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M Y C OUNTRY 5th grade " Cyril and Methodius" high school Velingrad.

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1 M Y C OUNTRY 5th grade " Cyril and Methodius" high school Velingrad

2 One of the most popular Bulgarian traditions is the wearing of martenitsa. There isn’t a Bulgarian who will not put a martenitza on March 1 st,wherever he is. Legends about the origin of the Bulgarian martenitsa are more than one, but they are all connected to the ancient Bulgarians, as well as to the founder of Bulgaria – khan Asparoukh. The celebration of Baba Marta in Bulgarian tradition is a symbol of spring and brings wishes for health and fertility at the beginning of a new cycle in nature.

3 Our country is blessed with one of the greatest natural treasures-herbs. In Bulgaria grow over 650 species. They are one of the most valuable things that nature has created. They are known to people since ancient times. They run the sap of the earth and it’s not a coincidence that our people chant songs about them for centuries.

4 This song was selected from hundreds of others, and this means that the Bulgarian folklore is universally recognized. Izlel ye Delyo Haydutin " is one of the most beautiful bulgarian folk songs. A reason for national pride is the fact that in space on the "board of Voyager-1 flies the voice of Valya Balkanska.

5 Bulgaria is a country with rich history. There are many remains of necropolis, ancient cities, tombs. No doubt that one of the most interesting evidences of the life in our country are the beautiful gold and silver treasures found in different parts of Bulgaria. Among these are a few that attract significant international interest. They bring important information about the past civilizations that lived here. The oldest gold treasure found in Bulgaria is in an Eneolithic necropolis near Varna in 1972. This treasure has great value because scientists say it dates since the VIth millennium BC. This sensational discovery faces science with new questions about ancient civilizations that lived on Bulgarian lands before the Thracians. Varna treasure even today attracts the attention of scientists worldwide. So far in the necropolis were found over 3000 gold items weighing more than 6 kg.

6 Bulgarian rose oil is one of the symbols of Bulgaria. It represents the freshness of nature, aesthetics in Bulgarian culture and the pursuit of beauty and happiness. The Bulgarian rose oil is extracted from the oil rose, and is used in cosmetics and perfumery. Thanks to the selection made ​​ for centuries, the Bulgarian rose oil is one of superior quality, and has no competition in the world.

7 Bulgaria invented yoghurt and has given the world the secret of living a long life. Bulgarian yoghurt is a unique product. Since ancient times, that food is considered to keep the health and long life of people. Traditional Bulgarian yogurt can not be done naturally anywhere else in the world because of the unique microclimate of the country. Many researches in Europe, Japan and the United States proved that the bacteria "Lactobacillus bulgaricus" in yogurt helps maintain good health. It protects the body from toxins, infections, allergies and cancer. Yoghurt was part of the diet of most ancient inhabitants of Bulgaria - Thracians, who were good breeders.

8 Our pride is also the Slavic alphabet created by the St. brothers Cyril and Methodius. It rallies the bulgarians and the slavic people and unites them into one nation within the borders of the Bulgarian country. The Glagolic alphabet, and soon after it, the Cyrillic alphabet lay the foundation of the Bulgarian literature and culture, and later- of the other slavic people. The Bulgarian ruler Knyaz Boris I accepted the students of Cyril and Methodius, and this triggers the beginning of a period of literary revival, named “The Golden age” period.

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