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Teaching and learning with the curve in mind. The Curve of Forgetting Our brains are designed to forget! You will forget 40% of what you hear tonight.

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Presentation on theme: "Teaching and learning with the curve in mind. The Curve of Forgetting Our brains are designed to forget! You will forget 40% of what you hear tonight."— Presentation transcript:

1 Teaching and learning with the curve in mind

2 The Curve of Forgetting Our brains are designed to forget! You will forget 40% of what you hear tonight 10 minutes after you leave. 80% will be gone by this time tomorrow

3 Implications Start of the lesson – Review, Reflect Start of the lesson – Review, Reflect Study homework set – Revisit Study homework set – Revisit Structure of the lesson – Lots of starts Structure of the lesson – Lots of starts End of the lesson – Cement the learning End of the lesson – Cement the learning

4 Start - First 10 minutes Review/Reflect In your review/revision/learning journal think about yesterday’s lesson – Jot down 3 things that you remember as important – Sometimes I do this verbally In your review/revision/learning journal think about yesterday’s lesson – Jot down 3 things that you remember as important – Sometimes I do this verbally Yesterday we talked about lighting – Write an essay question that would allow you to use the information you know Yesterday we talked about lighting – Write an essay question that would allow you to use the information you know Jot down 2 things you need more information on Jot down 2 things you need more information on Test your memory – 2 quotes you remember Test your memory – 2 quotes you remember Imagine you have been asked to write an essay on….write the first paragraph Imagine you have been asked to write an essay on….write the first paragraph Share and record

5 Pick one lesson from today – What could your 10 minute start to the lesson look like tomorrow

6 Study Homework set – 10-15 minutes Revisit  Create a cue card for ….  Do an essay plan for the following topic  Review your notes, highlight key words  Create essay question  Turn notes into a diagram or flowchart  Make a poster for your bedroom  Make up an acronym to remember information  Write out quotes – use 2 different colours – One for the really important words OR - Pre-reading for tomorrow’s lesson

7 Pick one lesson from today and set a 10-15 minute study session

8 Structure of the lesson – ‘starts’ – every 20 minutes STOP every 20 minutes or so and give them opportunities to reflect Even if they are just going on with an assignment

9 End of the lesson – cement 5-10 minutes In pairs…… In pairs…… Plan how you will revise this info tonight Plan how you will revise this info tonight As a class – quick verbal brainstorm of what you learned today As a class – quick verbal brainstorm of what you learned today Reflect on yourself as a learner Reflect on yourself as a learner

10 Note taking Note making Note Taking – Passive Note Taking – Passive Copying notes from the board Copying notes from the board Taking down anything interesting they have heard Taking down anything interesting they have heard Only the first step in the process – It must lead to note making Note Making – Active Note Making – Active Reduce them Reduce them Highlight them Highlight them Transform them Transform them Must be regularly reviewed

11 What does the research say on note taking? Students who review in pairs achieve higher academic results Bligh 1998 Amount/quality of note taking/note making relates to higher academic achievement Brenton 1997


13 Now over to you Note making – cement our learning Note making – cement our learning Highlight key words in your notes Highlight key words in your notes Make notes on your notes Make notes on your notes Review - tonight Review - tonight Reflect on the information today and restructure one of your lessons for tomorrow with the curve in mind Reflect on the information today and restructure one of your lessons for tomorrow with the curve in mind

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