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Year 7 Information Evening
Tuesday 10th November 2014 5 – 6pm
Programme for this evening
Welcome and introduction Behaviour and expectations Standards and achievements Meetings with tutors and report distribution
Welcome and Introduction Mr Barrow - Headteacher
2014 Key Statistics KS4 83% students 5xA*-C 97% 5xA*-G Grades Highest Performers Mia Stoces-Brown 12A*/A (14 A*-C) Demitris Nathanael 9A*/A (13 A*-C) KS5 325 Average UCAS Point Score Highest Performers Fabienne Ware AAA + A(EPQ) Becky Ward AABB Top 10% of sixth forms/ colleges for value added A’Level Equivalent ABB, or BTEC Equivalent DDD 67% English A*-C 61% Maths A*-C BTEC Extended Diploma 100% Distinction*-Merit 94% Distinction*-Distinction A Level 97% A*- E 64% A*-C (9% increase on 2013) 81% met or exceeded ALPS
Behaviour and Expectations
Mrs Reid Head of Year 7
Attendance Behaviour Commitment The ABC of Success
We believe that students will be successful if they focus on their ABC: Attendance Behaviour Commitment
Attendance The biggest barrier to achievement at school is non-attendance (including poor punctuality). Please remember ….. We do not authorise any absence during the academic year unless a Student Absence Request Form has been completed and is accompanied by the evidence required e.g. an Order of Service for attendance at a funeral, details of when the flight was booked for unforeseen emergencies requiring overseas travel etc. We do not allow time off for holidays during term time as they have a detrimental effect on learning.
Attendance Research suggests that 20 missed school days a year i.e. 10% non attendance = 1 GCSE grade drop in achievement. 100% = no days absence from school (Sept to July) 95% = 10 days absence (2 weeks) from school (Sept to July) 90% = 20 days absence (4 weeks) from school (Sept to July) 85% = 30 days absence (6 weeks) from school (Sept to July) 80% = 40 days absence (8 weeks) from school (Sept to July) Students falling below 92% will be subject to monitoring. Students falling below 85% fall into the Persistent Absence category and could be subject to; Parenting contracts and orders or penalty notices or prosecution.
Attendance If there are problems, queries or questions regarding attendance and/or punctuality please contact: Ms Stewart (Attendance and Welfare Officer) Mrs Dye (Attendance and Welfare Assistant) , extension 163
Punctuality Punctuality to school is equally important. Arriving to school on time sets our students up well for the day ahead as well as ensuring they access tutor time with their form tutors, which is where a lot of our pastoral work is undertaken. Poor punctuality has a detrimental effect on achievement as well as general organisation. Our students are expected to be on the school premises by 8.20am. Students are marked late if they arrive to their Form room after the 8.30am bell. Please support your child with his/her education by making sure he/she attends school regularly and on time.
We expect all students to follow our
Behaviour We expect all students to follow our GOLDEN RULE: Shirley High School students are expected to show consideration and respect to all members of the school and local community at all times.
Behaviour It is very important to all of us that we have good behaviour throughout the school thereby promoting a learning environment where everyone can ‘strive for excellence’. Parents / Carers have a vital role to play in promoting a positive attitude to school and together with the school, celebrating achievement at all levels and in all areas of school life. The school will work with parents / carers and the student to resolve any difficulties that may affect a student’s behaviour. This ‘partnership’ is cemented through the Home School Agreement.
Detentions Please ensure that you are clear on the school’s behaviour policy Please check your child’s planner daily to as to whether they have detentions note they will be home later than usual If you are unsure about the details of a detention given in a particular subject, do contact the teacher in question via .
Bullying We take bullying VERY seriously however we can only address it when we know about it. Bullying should ALWAYS be reported. This should be to the form tutor in the first instance. Safeguard you child’s online access to protect them from Cyber bullying. Legally, students should not have Facebook or Twitter accounts until they are 13. If they are of age encourage them to be safe. Profile should not be open to anyone who is not a friend. A friend is someone you actually know, have met and talk to regularly!
Uniform All uniform should be bought from Hewitts of Croydon, including skirts and trousers which must be mid to dark grey. We ask you to follow the school uniform policy to ensure uniform is consistent throughout the school. Plimsolls and trainers are not part of the school uniform. Students wearing incorrect footwear will be asked to change. Hair accessories should be navy blue, black, grey or white. Hats and hoodies should not be worn on the school site at any time and will be confiscated. This is for the safety and security of all members of the school community. If, for whatever reason, your son/daughter is not able to wear correct uniform please ensure they have a note from you in their planner. This note must then be shown to the Form Tutor who will counter sign their agreement. Serious or continued breaches of uniform will be referred to the Head of Year. School policies are available on the school website. Please take the time to read these documents.
