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YEAR 10 PARENT EVENING Monday 23rd FEB 2015

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1 YEAR 10 PARENT EVENING Monday 23rd FEB 2015
Trinity College YEAR 10 PARENT EVENING Monday 23rd FEB 2015

2 Spirit Prayer  Leader:  Spirit of God, grant us the LOVE which filled the heart of Blessed Edmund inspiring him to give all for you. Spirit of God, grant us the JOY of Blessed Edmund who found his happiness in seeing and serving you in the poor. Spirit of God, grant us the PEACE of Blessed Edmund who trusted in you and your providence through countless difficulties. Help us to continue on the path of Jesus in the way of Blessed Edmund Rice and to be faithful to the gift and spirit he has left us. Live Jesus in our hearts. ALL: FOREVER

3 Agenda Prayer and Welcome Mr Ivan Banks College Headmaster
Christian Service Mrs Marya Stewart Christian Service Coordinator Student Counselling Mrs Ioanna Culleton College Counsellor Career Development Mr Russell Hinks Careers Counsellor Academic Matters Mr Anthony Byrne Deputy Principal 8, 10 & 12 Pastoral Mr Kenny Chan Head of Year 10

4 Christian Service Mrs Marya Stewart

5 Christian Service Engaging with elderly people is a privilege, an opportunity to share our experiences and abilities with them and a chance to learn from them and their experiences. Elderly people have many needs. They also have much wisdom and life experience.

6 Year 10 Program Each PCG will take part in Christian Service for five weeks as part of the Personal Wellbeing and Development Program which takes place on Friday afternoons throughout the school year Preparation for the service Immersion in Aged care Reflection

7 Year 10 Program Each student must attend a Placement for approximately one hour per week for a period of 4 weeks, on Friday afternoon . Students , in pairs, will attend the same placement every week for 4 weeks . Students depart College by MAXI TAXI or College MINIBUS at 1:00 pm during Friday lunch time. Students are expected to make their OWN WAY HOME by being picked up or by public transport, unless prior arrangement is made with Mrs Stewart to bring them back to Trinity College.

8 Student Counselling Mrs Ioanna Culleton

9 socialisation/time out
Stress and Self Care Stress – our body’s normal response to a challenge, threat or excitement. Dealing with stress – support (school and home) Staying healthy – sleep, exercise, diet and socialisation/time out

10 Looking at pressures and expectations –
Self and family Reality checks Keep things into perspective Organisation Team work closely with Lissa Coleman (Director Of Education Support) Donette Firkins – Year 8 Support teacher and case manager

11 Career Development Mr Russell Hinks

12 My Role Career Advice Subject selection Year 11/12 University courses
TAFE Apprenticeships Scholarships

13 Contact Details Russell Hinks Phone
Doug Simpson – VET Co-Ordinator

14 Career Portfolio PDW Friday Afternoon Career Research Interview/Survey
YEAR 10 CAREER PROGRAM Career Portfolio PDW Friday Afternoon Career Research Interview/Survey Career Carousel


16 Selection for TAFE To maximise entry prospects to TAFE studies,
particularly competitive courses and those at higher levels, students should: Undertake VET studies at school, particularly those which lead to a completed credential. Undertake Workplace Learning; keep records of any part time work undertaken. Maximise grades in school studies. TAFE to University transfer – a real option!

17 TAFE Entry Requirements

18 Defence Jobs Direct entry e.g. Infantry
Leadership positions e.g. RMC 18 month course ADFA – university degree University sponsorship Trade positions Obligation: Generally length of studies plus 12 months Benefits: Paid Job security

19 Academic Matters OVERVIEW

20 2015 Timetable Yr 10 New timetable: 29 periods & Saturday sport
16 - English, Maths, Science, Humanities 3 - Religious Education 1 - Pastoral Care / Assembly Period 1 – PDW (Personal Development & Well being 2 - Physical Education 6 – Electives (3 X 2 periods)

21 O Online L Literacy N Numeracy A Assessment
OLNA O Online L Literacy N Numeracy A Assessment * Can prequalify through NAPLAN

22 Online Literacy & Numeracy Assessments
All students must meet the minimum standard of Literacy & Numeracy before receiving WACE. Two ways; > Pre qualify Band 8 in NAPLAN (Reading, Writing, Numeracy) > OLNA testing

23 Online Literacy & Numeracy Assessments
Six opportunities from YR 10 – 12. In st round of testing commences 9th March What does OLNA assess? “The skills described as essential for individuals to meet the demands of everyday life and work”. Aust. Core Skills Framework

24 OLNA Further details concerning OLNA testing can be located at:
Students who are required to sit any of the OLNA tests will shortly receive correspondence home. Students who have prequalified by obtaining Band 8 in NAPLAN in Reading, Writing and Numeracy will not be required to sit OLNA.

25 Monday 8th June 2015 Year 10 Course Information Night
Course Selection Year 10 Course Information Night Parents & Students Monday 8th June 2015

26 Prerequisites for 2016 entry
Academic Year 10 > Year 11 Prerequisites for 2016 entry

A SAMPLE copy of the 2014 prerequisites for entry into Year 11 subjects was issued on the night. A copy of this SAMPLE document can be collected from secondary reception.

28 Academic Note change in subject titles ATAR Courses
General Courses Foundation Courses

29 Academic – form good habits
Homework & Study Year Ten students should be completing approximately 10 – 12 hours of homework/study per week. There is a distinction between homework and study. Page 34 & 35 of the 2015 College diary give some useful guidelines on study

30 Parent Council proudly present
DAN HAESLER Tuesday 10th MARCH Commencing at 7pm

31 RAC bstreetsmart 24th MARCH (Tuesday Week 8) * Students attend period 1 *Transported to Perth Arena *Dismissed from Perth Arena At approximately 2 pm

32 Pastoral Mr Kenny Chan

33 Personal Development & Wellness Program

34 Setting High Standards

35 Mentoring

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