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Third-year Progress Report 2009-2012 WASC Accreditation.

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Presentation on theme: "Third-year Progress Report 2009-2012 WASC Accreditation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Third-year Progress Report 2009-2012 WASC Accreditation

2 Accreditation Cycle  Full self-study in 2008-2009  6-year “clear”  Accreditation through 2015  No interim visit  Third-year written progress report required

3 Purpose and Content Describe and Benchmark: Significant developments impacting the organization Our procedure for implementing and monitoring the action plan developed in the last full self-study Progress made on the critical areas for growth, and action plan items

4 Review & Writing Process Inclusive Collaboration: Cabinet and individuals Focused on measurable outcomes and evidence Data-driven, toward new post-secondary protocol

5 THEMES:  Budget challenges  Collaboration/Communication  Responsiveness  Continual Progress  “Students first” approach

6 IMPACT: Student Access  Fewer sections, but relatively steady enrollment  Value-added regional approach  Continuing courses in a full range of industry sectors  Clear, defined course sequences, grades 7-14  Keeping students engaged and in school  Serving students academic and career goals

7 IMPACT: Rigor and Relevance  New UC/CSU-approved courses  Increased number of articulation agreements  Innovative new courses responsive to local job market demands  Enhanced internship experiences & curriculum

8 IMPACT: Relationships  Enhanced collaboration  CTEoc  Academic/CTE curriculum integration  Budget task force  Unifying instruction and student services  Continuing professional growth opportunities  SDAIE  CTE Standards  Social Media  Technology in the Classroom

9 IMPACT: Meeting Industry Standards  Up-to-date technology and software applications in administration and in classrooms;  Students pass industry certification and licensing tests at high rates;  Increasing internship opportunities for students;  Increased teacher credentialing requirements;  High number of professional growth opportunities.

10 Communication  Budget  Collaboration  Prudent optimism  Progress  “Students first” approach

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