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Published byJevon Britnell Modified over 10 years ago
Fiscal Year (FY) 2014 Budget Period Progress Report (BPR) Noncompeting Continuation (NCC)
BPR Technical Assistance (TA) page:
Agenda Overview Due Dates & Times Changes to the BPR
Submission Process & Requirements Budget Requirements Program Narrative Update Important Facts Technical Assistance Contacts Question & Answer Session Thanks Jim. Slide 3 provides the agenda for this call. Once again, this call will focus on the fiscal year 2014 Budget Period Progress Report (or BPR). For those of you joining the call late, if you are not already logged into the webinar you can join by clicking the URL in the announcement you received for today’s call or by visiting Once you are on this webpage, click ‘Guest’ and sign in with your first and last name. If you have trouble connecting to the webinar, the slide presentation for this call is also available at the BPR Technical Assistance Webpage located at I will do my best to reference the slide numbers throughout this call so you can easily follow along if you are viewing the slides via the BPR TA webpage. The presentation will start with a basic overview of the Budget Period Progress Report, including Due Dates & Times, Changes to the FY 2014 BPR and the Submission Process & Requirements. I will then touch on different key sections of the BPR submission, including the PN Update, Performance Measures, and the Budget presentation. Today’s call will conclude with a review of Important Facts and a list of TA Contacts, followed by a Question and Answer session. All participants are currently in a “listen only” mode, so please make a note of any questions that arise as we go along so you can ask them at the end of the presentation. If you are logged into the webinar, you will also be able to type your questions as we go along, but please note that we will likely be answering the majority of those questions at the end of the call as well.
Overview The BPR provides an update on the progress of Health Center Program grantees who do not have a project period end date in FY 2014 (October 1, 2013 – September 30, 2014). PLEASE NOTE: A Health Center Program grantee whose project period ends in FY 2014 must complete a Service Area Competition (SAC) application instead of a BPR. See the SAC TA page for details:
Overview The BPR is submitted only in the HRSA Electronic Handbook (EHB). Grantees will be given access to complete the BPR approximately 6 weeks prior to the submission deadline. Information on completion of the BPR can be found in the BPR Instructions and the BPR EHB User Guide available in EHB and on the BPR TA page at
Budget Period Start Date
Due Dates & Times Budget Period Start Date EHB Access EHB Deadline (5:00 PM ET) November 1, 2013 July 10, 2013 August 14, 2013 December 1, 2013 July 24, 2013 September 11, 2013 January 1, 2014 August 21, 2013 October 2, 2013 February 1, 2014 September 18, 2013 October 30, 2013 March 1, 2014 October 23, 2013 December 4, 2013 April 1, 2014 November 13, 2013 January 8, 2014 May 1, 2014 December 11, 2013 February 5, 2014 June 1, 2014 January 22, 2014 March 5, 2014
Changes to the BPR Overall Streamlining
The BPR has been streamlined as part of an overall update to BPHC’s program oversight plan, which includes the introduction of a 3-year project period. The BPR will provide an annual progress report on a health center’s performance as well as a status update on any recent supplemental funding. Slide 7 highlights changes from the FY 2013 to the FY 2014 BPR Instructions. First, the new BPR structure increases the ease to which grantees can discuss progress, changes and future plans. We have streamlined the program oversight to assess trends over the last three years (FY 2010, FY 2011 and FY 2012). The three-year data will be pre-populated, where available, to reduce burden to the grantees as they discuss progress over the past year. We have also updated the BPR EHB User Interface with information icons to provide additional directions as grantees complete their BPR submission. The side-by-side comparison chart location on the TA webpage and shown here will also provide you with a comparison of the changes to the BPR from FY 2013 to FY 2014. NEXT
New Program Oversight Approach
Technical assistance and support throughout the project period
Changes to the BPR - Content
EHB User Interface The BPR submission has been upgraded in EHB. Information icons are available for accessing directions while completing forms. Attachments and Forms 1 Attachment: budget narrative/justification 4 Forms: 2 new forms and 2 standard forms The Program Narrative Update will be provided directly in EHB (it will no longer be an attachment). Slide 8 discusses more of the changes to the BPR content. We have reduced the number of attachment and forms. There is only 1 attachment and 4 forms required. The Budget Narrative is the only document attachment. Grantees will be required to provide information on Form 2: Staffing Profile, Form 3:Income Analysis, The new Federal Object Class Categories Form, and the Program Narrative Update form. We have even simplified the Program narrative update. The Program Narrative update is now entered directly into EHB. We also reduced the number of areas for grantees to report on and have consolidated them into a few key areas rather than answer many compliance-related questions.
