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The School of Athens Raffaello Sanzio da Urbino

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Presentation on theme: "The School of Athens Raffaello Sanzio da Urbino"— Presentation transcript:

1 The School of Athens Raffaello Sanzio da Urbino
Sunrise Senior College

2 Raphael – 1520 Self-Portrait

3 Raphael’s School of Athens
Quintessential Renaissance Painting Transition to Patrons and Their Artists

4 Raphael’s School of Athens

5 Raphael’s School of Athens
Plato and Aristotle Heavens and Earth Ideal and Real Concordia Discors

6 Plato and Aristotle

7 Euclid

8 Socrates

9 Diogenes

10 Strabo, Ptolemy, Appelles, and Protogenes

11 Heraclitus, Or…

12 Michelangelo

13 Leonardo and Bramante

14 Castiglione, ?, Raphael, and Timoteo Viti

15 School of Athens Stanza Della Segnitura

16 Stanza Della Segnitura
Larger images are available at the end of this PowerPoint.

17 Raphael’s Pope Julius II, 1512
Giuliano Della Rovere – Il Papa Terribile

18 Pope Julius II, 1512 St. Peter's Basilica Henry VIII Swiss Guard “Drive out the Barbarians” Italian Wars Sistine Chapel Giuliano Della Rovere – Il Papa Terribile

19 Extra Slides

20 Disputation of the Holy Sacrament
Stanza Della Segnitura

21 The Parnassus (Home of the Gods)
Stanza Della Segnitura

22 The Seven Cardinal Virtues
Stanza Della Segnitura

23 And, of course, The School of Athens

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