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1947/8 – 2007/8 A 60 YEAR TIMELINE COMPARISON HISTORY BY NUMBERS 1947/8 First club formed in Lismore 2007/8 Approximately 1,300 Club and around 27,500.

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Presentation on theme: "1947/8 – 2007/8 A 60 YEAR TIMELINE COMPARISON HISTORY BY NUMBERS 1947/8 First club formed in Lismore 2007/8 Approximately 1,300 Club and around 27,500."— Presentation transcript:

1 1947/8 – 2007/8 A 60 YEAR TIMELINE COMPARISON HISTORY BY NUMBERS 1947/8 First club formed in Lismore 2007/8 Approximately 1,300 Club and around 27,500 members Beyond 2007/8 Let’s look at a 60 year timeline comparison to determine successful future growth

2 1947/8 – 2007/8 A 60 YEAR TIMELINE COMPARISON MEMBER GENDER 1947/8 Male members only 2007/8 Both male and female members – We now have twice the opportunity to grow

3 1947/8 – 2007/8 A 60 YEAR TIMELINE COMPARISON WORKING HOUSEHOLDS 1947/8 Most working households – only one breadwinner – normally male 2007/8 Most working households – two breadwinners – one male and one female

4 1947/8 – 2007/8 A 60 YEAR TIMELIME COMPARISON WORKING HOURS 1947/8 Heavy majority typical 9-5 Mon-Fri (by 1963 still a high 65%) 2007/8 Just 8% typical 9-5 Mon-Fri

5 1947/8 – 2007/8 A 60 YEAR TIMELINE COMPARISON OVERTIME 1947/8 A small minority 2007/8 Worked by many – both paid & unpaid

6 1947/8 – 2007/8 A 60 YEAR TIMELINE COMPARISON SHIFT WORK 1947/8 Only worked by a small minority 2007/8 Now worked by an ever increasing number (many with shifts varying week to week)

7 1947/8 – 2007/8 A 60 YEAR TIMELINE COMPARISON WEEKEND WORK 1947/8 A small minority 2007/8 Many and continuing to expand

8 1947/8 – 2007/8 A 60 YEAR TIMELINE COMPARISON PART TIME & CASUAL WORK 1947/8 Limited to a small minority 2007/8 Now being worked by an ever increasing number

9 1947/8 – 2007/8 A 60 YEAR TIMELINE COMPARISON EMPLOYEE VOCATIONS 1947/8 For many only the one vocation area in their working lifetime 2007/8 Many now have multiple vocation changes

10 1947/8 – 2007/8 A 60 YEAR TIMELINE COMPARISON EMPLOYERS IN WORKING LIFE 1947/8 A significant number had only one employer 2007/8 An ever increasing number of employees have an ever increasing number of employers

11 1947/8 – 2007/8 A 60 YEAR TIMELINE COMPARISON WORK POSITIONS HELD AT THE ONE TIME 1947/8 A heavy majority held only one 2007/8 A much larger number now juggle more than one position

12 1947/8 – 2007/8 A 60 YEAR TIMELINE COMPARISON WORK IMPACT ON ATTENDANCE 1947/8 As most worked in a daytime weekday position, it did not prevent most members from regularly attending 2 weeknight club meetings a month 2007/8 Now difficult for many in society, at time of membership consideration, to commit to Regular meeting attendance

13 1947/8 – 2007/8 A 60 YEAR TIMELINE COMPARISON RETAIL SHOPPING HOURS 1947/8 Most businesses traded 9-5 Mon-Fri, some traded Sat morning, but through doing so Closed one weekday afternoon 2007/8 Many trade 7 days, including evenings – Evening shopping competes with most Lions Club meetings

14 1947/8– 2007/8 A 60 YEAR TIMELINE COMPARISON MARRIAGE AGE 1947/8 Women and men early 20’s 2007/8 Women and men late 20’s – early 30’s

15 1947/8 – 2007/8 A 60 YEAR TIMELINE COMPARISON PARENT AGE WHEN CHILDREN ARE BORN 1947/8 Mainly in their 20’s 2007/8 Many now in their 30’s through to early 40’s

16 1947/8 – 2007/8 A 60 YEAR TIMELINE COMPARISON MAJOR PARENTING DUTIES 1947/8 As most married women did not work, they assumed the major parenting duties 2007/8 Now most married women work, resulting in the parenting becoming more equal with men

17 1947/8 – 2007/8 A 60 YEAR TIME LINE COMPARISON HOUSEHOLD DOMESTIC TASKS 1947/8 As most women did not work, they performed the majority of domestic tasks 2007/8 Now as most women work, many men strongly contribute, leading to a more equal sharing of domestic work

