serious trouble with them. It should be emphasized that these factors are NOT predictors, but are indications of greater vulnerability. At Time to Act, we organize these risk factors into individual risks factors; peer factors; family factors; school factors; and community factors. The important point is that parents can take action to help their kids deal with all of these risk factors. SCHOOL PEER COMMUNITY

17 Here, for example, is a look at the individual factors [CLICK] that contribute to drug use: early first use, low perception of risk, mental health issues, and lack of impulse control. Just as importantly, Time to Talk provides information about what parents can do – for example, [CLICK] Parents can model positive interactions with others; and Help their kids develop problem-solving skills. Give your kid challenges appropriate to their age and abilities. Let them learn that it is ok to struggle – and even fail sometimes. The important part is working – and working hard – to solve the problems that they will face.

18 “4. Why Teens Use” Many factors and situations affect teen’s choice whether or not to use Fitting In Sex Socializing Emotional Pain Transitions There are many reasons why teens may use. At Time to Act, these factors and situations are organized into: Fitting In, Sex, Socializing, Emotional Pain, and Transitions.

19 In the time we have today, we can’t discuss all of the reasons why teens use, but we do want to discuss one of the most important reasons: emotional and psychological pain. The stresses kids feel are very real to them – family problems; loneliness; depression; even everyday teen drama can make kids feel that they need drugs or alcohol to erase the pain. [CLICK] Time to Talk also offers videos from experts ….

20 Here you will find additional information about monitoring, including [CLICK, CLICK] specific ways to monitor: Spend time with your teen – having family meals and activities are great, but just spending some time talking every day with them is a great way to connect. Manage their activities. Know where they are, who they are with, and what they are doing. Talk to other parents – especially the parents of your kid’s friends – so that you can work together to keep an eye on one another’s kids.

21 “5. Get Outside Help” "Outside help" doesn’t equal “rehab.” There are many actions and approaches you can take that have nothing to do with rehab. When seeking outside help: Find out the extent of the problem Why does my child need help? Who can help my teen? Get help for the rest of your family Finally, be open and willing to get outside help. While some situations may require your child to enter a treatment facility, don't be put off by the term "get help." Outside help includes school counselors, your family doctor, and even your child's sports team coach. All of them can be great resources and sources of support for you and your teen during this time. When you seek outside help, you want to know: What is the extent of the problem? Your child's drug use can be an act of teenage rebellion, a sign of full–fledged addiction, or anything in between. What you need help with first is identifying the actual problem. Professionals can use methods to help you pinpoint the issue you're dealing with. Why does my child need help? Make no mistake – teen drug and alcohol use is a “big deal.” Whether your child is addicted to drugs, uses them infrequently, or was just "experimenting" one time with friends, a problem exists. It is far more dangerous for an adolescent to use drugs or alcohol than an adult — because his brain and body are still growing, doing drugs or drinking can take a permanent, irreversible toll on a kid. That's why you need to step in now and make sure that your child speaks and listens to all the various people who can help him quit using. Who can help my teen? In addition to the people mentioned above, you can connect them with caring adults – especially someone your teen already knows and trusts; members of the clergy; or counselors at treatment centers. How can you help for the rest of your family? Drug addiction affects more people than just the addict. Even if your non–drug–using children seem okay, chances are they're harboring some resentment towards their sibling and you for his destructive behavior or all the attention he's receiving, or may live in fear of the drug user's unknown future. By getting help to make sure that your other children are emotionally stable and fully comprehend their brother or sister's situation, you're aiding in everyone's recovery and healing process. It also helps the non–using sibling to have his feelings of resentment and anger validated. They have a right to be angry, frustrated and hurt about the situation. You (and your partner) must also be healthy and in a clear state of mind. Many parents lose the ability to think and act rationally when they have a child in danger. Some parents become so obsessed with their child and her problem that they neglect the other important aspects of their own lives: their jobs, physical health, and other kids. It is therefore as vital that you seek help for your own emotional well-being as it is for your drug-using child.

22 The “Get Outside Help and Support” section of the website also contains important information on finding out the extent of the problem. To solve any problem – especially health issues -- information is critical. Before a doctor puts a cast on your broken arm, you’re probably going to get an x-ray. Before you can get your child the help they need, having them talk with a professional is a good place to start. This discussion between the kid you care about and a doctor or counselor can take place over the phone, or face-to-face at a treatment facility. If you determine a problem exists, then an evaluation at a treatment center can help you figure out the extent of the problem and the best next steps for your child, and your whole family. A treatment facility finder is available on this page.

23 Next Steps – Prepare your home and family
Safeguard prescription and over-the-counter drugs and alcohol 39% of teens who abuse prescription drugs obtain them from friends, or their family’s medicine cabinet Dispose of medicines properly Ask family (especially grandparents)/friends to be alert and also safeguard drugs and alcohol So – what do you do now? First – safeguard any prescription and over-the-counter drugs, as well as any alcohol in your home. Four out of ten teens who abuse prescription drugs obtain them from friends, or their family’s medicine cabinet. If you have unused or expired medications, dispose of them properly. That means removing them from the bottle and mixing them with something unpleasant like coffee grounds or cat litter. Sad to say, but if you just throw them out, some people will go through the garbage to get them. Ask for help – ask family / friends to be alert and also safeguard drugs and alcohol. Even if you feel comfortable that your child wouldn’t take someone’s drugs or alcohol, you can’t make that same guarantee for all their friends.

24 Next Steps -- Talk Talk to your teen about alcohol and other drugs: kids who learn about the risks of drugs at home are up to 50% less likely to use. Talk to other parents / caring adults about what you’ve learned today. Share this presentation with others. We thank you for your participation in this presentation, and we ask you to use the information you’ve received today. Talk to your teen about alcohol and other drugs: kids who learn about the risks of drugs at home are up to 50% less likely to use. Talk to other parents / caring adults about what you’ve learned today. And share this presentation and the website with your friends, family, and co-workers.

25 Next Steps – Get more information
Partnership Intervene Blog: -- A community of experts, parents and caring adults have come together to share our insights, inspiration, guidance and help Time to Talk: -- TimeToTalk provides easy-to-use guides and tips to help you have ongoing conversations with your kids to keep them healthy and drug-free At, learn more, sign up for our newsletters, become a fan at Facebook, or follow us on Twitter Beyond Time to Act, the Partnership offers many other web resources – At the Partnership’s Intervene blog, you can become part of a community of experts, parents and caring adults have come together to share our insights, inspiration, guidance and help. Time to Talk offers guides and tips to help you keep the conversation going; and At the Partnership’s main site,, you can learn more across the breadth of the substance abuse issue, sign up for newsletters, become a fan on Facebook, or follow us on Twitter.

26 Time To Act and this presentation were made possible
by an unrestricted grant from Purdue Pharma

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