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Student Development The Gateway to … Opportunity Accomplishment Financial Solution Student Success Achievement Student Life.

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Presentation on theme: "Student Development The Gateway to … Opportunity Accomplishment Financial Solution Student Success Achievement Student Life."— Presentation transcript:

1 Student Development The Gateway to … Opportunity Accomplishment Financial Solution Student Success Achievement Student Life

2 Customer Service is Our #1 Priority

3 Enrollment Management A Key to Opportunity Strengthen recruiting efforts to increase the matriculation of GED and AHS students into curriculum programs at CFCC Procedures: Develop a calendar with Basic Skills to actually recruit Develop a specific recruiting packet Provide workshops/information sessions to encourage enrollment using our recruiter Establish a contact for students Note: 2009 - 35% of graduating GED/AHS enrolled in curriculum programs College Goal: 7

4 Offer additional spring Job Fair specific to downtown programs Procedures: Seek input from Department Chairs on date and time selection Work with Lead Instructors on employer invitation list College Goals: 6, 7 and 12 Career & Testing Services A Key to Accomplishment

5 Financial Aid A Key to Financial Solution Develop and implement processes to avoid potential awarding errors Procedures: Investigate Datatel reports that identify students enrolled who are ◦Less than half time ◦Repeating courses Investigate automating satisfactory academic progress determinations Collaborate with IT Services on implementation Train FA staff on new procedures College Goal: 7

6 Office of the Registrar A Key to Student Success Investigate and design an electronic withdrawal process for students Procedures: Collaborate with Instruction and IT Services Investigate the use of OnBase Imaging for delivery Final approval needed from LRC, BO, FA and several standing committees College Goals: 3, 7, 13

7 Counseling A Key to Achievement Revitalize relationships with community agencies to better serve students in need Procedures: Invite agency representatives on campus for presentations Develop community referral procedures based on presentations Develop standardized steps for referral and follow-up Develop a list of visiting agencies as a counseling resource College Goal: 7

8 Disability Support Services A Key to Achievement Enhance internal communication between faculty and DSS Procedures: Schedule informal presentations at all Departmental meetings Prepare packet of info for faculty, DSS procedures, reasonable accommodations, strategies for handling behavior problems College Goal: 7

9 Student Activities/Athletics A Key to Student Life Improve participation in Student Activities through the Intramural Program Note: Intramural Program was initiated in Fall 2009 – huge success Procedures: Investigate student requests to implement additional opportunities Meet with SGA to seek input on new activities Implement selected activities College Goal: 7

10 Special Projects Continue to investigate annual source funding for the Student Planner Procedures: Make appropriate CFCC and community contacts to seek resources Collaborate with Foundation Office for possible grant opportunities College Goal: 7

11 Student Development The Gateway to A Successful Future!

12 Goal Revision Suggestion #2 Provide facilities that support the growth of the college and that are well maintained, safe and, secure and accessible for students, faculty, staff and visitors. Justification: Accessibility and accommodations (for students with disabilities) are required by law.

13 Goal Revision Suggestion #7 Provide a comprehensive program of student development services that assist students in achieving their goals including appropriate placement in courses and curricula, financial assistance, counseling and advisement, career guidance, student activities/ and athletics, and accommodations/services for students with disabilities. Justification: Accessibility and accommodations (for students with disabilities) are required by law.

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