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Welcome to Year Two. Dear Parents/Carers Welcome to the start of an exciting new year. We hope you’ve all had a wonderful summer and are ready for the.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Year Two. Dear Parents/Carers Welcome to the start of an exciting new year. We hope you’ve all had a wonderful summer and are ready for the."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Year Two

2 Dear Parents/Carers Welcome to the start of an exciting new year. We hope you’ve all had a wonderful summer and are ready for the New Year ahead. Normally, at this time of year, children will find that they become excited yet nervous about the unknown. Daily as well as weekly routines will change this year due to your child moving up another year group. The Children will come through the Year Two door of the playground in the morning, having said goodbye to their parents/careers. Reading, Times Tables, Homework and PE Kits READING: Children will have an opportunity to change their reading books in school on Monday, Wednesday and Friday afternoon during our reading time. It is essential that children read to an adult, at home, on a regular basis, to practise their reading and comprehension skills. We understand that some children read longer books and so are unable to change their book each week; however they still need to keep a record of their reading with you and bring this into school to be included in our class reading log. Please contact us if you have any questions about your child’s reading.

3 HOMEWORK: Each week your child will bring home a homework activity to share with you. This will usually be a revision of a concept covered by pupils in class, or work related to their targets. This ensures that children have a good understanding of what they have been asked to do and is a great opportunity for your child to explain what they have learnt in order that you feel fully involved in their learning process. PE Kits: Children will have PE lessons each week, so it is important for children to have a suitable PE kit in school (e.g. T-Shirt, shorts and trainers/daps), which they can leave on their peg in the cloakroom. Please remember to mark PE kits with your child’s name as items inevitably go missing, but those items which are named are much more likely to be reunited with your child.

4 Our Learning Our theme this Autumn Term is ‘Our World’: With a particular emphasis on kenya. Please find attached the overview with information about what we will be learning. In addition, you will also find the targets that your child is working towards in Reading, Writing and Numeracy this term. Please let us know if you have any questions about your child’s learning or routines. Please remember, if you have any questions or need to speak to us for any other reason, please come and see us at the end of the day. We will either be able to answer your questions there and then, or will be able to make an appointment to talk at a more convenient time. Alternatively, please contact the school office to leave us a message. Best wishes Mrs Chamberlain and Miss Wyatt

5 Writing Targets Our writing targets focus on writing different types of sentences. When I write, I leave spaces between my words. I can tell you where I might use a capital letter, a full stop and question mark. I am learning to write sentences which convey different meaning for different purposes. I am using familiar and new punctuation correctly in my writing, including full stops, capital letters, exclamation marks and question marks. I am using familiar and new punctuation correctly in my writing, including full stops, capital letters, exclamation marks question marks and inverted commas.

6 Reading Targets Our reading targets are based on using a range of strategies to help children to read words so that they can understand what they are reading. I can read words by breaking them down into sounds. I can read words quickly because I know how to sound out all parts of a word. I read by blending together the sounds I know and can read out within a word. I can read most words quickly and accurately. When I see a word I have not read before, I can sound out the word without help from an adult.

7 Numeracy Targets I can count, read and write numbers up to 100. I can order numbers up to 100 and tell you which numbers are bigger or smaller. I use the greater than, less than and equals signs in maths and know what they mean.

8 Numeracy Target work Number bonds to 20/50/10. Written as well as mental strategies on working out addition and subtraction number sentences. Measuring and weighing. Counting in multiples of 2,5 and 10 Solving real life problems with numbers, money and measures. 2d and 3d shape Literacy In Literacy this term we will be exploring and writing a range of different text types. These are: non-chronological reports,instruction texts, fairy tales as well as limericks. Wherever possible, our Literacy will be linked to our theme. We will also be working on meeting our reading and writing targets. RE This term’s learning will be about ’Christianity’, particularly focusing on where, how and why Christians worship. Science Children explain differences between things that are living and things that have never been alive. We shall also Investigate what living organisms need to stay alive and Healthy and identify and sort living and non-living things and discuss how some non-living things were alive once. Music We will be exploring sounds and rhythm through songs and music. PSHCE Children identify different groups which they belong to. Here they will be focussing on the family group, covering the benefits of family life as well as their responsibilities. They will also have the opportunity to discuss the difference between right and wrong. PE In PE children will learn and practise the skills, techniques and rules involved in playing outside games. They will also practise, choose and apply different gym skills to create a sequence to perform to others. ICT This term we shall we learning how to stay safe whilst using the Internet and different social networking sites. Geography Children will comparing Lydney to a contrasting locality in Kenya. Here they will learn about physical and human features, through the use of atlases, maps, the internet and a wide range of books.

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