Equipment Pencil case – minimum expectations: Pens (minimum x 4)
Pencil (minimum x 2) Colouring pencils Rubber Pencil sharpener Ruler Glue Calculator Students are expected to have their planner with them at all times. Planners must be produced immediately if requested by any member of staff. The planner is the simplest form of home/school communication. Please check and sign it weekly and contact your son/daughter's tutor if you have any concerns. If you are concerned that your son/daughter is not receiving enough homework in a subject please contact the subject teacher. Students must not bring valuables (including mobile phones, tablets etc) to school. We cannot take responsibility for any valuables that go missing. Remember that students may use the office phone if they need to contact home urgently. If there are exceptional circumstances where a valuable item has to be brought into school please contact me via phone.
Homework Homework is given to reinforce or extend the learning done in lessons Please check your child’s planner daily and ensure homework is completed as set We run a homework club every day at lunch time and after school for students, so do encourage them to attend
Homework Year 8 students should be completing
Valuables Students must not bring valuables (including mobile phones, tablets etc) to school. We cannot take responsibility for any valuables that go missing. Remember that students may use the office phone if they need to contact home urgently. If there are exceptional circumstances where a valuable item has to be brought into school please contact me via phone.
Communication Please feel free to your son/daughter’s form tutor in the first instance or myself on if you have any questions or concerns. Alternatively , extension 155
Standards and Achievement
Ms Fair Assistant Headteacher
Standards and Achievement
How do we do it – strategies that deliver success for all? PiXL (Performance in Excellence) membership x 800+ = schools Our targets for students come from ‘FFT D’ estimates (top 25% Nationally). These are based on prior attainment and targets for year 7 students will be provided early next year. Individual One to one meetings with students x 2 per year to review progress. The Year 7 students will have their 1st 1:1 meeting with me directly after February half term. We issue grade reports x 3 per year (in addition to the progress report you will receive tonight)to monitor and report progress. We state ‘current performance’ and targets. The first report issued to year 7 students will contain attainment grades but not target grades. In addition we offer: Small group teaching and support, additional activities after school, a daily homework club and a whole school commitment to achieving success.
Standards and Achievement
National Curriculum Levels to GCSE Grades L3 = GCSE G L4 = GCSE F L5 = GCSE E L6 = GCSE D L7 = GCSE C L8 = GCSE B 3 levels of progress factor
Standards and Achievement
National Curriculum Levels – Progress Expected L4 L5 L6 L7 = GCSE C L8 = GCSE B L9 = GCSE A
Standards and Achievement
National Curriculum Levels Sub-Levels to show progression – minimum rate of progress = 2 sub levels per year Low Middle High 4c b a 5c b a 6c b a
Standards and Achievement
We focus on reporting ‘indicative’ levels i.e. 5c, 5b, 5a We focus on a minimum of two sub-levels progression per year e.g. Student ‘A’ in July of Year 7 = English 5c Student ‘A’ in July of Year 8 = 5a Student ‘A’ in July of Year 9 = 6b Student ‘A’ in July of Year 10 = 7c Student ‘A’ in July of Year 11 = 7a = top ‘C’ / low ‘B’ GCSE grade We expect students to: Complete all set homework, read and action all assessment comments by their teachers, attend extra classes, complete all classwork and ask for help. It is a positively interactive learning collaboration to ensure all students make a minimum of 3 levels of progress.
Standards and Achievement
Standards and Achievement
Progress Range (7 -4, 8 -3, 9 -2, 10 -1, 11 = 0)
Ms Fair Assistant Headteacher
Closing Remarks Ms Fair Assistant Headteacher
Tutor Meetings Tutor meetings will be in B Block. Students and staff will direct you to these meetings. A brief progress report for your child will be issued at this meeting. This will not contain any attainment grades but will give effort grades and comment on whether homework and behaviour are satisfactory. Please see Mrs Reid or myself if you are not sure which tutor group your child is in. We would be very grateful if you could complete a short survey on your way out. Please drop into the LRC after your meeting to complete this, if you have not done so already.
Meeting locations 7S Miss Thomas B01 7H Mrs O’Mahoney B05
7I Miss Essien B02 7R Mrs Wharton B03 7L Mrs Scott-Goodfellow B06 7E Mr Georgios B17 7Y Mrs Burgess/Ms Noble B04
Regretfully, tutor meeting time is limited so tutors will not be able to have a lengthy discussion with you about your child’s progress. If there is something you would like to speak to them about personally, please make an appointment to see or speak to the tutor at a later date. Thank you for attending this evening; we very much appreciate your support.
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