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CODE OF CONDUCT Written By Student for Students!.

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Presentation on theme: "CODE OF CONDUCT Written By Student for Students!."— Presentation transcript:

1 CODE OF CONDUCT Written By Student for Students!

2 Use of the name “UW-Stout” and notation on Stout Website Recognition from SSA Funding through SSA and the Stout Foundation This must be applied for through SSA Financial Affairs Ability to host events on or off-campus for students Provided ability to recruit during Backyard Bash

3 R affle license for fundraising Reservations in University Facilities Memorial Student Center Merle Price Commons North Point Dining Facility Johnson Field house Academic Buildings (lecture halls) Fleet Vehicle use (for funded organizations) Supported by Involvement Desk

4 75 free Black and White copies a month 75 Color 11 x 17 or 100 8.5 x 11 per event Parcel receiving and mailboxes Organizational Email Accounting Services for Funded Organizations Storage and Workspace

5 All Those Benefits and only 8 Simple Rules

6 1 Against: race, gender, religion, ancestry, age, veteran status, marital status, sexual orientation, income, physical ability, or political ideology, unless specified in the governing documents of the organization or pursuant to an exception recognized by university, local, state, or federal laws/ordinances. You may NOT Discriminate! What this means …All UW-Stout should be allowed to join!

7 2 A recognized student organization, its members and/or designees who are found in violation of organization, University, local, state or federal laws/ordinances…shall be liable in the appropriate adjudicating courts and are not exempt from disciplinary action under this policy. You are held liable for member’s actions at events What this means …You are adults, your actions of consequences for you and your organization

8 3 A recognized student organization, its members and/or designees may use university facilities for events that are primarily for use by students and employees. Publicity for such events must be within the regulations as outlined by the Stout Student Association or specific advertising and promotion guidelines of campus facilities as stated by that particular facility. Must clearly publicize events What this means …Let the campus know what your up to!

9 A recognized student organization, its members and/or designees shall be responsible for any and all activities and/or damages resulting from any organization sponsored event/activity. 4 Shall be held liable at sponsored events What this means …You break it you buy it!

10 5 Recognized student organizations may not affiliate, co- sponsor, advertise or conduct an event or activity with any other student organization who has been prohibited from participation in such event or activity, has had its recognition suspended or revoked by the Stout Student Association, UW- Stout, and/or the National Office or governing body of the organization. This includes, and is not limited to: all educational, social, cultural, religious, athletic and political events both on and off-campus and fundraising activities. May not work with suspended organizations What this means …Don’t work with groups who are not recognized

11 6 Recognized student organizations are held accountable for adhering to these policies through their advisor(s), president or chairperson, officers or other designated representatives to the university. An organization’s president or chairperson, officers or other designated representatives may not knowingly make a false statement, either orally or in writing, to any university employee or agent, or a person conducting an investigation under the provisions of these policies, or to a Stout Student Association officer on any matter relating to the activities or actions of the organization and/or its members or designees. Must accurately represent their organization What this means …Live your Mission!

12 7 Recognized student organizations, its members or designees may not support, participate in, or conduct any form of hazing as outlined or defined by organizational, University, local, state and federal laws/ordinances AT ANY TIME. “Hazing” does not solely apply to egregious activity and/or events. May NOT support HAZING of any kind What this means …HAZING IS A FELONY OFFENSIVE and could lead to: Individual student expulsion, Loss of recognition, Denial of admission to other UW System institutions, or other legal sanctions

13 8 Recognized student organizations shall, in good faith and upon recognition by the Stout Student Association of the organization’s constitution and by- laws, abide by their rules/regulations/policies and procedures as outlined by their constitution and by- laws. The Organizational Affairs Conduct Oversight Committee of the Stout Student Association will determine misconduct, non-compliance and/or violations of said constitution and by-laws. Must knowingly follow these policies What this means …You’ve informed so act accordingly!

14 ... something happens? So what happens if… Due Process


16 Complaint Filed Organizational Affairs Conduct Oversight Committee (OACOC) 4 members & 1 chairperson from the SSA Case is heard, decision/sanctions are made Tried on case by case nature taking into account facts, complaints, and campus standing Appeals can be made…University Courts holds an open hearing. University Court is made up of 1 Chief Justice and 7 student justices not affiliated with the SSA.

17 The University Court has four options Not hear the case (OACOC decision upheld) after reading the records of the OACOC. Hear the case and increase sanctions Hear the case and decrease sanctions Hear the case and dismiss all sanctions One more Chance for Appeal Appeal submitted to the Chancellor for final review If and only if the sanctions include suspension or revocation of recognition

18 1.Disciplinary Warning 2.Disciplinary Probation 3.Disciplinary Suspension of University Recognition 4.Revocation of University Recognition 5.Funds Freeze 6.Loss of University Privileges/Services Possible Sanctions

19 Know it to Prevent it! Risk and Liability tips, tools, and need to knows

20 1.Renew your Organization! 2.UW-Stout Staff/Faculty Advisor 3.Follow the policies and laws outlined earlier 4.Training 5.Campus Connections (Security, Administration, Event Services etc..) 6.Paper Work Paper Work Paper Work 1.Driver Authorizations 2.Travel Authorizations 3.Risk Awareness 4.Contracting….YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO SIGN A CONTRACT!!!!! Ways to Control Risk

21 1.Events Must apply to mission of State, University, Organization 2.Protection and Coverage 1.Special Event Insurance 2.Commercial General Liability Insurance 3.Follow the 8 Simple Rules! Protection by the State of Wisconsin The State DOES NOT provide health insurance coverage for injuries resulting from Student Events

22 Krista Proksch – #1765 Involvement Desk – Orgsync – Leadership Development - Emily Ascher – #4051 Contracts & Event Planning – Building Operations - Leadership Development - Rhonda Rubenzer – #2440 Student Organization Accounts & Spending Julie Miller – #5622 LGBTQ Programming Doris Strehlau - #2000 Reservations Mary McManus –#2503 Ally Center Staff & Resources

23  Orgsync Profiles database that SSA and Involvement and Leadership Office use to gain organization data  Updating the profile will  Update it on your website  Update SSA and other campus departments  Organization will receive important information for  Org Renewal Dates  Budget information and dates  Backyard Bash  Org Council meetings  Blanket reservation procedures

24  Log in to OrgSync  Go to your Organizations Page via the “Organizations” tab at the top of the page  Scroll down to “Settings” found on the left navigation bar of your Organizations Portal Page  Update any information that has changed  Click Submit

25 FAQ Pages by Topic (general & officer) Help Videos, Email, Phone, and even Live Chat Schedule Training (organization or individual)  Contact Krista Proksch for Additional Help Disc Golf Website Example (new) Disc Golf Website Example Directory Listing for Stout Organizations

26 Disc Golf Example (new) / Stout SIGGRAPH (existing) Disc Golf ExampleStout SIGGRAPH Directory Listing for Stout Organizations

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