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Student Data Upload. Student Data Upload (SDU) overview Important Notes Selecting Students Student Data Upload (SDU) File Layout and Student Data Upload.

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Presentation on theme: "Student Data Upload. Student Data Upload (SDU) overview Important Notes Selecting Students Student Data Upload (SDU) File Layout and Student Data Upload."— Presentation transcript:

1 Student Data Upload

2 Student Data Upload (SDU) overview Important Notes Selecting Students Student Data Upload (SDU) File Layout and Student Data Upload (SDU) Field Definitions Helpful Hints Prepare your file Upload your file to PearsonAccess Resources Agenda 2

3 Student Data Upload – Important Notes 3 This presentation will cover uploading student data to PearsonAccess through a system file. Student data upload is also referred to as Send Student Data in PearsonAccess. Student Data Upload Windows for the PARCC Spring 2014 Field Tests PBA Test: 12/16/13 – 1/21/14* EOY Test: 1/24/14 – 2/28/14* * For schools administering paper tests, the SDU file MUST be uploaded NO LATER THAN 1/21 for PBA and 2/28 for EOY, or paper materials will NOT BE DISTRIBUTED. Note: Schools selected to test both PBA & EOY will not need to upload a Student Data File to EOY. Pearson will extract students from PBA and upload them to EOY for schools testing both PBA & EOY only.

4 Student Data Upload – Selecting Students 4 Data for all students taking the PARCC 2014 Field Test must be loaded into PearsonAccess, regardless if they take the paper-based or computer-based tests. Make sure to only load the students that are selected to test. For more information about selecting classes, please visit:

5 To start, download the Student Data Upload (SDU) File Layout and Student Data Upload (SDU) Field Definitions from in this location : Support > Resources > Templates. Student Data Upload 5

6 6 Next, populate the Student Data Upload (SDU) File Layout with the required student data. Use the Student Data Upload (SDU) Field Definitions as a reference to ensure all required fields have been populated. Helpful Hints!  Verify all required fields are populated.  The header row must be deleted in the Student Data Upload (SDU) File Layout before uploading the file to PearsonAccess.  Make sure the Student Data Upload (SDU) File Layout is saved as a CSV file.

7 Student Data Upload 7 To prepare your SDU file, use the Student Data Upload (SDU) Field Definitions as your guide. Through this document, you will walk through each field and its purpose. From left to right, you will see the following fields: Column Letter (corresponding to the.csv file layout) Max Field Length positions in the.csv file – the maximum number of characters allowed in this field. Field Name and Field Definitions – descriptions of each field. Expected Values – this field describes the characters allowed in the file. Required Y/N – this field indicates whether each field is Required.

8 Student Data File Layout 8 In Column A, enter the student’s 2 character state abbreviation. For example, Iowa will enter “IA”. In Column B, enter the student’s District Identifier, or District Code. This is the number you associate with the school district in your state. In Column C, enter the student’s School Identifier, or School Code. In Column D, enter the student’s Identifier. This is any number you use in your state to identify a particular student.

9 Student Data File Layout 9 In Column E, enter the student’s last name. In Column F, enter the student’s first name. In Column G, enter the student’s middle name, if you have this data. This is not a required field.

10 Student Data File Layout 10 In Column H, enter the student’s Birthdate. This is not a required field. If you do enter data into this field, the birthday MUST be entered as YYYY-MM-DD or the file will error and will not process. In Column I, enter the student’s Sex. In Column J, enter the student’s Grade. This must be a 2 character field, so for Grade 3, enter 03.

11 Student Data File Layout 11 In Column K, select Yes or No if the student is identified with two or more races. In Column L, select Yes or No if the student is of Hispanic or Latino Ethnicity. In Column M, select Yes or No if the student is of American Indian or Alaska Native race. In Column N, select Yes or No if the student is of Asian race. In Column O, select Yes or No if the student is of Black or African American race. In Column P, select Yes or No if the student is of Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander race. In Column Q, select Yes or No if the student is of White race. Note: At least one field between Column L, M, N, O, P or Q must be selected Yes. All students must have at least one race or ethnicity selected as Yes.

12 Student Data File Layout 12 In Column R, select Yes or No if the student is identified as an ELL student.* In Column S, select Yes or No if the student is identified as an LEP student.* In Column T, select Yes or No if the student is identified a Student with Disabilities. If this field is marked Yes, you must select a Primary Disability Type in Column U. In Column U, select the student’s Primary Disability Type. This field is ONLY required if you selected Yes in Column T. * The LEP field provides an indication that a limited English proficient (LEP) student is served by an English language instruction educational program supported with Title III of ESEA funds. ELL means the student is classified as an English Language Learner. A student could have the status of being an ELL student but possibly not be supported in a Title III funded program.