Submission Requirements
SF-PPR and SF-PPR-2 (basic information forms) Budget Information: Budget Details Budget Narrative Attachment Program Specific Forms Federal Object Class Categories Form 2: Staffing Profile Form 3: Income Analysis Program Narrative Update see Tables 2-3 (pages 4-5) in the BPR Instructions Slide 9 just provides you with a summary of the required forms and attachments. In EHB Grantees will have to fill out the 2 basic standard forms (akin to the SF-424); The Budget Information: Budget Details form (akin to the SF-424A); The Budget Narrative: which will be the 1 attachment; And 4 forms.
Submission Process Incomplete or non-responsive progress reports will be returned through a Request Change notification. Failure to submit the BPR by the deadline or submission of an incomplete or non-responsive progress report may result in a delay in Notice of Award issuance or a lapse in funding. As we look at Slide 10 please keep in mind the following regarding the submission process: It is strongly recommended that grantees be thoughtful in the development of their program and budge narratives and ensure that they have provided all requested information before submitting. Project Officers will have the opportunity to use a “request change” notification in EHB, which could result in funding delays. More information on this process will be discussed in detail at the PAR. All required information must be provided in EHB.
Budget Presentation The Budget Information: Budget Details form is the NCC equivalent of the SF-424A. It provides a breakdown of funding for the upcoming budget period by funding type (i.e., CHC, MHC, HCH, PHPC). The total budget value will appear at the top of the Budget Information: Budget Details form. Outreach and Enrollment supplements will not be included in the FY 2014 BPR. Reminder: HRSA funds may not be used to pay the salary of an individual at a rate in excess of $179,700. see Section IV of the BPR Instructions (pages ) Slide 11 and 12 will discuss the budget presentation. Part IV of the BPR Instructions discusses the Budget Presentation. The Budget Information: Budget Details form is the primary budget form required for the BPR. This form in EHB will display the recommended federal budget from grantees most recent Notice of Award to make it easy to ensure that they request the appropriate amount of federal funding. The form will be updated each time by pulling information from a grantees most recent Notice of Award. Budget data from grantees who received Outreach and Enrollment supplemental funding will not be included in the total budget appearing in the BPR information. Please note that the individual salary limit is still in place which states that HRSA funds may not be used to pay the salary of an individual at a rate in excess of $179,700.
Budget Presentation The Federal Object Class Categories form corresponds to Section B of the Budget Information: Budget Details form, with total funding broken down by federal and non- federal. The budget narrative should: Be broken down by federal and non-federal (corresponds to the Federal Object Class Categories form). Include a line-item budget and any narrative required to explain costs. Provide sufficient information to show that costs are reasonable and necessary. Demonstrate adherence to the $179,900 salary limitation. see Section IV of the BPR Instructions (pages ) Slide 12 provides information about the new required Federal Object Class Categories form and the budget narrative document: The Federal Object Class Categories form has been added to capture details on the Federal funding request. It includes the same object class categories as the Budget Information: Budget Details (SF-424A), just broken out by federal and nonfederal dollars versus by funding stream. In addition to completing the new form, grantees must also provide a budget justification which we also refer to as a budget narrative. The budget narrative must now present the budget by object class category for the upcoming budget period broken down by federal and non-federal categories rather than funding streams (i.e., CHC, MHC, HCH, PHPC). As grantees complete the budget justification, it must provide sufficient information to show that costs are reasonable and necessary. If the line-item budget justification (which will consist of sections such as Personnel, Travel, and Supplies) does not provide sufficient detail, additional narrative should be provided to fully explain all costs.
Federal Object Class Categories Form
Slide 13 is provides you with a pre-view of the new Federal Object class Categories form described in the previous slide. As you can see on the form, the form includes each object class category broken down by federal and non-federal amounts. The use of this form is supported by the Health Center Budgeting and Accounting Requirements Program Information Notice (PIN ) that was issued on June 13, 2013.
