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Presentation on theme: "STUDENT RESEARCH SYMPOSIUM (SRS) 2014 LIBRARY|POSC|SOC|MASSCOMM|ENGL."— Presentation transcript:


2 SRS 2014 “INSTITUTIONS AND INEQUALITY” Students in 4 classes across 4 disciplines will: 1)research a topic broadly related to the theme with library and classroom support 2)write a well-researched paper with library and classroom support 3)present their work to the Chabot community via poster session and/or panel presentation TUESDAY, April 29 th 12:00-1:00 Downstairs 100: Interdisciplinary Posters Upstairs 107A&B: Panel Presentation THURSDAY, May 1 st 12:00-1:00 Downstairs 100: Interdisciplinary Posters Upstairs 107A&B: Panel Presentation THURSDAY, May 1 st 3:00-5:00 Little Theater: Keynote Speaker, Dr. Victor Rios Followed by Reception/Award Ceremony (Green Room)

3 OUR VISION FOR THE FUTURE: Annual Student Research Symposium each Spring organized around a central theme.  Institutionalize the SRS as a second semester component of the First Year Experience (FYE).  Identify “Research” courses as part of the spring menu of FYE choices.  Present at least one keynote speaker with expertise around the theme.  Increase campus-wide attendance with multiple locations, expanded panel session offerings. Invite the Chabot and surrounding community to attend.  Hayward Elected Officials  Cal State East Bay (faculty and students)  Students from nearby community colleges (i.e., Ohlone College) Professional Development opportunities  For faculty teaching Research courses Enhance and showcase the academic accomplishments of our students.

4 SRS BUDGET SRS I (2009-10) > $2,500.00 SRS IV (2013-14) > $9,500.00 Monies support the institutionalization of SRS by:  Offering stipends to participating faculty  Offering prizes (i.e., bookstore gift cards) to students  Offering stipend to keynote speaker(s)

5 SRS BUDGET SRS V (2014-15) Increase Funding  To continue to support Co-Coordinator position  To allocate release time for Librarian(s)  Librarian (1 CAH) > 2.5 hrs/wk x 17.5 weeks= 43.75hrs  Pay rate for overload: $2,053/CAH; used toward adjunct hrs  To support Chabot’s FYE  To collaborate with other disciplines (i.e., Sciences)  To outreach and engage local community & stakeholders  To invest in appropriate technology to host a virtual poster session  To collect and analyze data to assess information literacy


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