13 Student Data File Layout 13 In Column V, select Yes or No if the student is identified as a Gifted and Talented student. In Column W, select the status of the student’s Eligibility Status for School Food Service Programs. In Column X, enter the student’s Class Section Identifier. The text entered into this field will group students together into a class. For computer-based testing, this class of students can be placed into a test session together. For paper testing, Student ID labels will be sorted using this field. Students with the same Class Section Identifier will be grouped together, and then sorted alphabetically by last name within this class.

14 Student Data File Layout 14 In Column Y, enter the student’s Staff Member Identifier. This is not a required field. In Column Z, enter the student’s Test Code. This field MUST match the original sample from your participation confirmation email. If a school was selected to take Grade 03 ELA for PBA only, all students in that school will have a Test Code of ELA03C2. For example, if a school was selected to take Grade 05 Mathematics PBA & EOY, all students in that school will have a Test Code of MAT05C1. If you have any questions about your Test Code, contact your State Field Test Coordinator, or contact Pearson at or

15 Applicable Test Codes 15

16 Student Data File Layout 16 In Column AA, enter the student’s Test Format. This field MUST match the original sample from the participation letter. If a school was selected to take a test ONLINE, all students in that school would have a Test Format code of “O”. If a school was selected to take a test on PAPER, all students in that school would have a Test Format code of “P”.

17 Student Data File Layout 17 In Column AB, enter the student’s Assessment Accommodation Category, if there is one. In Column AC, enter the student’s Assessment Accommodation: Alternate Representation – Paper Test, if there is one. If a school has been selected to test Online, but a student needs a paper test as an accommodation, the student will have this field marked as Yes. Note: if this field is selected Yes, you must select “P” in Column AA (Test Format). In Column AD, select Yes or No if the student requires the Assessment Accommodation: Extra Time. In Column AE, select Yes or No if the student requires the Assessment Accommodation: Dictated Oral Response.

18 Student Data File Layout 18 In Column AF, select Yes or No if the student requires the Assessment Accommodation: Calculator. In Column AG, select Yes or No if the student requires the Assessment Accommodation: Test Administrator Read Question Aloud. In Column AH, select the appropriate type of material to render if the student requires the Assessment Accommodation: User Spoken Preference Type. In Column AI, select Yes or No if the student requires the Assessment Accommodation: Dictionary in Native Language.

19 Student Data File Layout 19 In Column AJ, select Yes or No if the student requires the Assessment Accommodation: Large Print. Note: if this field is selected Yes, you must select “P” in Column AA (Test Format). In Column AK, select Yes or No if the student requires the Assessment Personal Needs Profile Activate by Default. In Column AL, select Yes or No if the student requires Assessment Accommodation: Speech Recognition System (Speech to Text). In Column AM, select Yes or No if the student requires Assessment Accommodation: Student Read Aloud-Synthetic (Text to Speech). In Column AN, select Yes or No if the student requires Assessment Accommodation: Word Prediction.

20 Student Data File Layout 20 In Column AO, this is a filler field. Leave this field blank. In Column AP, select if the student requires masking as part of the online test. In Column AQ, this is a filler field. Leave this field blank. In Column AR, this is a filler field. Leave this field blank. In Column AS, this is a filler field. Leave this field blank. In Column AT, select if the student requires Invert Color Choice as part of the online test. ** NOTE: Although the accommodation fields are not required for every student, if a student needs any of these accommodations, the fields must be marked with Yes.

21 Student Data File Layout 21 In Column AU, insert Y in every student record. This indicates the end of the record. If this field is left blank, the file will error and will not process.

22 To upload the file, log into PearsonAccess and click on the Student Data tab. Student Data Upload 22

23 Next, select Send Student Data from the Student Data tab Student Data Upload 23

24 Student Data Upload 24

25 Student Data Upload After an SDU is submitted, PearsonAccess provides detailed status updates, along with applicable error information. 25

26 Important Notes, AGAIN! 26 We just covered uploading student data to PearsonAccess through a system file. Remember, student data upload (SDU) is also referred to as Send Student Data in PearsonAccess. Student Data Upload Windows for the PARCC Spring 2014 Field Tests PBA Test: 12/16/13 – 1/21/14* EOY Test: 1/24/14 – 2/28/14* * For schools administering paper tests, the SDU file MUST be uploaded NO LATER THAN 1/21 for PBA and 2/28 for EOY, or paper materials will NOT BE DISTRIBUTED. Note: Schools selected to test both PBA & EOY will not need to upload a Student Data File to EOY. Pearson will extract students from PBA and upload them to EOY for schools testing both PBA & EOY only.

27 6:00 am – 8:00 pm (CT) Monday–Friday Toll free: 888-493-9888 Email: PARCC Customer Support Online support and resources: 27

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