Standard Form Revisions
Form 2: Staffing Profile has been updated with a column to report staff expenses to be supported by the H80 grant (requested Federal dollars). Form 3: Income Analysis has been revised to simplify the reporting of projected income. We have discussed some of the forms in previous slides, but slide 14 describes the changes on Form 2: Staffing Profile and Form 3: Income Analysis. I want to point out that Form 2: Staffing Profile is essentially the same as last year, except for the new column that requests grantees to provide the total federal section 330 funding requested to support each position category listed on the form. In other words, grantees are required to report the requested federal dollar for each staff. More details about the forms can be found in Tables 2 and 3 on pages 4 and 5 of the instructions. A template of the forms can be found on the TA webpage. I will now turn it over to Leo Fischel will update us on the Form 3 changes. Leo?
Form 3 Slide 15 is a screenshot of the Form 3: Income Analysis.
Thanks Leo! I did not include a screenshot of Form 2, or Forms 5A, 5B, and 5C. We don’t have a slide on those because there have been no changes to the way those are handled in the BPR.
Program Narrative Update
The Program Narrative Update is now a structured form in EHB. Each narrative field is limited to 3,000 characters. (Approximately 1 page). Grantees will describe FY 2013 progress and any predicted changes for the FY 2014 budget period in the follow five areas: Environment Organizational Capacity Patient Capacity Supplemental Awards Clinical and Financial Performance Measures Slide 16 and the next few slides provides an overview of the sections of the Program Narrative Update. The program narrative update consolidates grantees submission into 5 key areas that provide information to the project officer to understand grantees progress to date and the predicted impact for the future year. These areas feed in to the larger framework that was discussed by Jim earlier in the presentation. The program narrative form requires grantees to report on progress over the FY 2013 budget period and predicted impact and changes for the fiscal year 2014 period in five key areas: environment, organizational capacity, patient capacity, supplemental awards and clinical and financial performance measures. Each narrative section is limited to a 3,000 character limit which is equivalent to 1 page. The next few slides will discuss each area in greater detail. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION IN CASE THEY ASK: ENVIRONMENT = NEED ORGANIZATION CAPACITY = RESOURCES PATIENT CAPACITY = FORM 1A SUPPLEMENTAL AWARDS = NEW CLINICAL/FINANCIAL MEASURES = EVALUATIVE MEASURES
Program Narrative Update
1. Key Area: Environment Discuss broad changes in the region, state, and/or community over the past year that have impacted the project (e.g., changing service area demographics/shifting target population needs, changes in major health care providers in the service area, changes in key program partnerships, Affordable Care Act implementation at the state/local level). Slide 17 explains the narrative that should be described in the Environment narrative. Essentially the environmental narrative is similar to requested narrative from last year. This section will document the impact of regional, state, and/or community changes. The environment narrative should discuss the impact of broad changes in the region, state, and/or community over the past year and the predicted impact for the future year. Some examples of changes that may influence or impact the project are: State/local health care law/policy implementation such as the Affordable Care Act law, Changes in service area demographics or in target population needs, and Changes in major health care providers in the service area.
Program Narrative Update
2. Key Area: Organizational Capacity Discuss major changes in the organization’s capacity over the past year that have impacted or may impact the implementation of the funded project, including changes in: Staffing, including staff composition and/or key vacancies Sites Systems, including financial, clinical, and/or practice management systems Financial status Slide 18 provides an overview of the organizational capacity narrative. Discuss major changes in the organization’s capacity over the past year that have impacted or may impact the implementation of the funded project. Some areas that may impact implementation include staffing, sites, system changes and financial status. This section is akin to the resources and capabilities section that we previously requested in the BPR but we are asking that grantees succinctly describe the progress and changes over the past year and how it will impact their project for the future year. If the data included in this section does not match what a grantee expected, they should make note of this in the narrative and explain the changes. If there is a pending approval of change in data, grantees would want to speak to that information as well to provide the project officer a sense of the timing the change was submitted.
