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Year 7 Targets and Tracking

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1 Year 7 Targets and Tracking

2 Levels Referenced to National Curriculum skills/content
Consistency across subjects/schools/key stages Used to judge progress Key Stage 3 (Level 1 – Level 8) Entry to Year 7: L5 High ability, L4 Middle ability, L3 Low ability Sublevels A High, B Middle, C Low

3 Target Levels Indicate potential end of year achievement considering:
KS 2 Levels in English, maths and science Pleckgate baseline assessments CAT scores Expected progress Discussions with teachers/parents Reflect the need for hard work

4 Assessment and Tracking
Assessments HT2, HT3…… HT5 is end of year examination Need for preparation/revision Leveled results Compared with baseline and target in the following way Sample report

5 Sample Report Class code – the letters indicate the subject the numbers indicate the set (usually out of 5) HT Assessment result Coloured cell: Red indicates that your child is preforming well below the standard needed to achieve the end of year target Yellow indicates that your child is preforming just below the standard needed to achieve the end of year target Green indicates that your child is preforming at the standard needed to achieve the end of year target Blue indicates that your child is preforming above the standard needed to achieve the end of year target

6 Effort 1 : Always works hard with an excellent attitude
2 : Usually works well with a positive attitude 3 : Needs to demonstrate more consistent effort levels 4 : Unacceptable level of effort, big improvement needed

7 Reading Ages All students have been tested Tutors aware
Concern if less than chronological age Students are aware and should be reading Further information to follow with HT1 report

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