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USING HIGH RISK STUDENT ASSESSMENT METHODS TO IMPROVE STUDENT OUTCOMES Presented by: Jennifer Dahlman, Assistant Dean and Assistant Professor, MSN,RN Danielle.

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Presentation on theme: "USING HIGH RISK STUDENT ASSESSMENT METHODS TO IMPROVE STUDENT OUTCOMES Presented by: Jennifer Dahlman, Assistant Dean and Assistant Professor, MSN,RN Danielle."— Presentation transcript:

1 USING HIGH RISK STUDENT ASSESSMENT METHODS TO IMPROVE STUDENT OUTCOMES Presented by: Jennifer Dahlman, Assistant Dean and Assistant Professor, MSN,RN Danielle Artis, Assistant Dean and Assistant Professor, MSN,RN,CPN Trinity Washington University

2 Objectives Upon completion of this presentation faculty will be able to: IdentifyIdentify the characteristics of a high-risk student IdentifyIdentify the barriers and challenges when faced when standard assessment methods are applied to high-risk student groups. IdentifyIdentify missing elements of current assessment strategies as they are applied to the current high-risk population. ImplementImplement new assessment methods to approach high-risk students attending institutions of higher learning.

3 What are the characteristics of a high-risk student?

4 McGann and Thompson (2008) state “Grades, prerequisite science and math scores, standardized exams, and GPA have been used to identify at-risk-students.” Cognitive domain of learning CHALLENGE! How do we assess the affective and psychomotor domain of learning?

5 What barriers or challenges do high-risk students face? Are these cognitive barriers? Are they affective? Psychomotor? Academic versus “non-academic”? Internal versus external?

6 How do you currently assess for high-risk characteristics, barriers to learning, and readiness in all of these domains? Are you assessing these and not even aware ?

7 Trinity Demographics 95% Hispanic, Black, & multi-racial 100% receive some form of financial aid Median family income: $25,000 Average age: 25.9 years >50% are DC residents

8 Astin’s Theory of Student Involvement (1999) Impact on student retention and graduation The more a student is involved and committed in their learning, the more success they will realize. Student’s responsibility to become actively involved in order to learn and succeed Students that are connected, engaged and involved in their learning, regardless of content, experience higher rates of success.

9 Assessment Methods: CourseCourse Entrance Exam Study Needs Survey (Self-Assessment) Learning Styles 1:1 Meetings – The Learning Contract –We will discuss benchmarking throughout!!

10 Implementation Timeline Prior to the 1st day of class Course entrance exam First day of class Study Needs Self- Assessment Learning styles 1:1 Meetings -Encouragement -Learning Contract -Benchmarking Course Exams Reassessment 1:1 Meetings - Encouragement - Learning Contract - Benchmarking Final Exam

11 Course Entrance Exam Pre- or Diagnostic Testing Know-Want to –Learn Charts (KWL) Confront misconceptions

12 Self Assessment Survey Identify about their areas that are weak and strong Managing test-taking anxiety Time management Study methods Plan for actual testing day Computer Adaptive Testing (CAT)

13 Learning Styles Learning How to Learn- “ Working Hard is not the Same As Working Smart “ McGann & Thompson (2008) Teaching style Student-centered Formatively Assessed Learning Style Tool of Choice – VARK-Preferences are not the same as Strengths Marek (2012) 85% of nursing students are kinesthetic learners, followed by multimodal

14 Learning Styles of First Year Health Science Students Meehan (2009) used VARK comparison of the learning mode preferences of first year health science students: Visual 11% Aural 4% Read 17% Kinesthetic 68% Match learning style to teaching style! Bloom’s Taxonomy

15 1:1 Meetings Address academic & non academic factors Ongoing support validated in the literature consistently Open communication Demonstrate commitment that faculty has to individual success Identify risk Empowerment Attitude & culture changes related to college and enculturation into the profession

16 LEARNING CONTRACT Student:_______________________________ Faculty: __________________________________ Course: _______________________________ Date: _____________ SMART ObjectivesLearning Resources & StrategiesTarget DateEvidence of AccomplishmentInitials

17 Supplemental Instruction (SI) -Voluntary -Focus is on “difficult courses” versus “at-risk” students -Begins week one of class! -Emphasizes collaborative learning -Takes place outside of the classroom For more information please visit:


19 As of December 2013 ATI Predictor Required to Graduate + NCLEX Learning Contracts

20 Trinity Student Outcomes over Four Years As of December 2013 ATI Predictor Required to Graduate + NCLEX Learning Contracts

21 SI National Data


23 Key Points The changing demographics of students in higher education requires new assessment methods that assess ALL domains of learning. Assessment needs to begin BEFORE day one! Using assessment methods that engage the student to take ownership of their learning results in improved student outcomes.

24 Students are more likely to _______________ when assessment demands ______________.

25 References Ambrose, S., M. Bridges, M. DiPietro, M. Lovett, & M. Norman. (2010). How Learning Works: 7 Research-Based Principles for Smart Teaching. Jossey-Bass; San Francisco. Anderson, R. (2007). Individualized student advisement for preparation for the National Council Licensure Examination for Registered Nurses: A community college experience. Nurse Educator; 32, 3, 117-121. Carr, S. M. (2011). NCLEX-RN pass rate peril: One school's journey through curriculum revision, standardized testing, and attitudinal change. Nursing education perspectives, 32(6), 384-388. Davenport, N. C. (2007). A comprehensive approach to NCLEX-RN® success. Nursing Education Perspectives, 28(1), 30-33. Hawk, T. F., & Shah, A. J. (2007). Using learning style instruments to enhance student learning. Decision Sciences Journal of Innovative Education, 5(1), 1-19. Herrman, J. (2008). Creative teaching strategies for the nurse educator. Philadelphia: F.A. Davis Company Higgins, B. (Dec 2005). Strategies for lowering attrition rates and raising NCLEX-RN pass rates. Journal of Nursing Education, 44, 12, 541-547.

26 Additional References International Center for Supplemental Instruction, University of Missouri-Kansas City. (2013). Supplemental instruction Fall 2002-Spring 2013 (SI) national data. Accessed via the World Wide Web at: 2013.pdf 2013.pdf Lockie, N., Van Lanen, R., & T. McGannon. (Jan/Feb 2013). Educational implications of nursing students’ learning styles, success in chemistry, and supplemental instruction participation on National Council Licensure Examination-Registered Nurses performance. Journal of Professional Nursing, 29, 1, 49-58 Lohri-Posey, (2003). Determining learning style preferences of students. Nurse educator, 28(2), 54. Lockie, N. & R. Van Lanen. (2008). Impact of the supplemental instruction experience on science SI leaders. Journal of Developmental Education; 31, 3, 2-14. Marek, G. I. (2013). Impact of learning style assessment on self-reported skills of students in an associate degree nursing program. Teaching and Learning in Nursing, 8(2), 43-49. McGann, E. & J. Thompson. (2008). Factors related to academic success in at-risk senior nursing students. International Journal of Nursing Scholarship; 5, 1, article 19. McTighe, J. & K. O’Connor. (Nov 2005). Seven practices for effective learning. Assessment to Promote Learning; 63, 3, 10-17. Stark, M, Fiekema, B. & Wyngarden, K. (2002). Teaching strategies empowering students for NCLEX success self assessment and planning. Nurse Education; 27, 3, 103-105.

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