Program Narrative Update
3. Key Area: Patient Capacity Discuss the trend in unduplicated patients and report progress in reaching the projected number of patients to be served by the end of the project period in the identified categories. Explain significant changes in patient numbers and discuss progress toward reaching the projected patient goals, including the key factors impacting patient numbers. Total Unduplicated Patients Total Migratory and Seasonal Agricultural Worker Patients Total People Experiencing Homelessness Patients Total Public Housing Resident Patients Slide 19 will now discuss the information that will be provided in EHB as well as the expected narrative that you should report for the Patient Capacity area. Unlike the environment and organizational capacity areas, the patient capacity section will be pre-populated in EHB with three years of patient data for FY 2010, FY 2011, and FY 2012 along with “end of the project period” patient goals. The pre-populated data comes from the SAC/BPR that initiated the current budget period. If a grantee received a 2013 New Access Point (NAP) award, we plan to add the patient projections in the BPR pre-populated projections. Grantees will provide narrative regarding progress toward the goal values. Not all patient data is pre-populated and there may be instances where data that is pre-populated does not match what the grantee submitted. For example, public housing patient data is not available in UDS and so, if applicable, this information must be provided by the grantee when completing the Patient Capacity section. For instances when data does not match, adjusted projections should be provided and explained within the narrative. Let me show you an example of what this looks like in EHB.
Q3: Patient Capacity – EHB Example
Slide 20 shows a screenshot of the patient capacity section in EHB. Before we discuss the information required in the narrative section, I will walk you through the screenshot. In EHB, the Patient Capacity section requires grantees to explain significant changes in patient numbers and discuss progress toward reaching the projected patient goals in four patient number categories. The categories are: Total Unduplicated Patients Total Migratory and Seasonal Agricultural Worker Patients Total People Experiencing Homelessness Patients Total Public Housing Resident Patients The projected number of patients column is captured from Form 1A and the data points are captured from UDS. When describing these trends: I will give a few examples of what should be captured in the narrative. Looking at the total unduplicated patients as an example we see that there is a increase every year over the last three years. The narrative would describe this upward trend and explain the steady progress toward the overall patient number of 195,026. Looking at the Total Migratory and Seasonal Ag Work patients – we see that the projected number of patients was zero however the data captured from UDS reports an increase number of migrant, seasonal works being served. The narrative may include a discussion on factors influencing the increase in this service area/population. The narrative may even tie back to the environment narrative and how it relates.
Program Narrative Update
4. Key Area: Supplemental Awards Discuss progress made in implementing recent supplemental Health Center Program awards, as applicable. For each of the following, describe progress toward goals; key factors impacting progress; and plans for sustaining progress and/or overcoming barriers to ensure goal achievement. FY 2012 Quality Improvement Supplement; FY 2012/FY 2013 HIV Supplement; FY 2013 Outreach and Enrollment (O/E) Assistance Supplement; FY 2012 New Access Point (NAP) Satellite Grant; FY 2013 New Access Point (NAP) Satellite Grant. Slide 21 provides an overview of the Supplemental Awards section: As with the patient capacity section, EHB will be pre-populated with data from supplemental award goals. Grantees will provide narrative regarding progress toward the goals. For grantees that received supplemental awards, they should discuss the progress made in implementing the supplemental. If the data included in this section does not match what a grantee expected, they should make note of this in the narrative and explain the changes. If there is a pending approval of change in data, grantees would want to speak to that information as well to provide the project officer a sense of the timing the change was submitted. The next slide will provide a screenshot of how the supplemental awards section will look in EHB.
Q4: Supplemental Awards – EHB Example
Slide 22 shows the five supplemental awards that a grantee may have received and how it should be described in EHB. If a grantee did not receive a certain supplemental award, they will not have to provide narrative. For those who have been awarded the Outreach and Enrollment Assistance supplement, should not include the budget information in the budget narrative, but it is expected that they discuss any progress on their goals and the impact on their service area. Specific to the 2012 QI supplement, the numeric goal is listed as N/A because numeric changes in cervical cancer screening rates are being monitored strictly through UDS submission. However, grantees should include narrative information on both progress toward PCMH recognition and improved cervical cancer screening rates Specific to NAP satellite, the UDS data reports aggregates patient data across all sites. In the narrative, the grantees should discuss progress toward meeting the NAP site specific goal and achieving operational status at the each site.
