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1 Power Development Strategy INDIA R.V. SHAHI SECRETARY MINISTRY OF POWER GOVERNMENT OF INDIA Presentation in World Bank, Washington DC June 23, 2003.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Power Development Strategy INDIA R.V. SHAHI SECRETARY MINISTRY OF POWER GOVERNMENT OF INDIA Presentation in World Bank, Washington DC June 23, 2003."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Power Development Strategy INDIA R.V. SHAHI SECRETARY MINISTRY OF POWER GOVERNMENT OF INDIA Presentation in World Bank, Washington DC June 23, 2003

2 2 Indian Power Sector  Power in Concurrent list : Both Central and State Governments have jurisdiction  Power Sector in States Vertically integrated State Electricity Boards (being restructured)  Central Public Sector Undertakings Own 30% of the capacity

3 3 Growth of the Indian Power Sector  Generating capacity has grown manifold from 1712 MW in 1950 to more than 108,000 MW today.  The growth in the transmission lines has been from 2708 ckm in 1950 to more than 200,000 ckm today.  About 84% of 587,000 villages have been electrified, balance to be electrified by 2007.  55% households have access to Electricity, balance to be covered by 2012.

4 4 Present scenario - the challenge Financial health of SEBs Business as usual continues Results targeted Losses (Rs. Cr.) Years Contd...

5 5 Present scenario - the challenge Contd. ….. Power : removing shortages and improving Reliability & Quality Results targeted Peaking Shortage % Installed Capacity 108,000 MW146,000 MW212,000 MW

6 6 OBJECTIVESSTRATEGYACTION POWER SECTOR DEVELOPMENT Reliable power Quality power Inexpensive power Commercial viability Power to All Sufficient power for 8% growth Transmission Distribution Regulation Financing Conservation Generation Communication Legislative initiatives

7 7 # STRATEGY  Low cost generation  Optimum utilization of capacity  Control Input cost  Better fuel mix  Hydro improvement  Technology upgradation  Non conventional energy sources Power Generation

8 8 # ACTION  Strengthened monitoring effort  Advance Action plan for projects identified / under approval stage  Expansion of existing stations  Pit head stations  Coastal stations  Generation delicensing  Captive capacity utilization  Select IPPs to be assisted  R&M of old plants (AG&SP)

9 9 # STRATEGY  National Grid  Interstate connections  Technology upgradation  Optimization of Transmission cost Transmission

10 10 # ACTION  Development of National Grid : 8000 MW today to 30,000 MW of inter regional transfer capability by year 2012  Technology upgradation  RLDCs modernization  Close monitoring on reliability  Private participation  Independent Power Transmission Co.  Joint Venture with Powergrid

11 11 # STRATEGY Distribution Reforms aimed at  System upgradation  Loss reduction (Aggregate Technical & Commercial losses)  Theft control  Consumer orientation  Commercialization  Decentralized distributed generation and supply for rural areas  Introducing competition  I.T. to replace human interfaces Distribution

12 12 # ACTION  Energy accounting  Metering  Organization restructuring  Franchisees  Technology input  Anti theft laws  Accelerated Power Development & Reform Programme (APDRP) Incentive linked development package Five years Business plan Reliability index Rating of utilities  Rural Elect. Supply Technology Mission (REST)  Accelerated Rural Electrification Programme (AREP)

13 13 # STRATEGY  Commercial viability  Consumer services & satisfaction # ACTION  Tariff policy  Multi year tariff approach  To bring about commercial viability : Planning & monitoring by Regulatory Commissions  Grid discipline  Development of competitive energy market  Consumer services  Quality, reliability & safety  Growth of power industries Collaborative efforts of Government and Regulatory Commissions Regulation

14 14  Performing Central Undertakings on their own  One time settlement of outstanding dues of CPSUs  Central Govt. Plan allocation for X th Plan up by 270%.  NTPC, Powergrid, PFC, REC, the major Central Undertakings to access equity market.  All Central undertakings to access debt market up to debt leveraging scope  External assistance from JBIC, ADB, World Bank etc.  Other Investors/ Lenders to finance based on progress on reforms.  Discussions on with major Business groups to invest in the Sector. Financing

15 15 # STRATEGY  Demand Side management  Load management  Technology upgradation to provide energy efficient equipment / gadgets. Conservation

16 16 # ACTION  Bureau of Energy Efficiency.  Notified industries.  Interface with IEEMA & other Industry Bodies.  Awareness.  Demand Side Management  Specifications / Labelling / Norms  Certification agency.  Energy audit.  25,000 MW saving potential to be achieved by 2012.

17 17  Political consensus.  Public Awareness  Media support Communication

18 18  Electricity Act, 2003 - notified on 10 th June ‘03 : l Creates liberal framework for power development l Facilitates private investment l Delicenses generation : Captive further liberalised l Multiple licencess in Distribution l Creates competitive environment l Stringent provisions for controlling theft of electricity l Empowers States to restructure Electricity Boards l Mandates creation of Regulatory Commissions l Open access on Transmission & Distribution l Power marketing / trading Legislative

19 19 The way forward Reforms leading to commercialization of Distribution sector Sector viability in medium / long term to support investments Decentralized distribution / generation for electrification of rural areas Streamlined / exemption in clearance procedures along with delegation to States Amicable project specific R&R packages Public sector investments have been stepped up during transition period Funding for Generation (Hydro & Thermal), Transmission and Rural Electrification The Sectoral development should now get the boost with confidence and cooperation of Promotors, Investors and Financial Institutions

20 20 Thank You Ministry of Power Website

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