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Today In PhillyLabor Talk Radio Show PHILADELPHIA, PA – PhillyLabor.Com is pleased to announce the launch of their weekly talk radio show, “Today In PhillyLabor”,

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Presentation on theme: "Today In PhillyLabor Talk Radio Show PHILADELPHIA, PA – PhillyLabor.Com is pleased to announce the launch of their weekly talk radio show, “Today In PhillyLabor”,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Today In PhillyLabor Talk Radio Show PHILADELPHIA, PA – PhillyLabor.Com is pleased to announce the launch of their weekly talk radio show, “Today In PhillyLabor”, which will air every Wednesday from 6pm-8pm on Philadelphia's legendary talk radio station WWDB/860-AM. The first ever show of it's kind, “Today in PhillyLabor" will cover an insiders positive look at "everything labor" throughout Philadelphia and vicinity and will feature top labor, business, professional and political leaders weekly. It will be hosted by Joe Dougherty Jr. of and Philly Radio Personality Joe "Krausey" Krause The Goals: - UNION COMMUNITY RESOURCE: To provide a credible "on air" source for the Philadelphia area union community to promote their agendas and issues as well as obtain union related news, info, and resources. - EDUCATE GENERAL PUBLIC: To educate and inform the general public on the positive benefits and need for unions while also enhancing public perception. - PROMOTE BUY UNION/PRO-UNION: To promote and endorse union and union friendly employers/contractors, businesses, professionals, products and service providers as part of our Buy Union/Pro-Union "Best of Labor" Campaign. - PRO-UNION POLITICAL PLATFORM: To offer a platform for pro-union public officials who support and endorse union standards. * See advertising rates and Buy Union/Pro-Union "Best of Labor" Ad Packages below.

2 About the Hosts Joe Doc Jr. is a long time union member, former president of, the editor of and the co- producer and one of the on air personalities for "Today In PhillyLabor". Along with his brother and partner Brian Dougherty, Joe Doc Jr.'s commitment and passion for worker's rights, the challenges of working families and the union way are second to none and are the fuel behind the groundbreaking concept of the PhillyLabor media and PR platforms. Joe Krause has spent the last 29 years of his professional life creating meaningful results for clients, while developing a career in television and radio, the automotive industry, cable and radio sales, and culminating with his work in professional sports as the Vice President of Sales/Director of Ticketing for the Soul through 2009. In 2010, Krause launched JAKIB Media Partners and has expanded his brand to include AFL China & the historic launch of Football in China, The Maxwell Awards & The IGL - Indoor Gridiron League! In 2003, Joe launched "Krauseys Koats" with the vision of providing warmth for everyone in need. Now, 10-Years laters, Krausey has collected & distributed over 100-Thousand Koats with huge support from the IBEW, Local 98 - Hair Cuttery & The United States Army.

3 Today In PhillyLabor Community - The Today In PhillyLabor Talk Radio program is an on air HUB for the Philadelphia area union community to tune in, participate, interact and communicate on a variety of labor related issues and topics. - Co-Produced by, the program will cater to the over 100 area unions, 150,000 union members, families, activist organizations as well as union and pro-union businesses, professionals and political friends of labor throughout Philadelphia and the surrounding counties. ABOUT PHILLYLABOR.COM - is a Media and PR Resource serving the Philadelphia area labor community. - Providing news, information and resources through a plethora of communication vehicles including the Website, PR Newsletter, Newsfeed, Social Media, PhillyLabor APP and More. (For Additional Info on, Go To:

4 About 860AM WWDB -WWDB ( )Broadcasts into Philadelphia/Suburbs, S. Jersey, (Quakertown, Trenton, Montgomery Co, Bucks County, Chester County, Princeton Radio Station listener Demographic Info: Coverage Area population is 4.7 Million 63.3% are of Working age 18 to 64 13.4% of Retired age 65 and over Median Household Income range is $36,957 to $78,446 Race make up of coverage area: – 66.8% Caucasian – 22.3% African American – 5.2% Asian – 5.7% Others

5 TODAY IN PHILLY LABOR RATE CARD -60 sec Commercial - $175 - 30 Sec Commercial - $100 -10 Sec Voice Over Commercial - $50 - Sponsored Promotional Give Away - $300.00 + Give Away (2 per show, Includes 4 Shouts) - Sponsor’s Call In Spot (5-8 min) – Complimentary w/$1000.00 Ad package - Sponsor’s Live Appearance On Show –Complimentary w/$2200.00 ad package - Live Broadcast On Location $2000 (At a special event, at your work place or any designated location etc) -Segment Sponsorships-A Select Segment Of The Show is Sponsored By Your Company-$400.00 Individual Show Sponsorship - $750.00 - Title Sponsor - Sponsorship Partner - $7,500.00 (See Details Below)

6 "BEST OF LABOR" Premium Ad Packages TITLE SPONSORS PACKAGE - $7,500.00 for 16 weeks: Title Sponsor: All Shows will be announced as "Presented By"-$3000.00 3-Live appearance On Show 5-Call in Spots 1-Membership In the Philly Labor B2L Network-$1250.00 4-Sponsored Give Away Promotions-$1200.00 16-10 sec spots-$800.00 16-30 sec spots-$1600.00 16-1 min spots-$2800.00 ----------------------------------------- Actual Value-$10,650.00 $3500.00 Package: 1-Live appearance On Show 3-Call in Spots 3-Sponsored Give Away Promotions-$900.00 6-10 sec spots-$300.00 12-30 sec spots-$1200.00 12-1 min spots-$2100.00 ------------------------------------------- Actual Value-$4,500.00

7 "Best of Labor" Premium Ad Packages : $1500.00 Package: 1-Call in Spot 1-Sponsored Give Away Promotion-$300.00 3-10 sec spots-$150.00 6-30 sec spots-$700.00 6-1 min spots-$1050.00 --------------------------------------------------- Actual Value-$2,200.00 $500.00 Package: 3-10 sec spots-$150.00 3-30 sec spots-$300.00 2-1 min-$350.00 ------------------------------------------------------- Actual Value-$800.00

8 "Today In PhillyLabor"- Podcast Promotion Each "Today In PhillyLabor" Radio Show is also be produced as a Podcast - All clients advertising on the "Today In PhillyLabor" Talk Radio Program will also receive additional maximum promotion as part of the "Today In PhillyLabor" Podcast Marketing campaign via the following media platforms and more: - Website - Unions and Labor Newsfeed - PhillyLabor APP - PhillyLabor and Today in PhillyLabor Social Media - PR Newsletter - Promoted via all program advertisers as well as for your own promotional use

9 Added Value Added Value for Ad Packages of $500 or more - PR Newsletter Radio Show Edition Placement - Web/News-Feed and APP Features - Social Media Promo - Best Of Labor Promotion/Website List Placement Additional Features Available A Personalized Campaign of support for your business (ala carte) VIP ADDED VALUE - B to L Network Membership - Preferred Membership for Title Sponsor For Sales and Advertising, Contact, Joe Dougherty at: or call 267-250-1375joedoc3@gmail.com267-250-1375

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