Program Narrative Update
5. Key Area: Clinical and Financial Performance Measures Discuss the trends in performance measures. Explain significant changes and discuss progress toward reaching the projected goals, including key factors impacting performance. Perinatal Health Preventive Health Screenings and Services Chronic Disease Management Financial Measures Other Measures Slide 23 provides an overview of the sections of the Performance Measures. EHB will also be pre-populating this section with three years of performance measures data along with “end of the project period” goals. Grantees will provide narrative regarding progress toward the projects goals and the factors impacting perinatal health, preventive health screenings and services, chronic disease management, financial measures and other measures. As in the past, tribal and public center applicants will not populate the three audit-related measures because they are not applicable. As a reminder these include the Financial Measures: Long Term Debt to Equity Ratio, Change in Net Assets to Expense Ratio, and the Working Capital to Monthly Expense Ratio. The next slide will show how this is to be entered into EHB.
Q5: Performance Measures – EHB Example
Slide 24 shows the Performance Measure section in EHB. Overall, all measures are included in the BPR, whether it was reported on or not. As you can see from this Chronic Disease Management performance box, the narrative box below the measures should capture the progress and impact for all the measures related to chronic disease management. What you also see is that some areas are listed as not available and some are blank fill in spaces. The “not available” data shows up as N/A because it was not provided in UDS. The areas with fill in were marked as Not Applicable in the past and will now require you to fill in information. As we see in this Chronic Disease Management section, grantees will be required to provide an estimated goal in the blank box for Coronary Artery Disease and Ischemic Vascular Disease. Grantees should explain in the narrative how they plan to achieve this goal by the end of the project period. This will also be required for Prenatal/Perinatal, and Colorectal Cancer in the other performance sections. Please note that for the Childhood Immunization measure, no narrative is expected since the measure changed between 2010 and 2011 and is changing again for 2013.
Program Narrative Update General Information
If pre-populated data (UDS data or projected data) is not accurate, provide accurate data and an explanation in the corresponding narrative field. In many cases, if data does not pre-populate or is not available, the system will allow data to be provided in the appropriate field (e.g., public housing patient data). If clinical performance measures (e.g., prenatal) were not provided in the past, grantees must provide a projection by the end of the project period. Previous applications/submissions are available for reference; see the BPR EHB User Guide for instructions on accessing these documents. Current state and national comparison data is available for performance measures comparison purposes ( ml). Slides 25 provide general information about the program narrative updates. As we have mentioned over the last few slides related to Program Narrative: If pre-populated data (UDS data or projected data) does not match, provide accurate data and explain in the corresponding narrative field. In many cases, if data does not pre-populate or is not available, the system will allow data to be provided in the appropriate field, like we discussed earlier with the public housing patient data. We have also includes applications/submissions. We have included forms 5A: Services Provided, 5B: Service Site, and 5C: Other Activities/Locations for informational purposes and are pre-populated and locked. Grantees can find out more on how to access previous data in the EHB User guide located on the TA webpage. Additionally grantees can navigate to the BPHC data comparisons website for current state and national comparisons when describing your performance measures.
Technical Assistance Contacts
BPR TA Page Program Related Questions Rene Herbert and Vesnier Lugo or Budget Related Questions Carolyn Testerman or EHB Related Questions BPHC Helpline or Slide 26 provides an overview of resources for technical assistance. NAVIGATE TO THE WEBSITE. As you see on your screen, the TA webpage is a resource for information on the BPR submission schedule, the changes to the BPR, information on accessing EHB, TA resources and all the forms required for the submission for reference only. They will be filled out in EHB. The TA page also include and phone numbers for the program and grants contacts. Please note that the new program contact for program-related questions is me, Rene Herbert and my colleague Vesnier Lugo. Please remind your grantees if they contact you regarding EHB errors messages or access issues, to please contact the BPHC Helpline contact listed on the TA page and not the HRSA contact center. A digital audio recording will be posted on the BPR SharePoint site approximately 1 week after this call. Now before we close, I would like Project Officers to take a few minutes to complete the next 3 polling questions on your screen. For the first question, please choose yes if you feel you need additional training on how to assess the BPR submission, or no if you feel you do not need additional training. If you chose yes for additional training, please select all the areas for which you would like additional training. If some areas are not listed, please fill it in the pop-up chat box. Thank you for taking the time to respond. It seems that XX % would like additional training. The majority of the training is under the XXX area.
Question & Answer Session
REMINDERS Failure to include all required information may result in a submission being returned for changes which could delay award. Throughout the application process, please refer to the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) on the BPR TA page located at
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