18 1947/8 – 2007/8 A 60 YEAR TIMELINE COMPARISON OPPORTUNITIES FOR CHILDREN 1947/8 A limited range of ex school and home activities for children 2007/8 For most, a huge expansion in activities, with parents encouraging participation

19 1947/8 – 2007/8 A 60 YEAR TIMELINE COMPARISON TRANSPORTATION OF CHILDREN 1947/8 Car ownership was low, so for many, activities were limited to those within reasonable walking distance 2007/8 As most families have one or more cars, with mum or dad driving, it has opened up wider geographical opportunities for children

20 1947/8 – 2007/8 A 60 YEAR TIMELINE COMPARISON THE ISSUE OF SAFETY 1947/8 Household doors unlocked, safe to walk, safe to use public transport 2007/8 Household doors now locked, many places unsafe to walk, even public transport no guarantee to be safe

21 1947/8 – 2007/8 A 60 YEAR TIMELINE COMPARISON MORE IMPLICATIONS FOR LIONS 1947/8 Being younger at marriage and as parents, saw an early development of a ‘sense of community’- With women happy to provide a major contribution to domestic and parenting duties, and with lower vehicle mobility and a safer society, it was much easier for men to take up Lionism – many dads were still in their 30’s when children became teens

22 1947/8 – 2007/8 A 60 YEAR TIMELINE FOR LIONS MORE IMPLICATIONS FOR LIONS CONTINUED 2007/8 Time has become a major enemy to potential members (male and female). In addition to mum and dad both working, shopping can be over 7 days, including nights, they equally share parenting & domestic duties, drive children to a wider range of activities, doing so because of mobility and safety – Many are well over 40 before children are teens

23 1947/8 – 2007/8 A 60 YEAR TIMELINE COMPARISON NATIONAL ANTHEM 1947/8 God Save the King – at most functions – the ‘pictures’ – balls and dances – on the radio and a little later in the 50’s on television 2007/8 Advance Australia Fair - at limited functions - not at the cinema, balls and dances and not on radio and television

24 1947/8 – 2007/8 A 60 YEAR TIMELINE COMPARISON TOAST TO THE MONARCH 1947/8 At many meetings and functions 2007/8 Now at very limited meetings and functions

25 1947/8 – 2007/8 A 60 YEAR TIMELINE COMPARISON FORM OF DEMOCRACY 1947/8 Monarchial – with strong support across all all age groups 2007/8 Still monarchial – however now minority support only from those aged under 50

26 1947/8 – 2007/8 A 60 YEAR TIMELINE COMPARISON SPOKEN SALUTATIONS 1947/8 Mr, Mrs, Miss, Sir, Madam, Lion, Past District Governor etc and as well men raised their hat to women 2007/8 Jack, Jill, and still Lion and still Past District Governor etc and now men generally do not wear hats

27 1947/8 – 2007/8 A 60 YEAR TIMELINE COMPARISON CLUBS, ASSOCIATIONS & GROUPS 1947/8 Available but limited 2007/8 Extensive

28 1947/8 – 2007/8 A 60 YEAR TIMELINE COMPARISON SPECIAL INTEREST GROUPS 1947/8 Limited 2007/8 Extensive and therefore diminishing the general spread of Lions service, when measured against past decades – Perhaps a need for more targeted service

29 1947/8– 2007/8 A 60 YEAR TIMELINE COMPARISON POPULATION DENSITY 1947/8 Decentralised – A good spread between capital city, regional and rural communities 2007/8 The Sea Change is here – greater density in cap cities.. essentially the larger the population, the less the ‘Sense of Community’ Perhaps a need to create groups of common interest to maintain Lionism presence

30 1947/8 – 2007/8 A 60 YEAR TIMELINE COMPARISON MEMBER AGE 1947/8 From 1947 onwards for more than 30 years, members came from all adult age groups 2007/8 Average age now 60 plus.. In some clubs most members are in 70’s and 80’s - very few members aged under 45 years

31 1947/8 – 2007/8 A 60 YEAR TIMELINE COMPARISON MEMBER RECRUITMENT 1947/8 Many ‘one on one’ invitations to membership 2007/8 Partly caused by an aging and often retired membership, a dwindling in contacts, has produced less ‘one on one’ invitations

32 1947/8– 2007/8 A 60 YEAR TIMELINE COMPARISON OUR MISSION IF WE CHOOSE TO ACCEPT IT While much has changed in 60 years, the need for service to others remains.. Our mission, therefore, is to embrace and reflect the change of the past six decades so that in the operation of our clubs we accomplish the following - Satisfaction for current members Satisfaction for future members Satisfaction for those we serve Let us accept and succeed

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