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Welcome to Year 5 Class 5- Mrs Davies

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1 Welcome to Year 5 Class 5- Mrs Davies
Class 6- Miss Robbins, Mrs Sheppard Mrs Savory PPA Cover- Ms Stone Swimming- Ms Stone Support Staff- Mrs Moore, Mrs Wickham and Mrs Adams

2 Maths This year, the children are in three groups: Fast Track (Mrs Savory), Standard Track (Mrs Sheppard/Miss Robbins) and Consolidation Group (Mrs Davies). There is always the opportunity for movement between the groups dependent on the needs of the individual children. All three groups cover the same areas of learning but are differentiated to suit individual children’s needs.

3 Literacy The children will be taught in their
classes for Literacy which we are endeavouring to make as cross-curricular as possible. Reading The children will regularly read within a Guided Reading group. Guided Reading sessions provide the opportunity for children to read and discuss texts. In Literacy lessons, children will also learn how to form written responses to questions about various text types. Reading at Home It is vital that all children read regularly at home and have the opportunity to discuss the text with an adult. Children earn a dolphin point for reading at least three times a week. It is essential that the Reading Record is signed by a parent or carer.

4 Literacy The new National Curriculum includes much more discreet grammar teaching. Writing will be covered across the curriculum in all subjects as well as being taught explicitly in Literacy sessions. Spellings: usually, children will be given differentiated spellings every Friday and will be tested the following Friday. We recommend children learn their spellings using the ‘Look, Say, Cover, Write, Check’ method. Literacy Homework: usually, children will be set Literacy homework on a Friday, to be completed by the following Friday. It is expected that the homework will take them 30mins.

5 Maths Over the course of the year (in line with the New Curriculum), the children will cover: Number Geometry (2D/3D shapes) and Measures Statistics (previously Data Handling) Using and Applying their Mathematical Knowledge (problem solving, collaborative group work and investigations)

6 Maths Times Tables: 40 tables tests continue through Year 5. As with reading, children are expected to practise their tables regularly. Maths homework will be given on a Friday to be completed by the following Friday.

7 Afternoons During the afternoons the children will study a range of subjects including History, Geography, Science, ICT, P.E., Music, Art, R.E. etc. Often these subjects are taught in a cross-curricular way. Where possible, we tie other areas of learning into Literacy. Our main topics this year are The Anglo Saxons and Vikings, France, Rivers and The Ancient Greeks. These topics will be enriched whenever possible with a trip or visitor. Sometimes we collapse the timetable for whole-school themed weeks and also DT weeks.

8 PE and Swimming The children will go swimming during the course of the year. Each class goes for a term at a time. The children walk to the pool whatever the weather so please ensure that your child is suitably equipped for the elements! Other PE sessions will cover both indoor and outdoor sports all year round. Children are expected to have full PE kits in school on the days that they have PE (weekly timetable is in your child’s Homework Diary). School Policy is that children will lose 2 dolphin points if they do not have their kit on appropriate days. Please encourage your child to take responsibility for this themselves.

9 Extra-curricular Activities Planned for this Term
Book Week (13th – 17th October). The Science Dome (4th or 5th November). DT week (December): we will ask for a small voluntary contribution towards the cost of electrical components used in this project. Other events may be planned & information will follow.

10 Thank you for coming today. We hope you have found this informative
Thank you for coming today. We hope you have found this informative. We look forward to seeing you individually at Parents Evening.

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