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By Vivek. Why did I research this question? I chose to research this specific question because I myself take my phone in to school and I wanted to see.

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Presentation on theme: "By Vivek. Why did I research this question? I chose to research this specific question because I myself take my phone in to school and I wanted to see."— Presentation transcript:

1 By Vivek

2 Why did I research this question? I chose to research this specific question because I myself take my phone in to school and I wanted to see who takes their phone in to school and why they do so. I find this subject thoroughly interesting seen as this generation have such a close relationship with technology.

3 How did I make my research ethical? I gained consent before handing out my questionnaire so that I could make sure the participants were confident about giving their personal opinions to me Even though I wouldn’t criticize their thoughts, I still made sure the participants didn’t put their names on the questionnaires. Therefore I can’t say “ooh, ooh. Look at Jake’s answer, it is rubbish”. (Of course, I’m not like that!) Confidential means to keep it top secret. In this case, I only shared my results with the other people working with the Open University. To maintain the confidentiality, I have shredded the results.

4 My research method I made a questionnaire to collect my data. Do you take your phone in to school? Do you like being able to take your phone in to school? What are your thoughts about handing your phone in to reception? What are your thoughts about keeping your phone in your pocket during class time? Why do you bring your phone into school (if you do)? Is keeping your phone in your pocket a good idea and why?

5 Data analysis With my closed questions (yes or no questions), I simply tallied up the results for the sake of time and convenience. But for the open questions, I did what is called coding. You make codes by simplifying answers that make come up again. This makes analysing open questions a lot easier.

6 My spreadsheet to record my outcomes As you can see, I have put a lot of hard effort in to this project!

7 My results Are you in year 5 or 6 and are you boy or girl?

8 My Results

9 My results

10 My Results



13 My results

14 Conclusion Overall, I found that opinions varied between year groups on how they feel about handing their phone in to reception, with yr5’s more concerned about school staff gaining access to their property.

15 The changes I would make next time I would prefer a slightly more advanced questionnaire with a more in depth outcome. Therefore my research would become even more useful. I would be more organised about my approach to ensure that I have plenty of time to analyse and organise my results. I would like to do interviews because you are free to ask questions of your own accord. The advantage would be because it would allow them to develop their answer in more detail.

16 What else I want to find out If I were to further my research I would ask the following questions: What phone the students possess What they do with their phone at home Are they supervised by their parents Restricted access? What they use the internet for as compared to the home computer

17 Any questions?

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