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Mid Year Performance Review Process
Objectives Review of completed tasks
Overview of Performance Management Process Planning Tools Expected Job Results 2012 Behavior Template Mid Year Performance Review Process 360 Feedback Review of Midyear Expectations Accessing the Tool Review & Key Dates
What should have been completed already?
Complete SAP Performance Management Training Validate direct report list is accurate If not please contact Meloney Williams and Bernard Rice by Include name, DUID and who the employee reports to EJR’s entered into SAP EJR’s cascaded to specific employees from catalogue Dates and times scheduled for employee meetings and distribute self assessment tool Ask employee for at least 3 names for 360 Feedback
Performance Management Process
July-September 2011 January/February 2012 July –September 2012 September – October 2012 Evaluate performance results and behaviors for FY10; Performance planning for FY11 Evaluate performance results and behaviors for FY11; Performance Planning for FY13 Reward paid for FY12 PLANNING COACHING/ FEEDBACK EVALUATION/ DEVELOPMENT REWARD Mid Year Reviews - Interim meeting with supervisor to review progress toward FY12 goals
Purpose of Mid Year Reviews
An assessment of performance during the middle of an appraisal period. Provides staff with ongoing feedback on strengthening performance. Evaluate progress toward established goals, outcomes, and behaviors Identify opportunities for increased skill building or improvement of current skills. Provide the opportunity for peers, colleagues, coworkers to give job related and behavioral feedback Focus of the peer review and upward appraisal is developmental Supports the creation of the annual development plan
Staff Member & Supervisor: Overall Performance Rating
Compliance Expected Behaviors Expected Job Results Staff Member: Teamwork Integrity Diversity Excellence Safety Staff Member & Supervisor: Quality& Patient Safety Customer Work Culture Finance Staff Member: Population-Specific Unit-Specific TJC (The Joint Commission) Supervisor: +DUHS Compliance Y/N 50% 50% Overall Performance Rating 100%
Planning Tools Employee Instructions SAP Performance Management
EJR (Goals for FY12) Behavioral Template Department or CSU Balanced Scorecard Professional Development Plan/Performance Improvement Plan 360 Feedback /Self Assessment Include any other comments or compliments received outside of the 360 process
Mid Year Performance Review Process
Scheduling the Mid Year Reviews
1 Schedule time on your calendar. 2 Notify staff of available dates and times 3 Explain the purpose of the mid-year review and the 360 peer review processes
Employee Instructions
Explain the mid year process The employee is to provide at least 3 names Have the employee complete the self assessment Combination of accomplishments of department/unit goals Accomplishments around “How I Have Lived the Values and Behaviors” Return the self assessment by specified date Engage in a face-to-face conversation with Supervisor Provide signature acknowledging review
360 Peer Review Process 4 The manager and the employee will identify at least three persons to participate in the peer review process 5 If you have a Survey Monkey account, distribute the 360 feedback form electronically. If you do not have a Survey Monkey account, you may distribute the 360 feedback form manually utilizing a Microsoft Word document found at 6 Download in Excel, consolidate feedback and save on your computer and add as an attachment to Mid Year review in SAP Performance Management Tool. The supervisor will synthesize the feedback including strengths and areas for development. Review the employee’s progress toward performance and behavioral expectations.
Preparing for the Employee Meeting
7 Review the employee’s progress toward performance and behavioral expectations. 8 Incorporate other manager observation and documentation. 9 Balance feedback including successes and opportunities for improvement. Use the CSU/departmental or unit balanced scorecard to progress toward established goals. Example of other documentation are: competency evaluation, current corrective action, time and attendance etc. Review the employees training and licensure records for compliance
Suggestions for Giving Feedback
Start with something positive and reinforce good performance Focus on how to improve rather than on past mistakes Support your comments with facts – observable performance not inferences or assumptions Use “we” to stress teamwork Be candid, honest and fair – not confrontational Ask questions LISTEN Receive feedback graciously
3 Types of Development Plans
Development to close performance gaps - Identify Development Plans for any performance objective or key competency which is assessed in the “NI” performance level Development to enhance job skills and performance - Provide opportunities for a staff member to enhance job-related skills and performance 3. Development for career advancement or career exploration - Enhance the ability of staff members to be promoted or provide opportunities for career exploration through cross training or mentoring activities Options to consider Projects/Developmental Assignments Courses/Training or Certifications Research (books, articles, internet) Mentoring relationships Community of practice/Professional Associations NI- is not a bad thing. It identifies opportunity for improvement.
Documenting into the SAP Performance Management Tool
10 Document employees progress towards FY12 goals 11 Complete Compliance Requirements Complete DUHS Values and Behaviors Assessment 12 Complete EJR evaluation Provide professional development in the Professional Development Plan tab
Finalizing the Mid Year Review
13 Print 360 Feedback Survey, EJR’s and Values and Behaviors in preparation for the meeting with employee 14 Go back into the SAP Performance Management tool and click on Approve Mid Year Review 15 Print signature sheet and have employee sign and place a copy in the employee file. If you believe the employee needs to transition to a PIP please review with departmental leadership or HR Set aside enough time to complete the meeting in one session. Consider performance and development over the entire period, rather than focusing only on most recent event. Come to the meeting prepared to discuss suggested enhancement of performance. Review with the staff member’s their progress toward established goals (CSU, departmental and individual). Incorporate feedback from peer reviews for both behaviors as well as performance.
Accessing the SAP Performance Management Tool & Key Dates
SAP Process Management & Tutorial
Go to Click on Log in and log into i-forms
Click on MyInfo once you have signed in.
Click on MyTeam
Click here for SAP Performance Management tutorials
Entering Mid Years Cascading EJRs from the Catalogue to Employees Click here to enter mid year review process
Key Dates January 19th 8:30 - 10:30 January 19th 3:00 - 5:00
SAP Training Dates January 19th 8: :30 January 19th 3:00 - 5:00 February 7th 2:30 - 4:30 June 26th 8: :30 June 26th 2:30 - 4:30 March 30th, 2012 Deadline for Mid Year Review July – August 2012 P & P Annual Reviews October 1st 2012 Effective Date for PPS increases for FY 2012
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