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M ARKETING Y OUR S TUDENT L EADERSHIP E XPERIENCE Jerri Arnold-Cook Director Leadership and Cultural Programs 304 Norwood Hall Ext. 7504

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Presentation on theme: "M ARKETING Y OUR S TUDENT L EADERSHIP E XPERIENCE Jerri Arnold-Cook Director Leadership and Cultural Programs 304 Norwood Hall Ext. 7504"— Presentation transcript:

1 M ARKETING Y OUR S TUDENT L EADERSHIP E XPERIENCE Jerri Arnold-Cook Director Leadership and Cultural Programs 304 Norwood Hall Ext. 7504 Email

2 W HAT I S L EADERSHIP ? “It is an influence process-any time you are trying to influence the thoughts and actions of others toward goal accomplishment in either their personal or professional life.” Ken Blanchard & Phil Hodges

3 W HY I S I T I MPORTANT TO M ARKET Y OUR S TUDENT L EADERSHIP E XPERIENCES ? A survey revealed that if an employer had two equally qualified candidates for a position, he or she used the following to decide who to hire: Leadership positions 4.0 Major 3.9 GPA of 3.0 or above 3.7 Extracurricular Activities 3.6 Volunteer Work 3.0 Based upon 5-point scale where 1=no influence, 2=not much influence 3=somewhat of an influence, 4=very much influence 5=extreme influence.

4 W HY I S I T I MPORTANT TO M ARKET Y OUR S TUDENT L EADERSHIP E XPERIENCES ? E MPLOYERS R ATE THE I MPORTANCE OF C ANDIDATE Q UALITIES /S KILLS AS FOLLOWS : Strong Work EthicDetail Oriented Communication SkillsOrganizational Skills Teamwork Skills (works well with others)Leadership Skills InitiativeSelf-Confidence Interpersonal Skills (relates well toward others) Friendly Outgoing Personality Problem-Solving SkillsTactfulness Analytical SkillsCreativity Flexibility/AdaptabilityStrategic Planning Skills Computer Skills Entrepreneurial Skills/Risk Taker Technical Skills Sense of Humor Source: Job Outlook 2008. National Association of Colleges and Employers

5 W HEN S HOULD Y OU S HARE I NFORMATION ABOUT YOUR LEADERSHIP SKILLS Resume Sections Personal Contact Information Education Projects or Courses Computer Skills Honors & Activities Interview Tell me about a time when you … If You Wear An Organizational Pin To an interview

6 W HAT S HOULD Y OU S AY A BOUT Y OUR L EADERSHIP E XPERIENCES ? Don’t Make Assumptions Don’t Just Focus on Titles Focus On Your Accomplishments What You Learned What Skills or Abilities You Developed or Sharpened

7 Putting Your Knowledge Into Action


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