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Metro Student Attendance Center (M-SAC) Mission To return students to their respective schools and provide positive early interventions to ensure the.

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2 Metro Student Attendance Center (M-SAC)

3 Mission To return students to their respective schools and provide positive early interventions to ensure the student is re- engaged in school life.

4 Goals of M-SAC I. To reduce the incidences of juvenile delinquent acts during school hours; II. To proactively address attendance problems at the earliest stages before patterns of delinquency develop; III.To impact the systematic causes of chronic truancy and high absenteeism through a coordinated, strategic intervention process involving government and community youth and family service providers; and IV.To enhance and strengthen the positive long-term outlook for school age youth and their educational, social and economic opportunities.

5 Metro Nashville Juvenile Court (Lead Agency) Metro Nashville Public Schools Metro Nashville Police Department Department of Children Service Department of Human Services Program Oversight and Staffing Partners

6 Metro Nashville Juvenile Court 1 Full Time Program Coordinator 2 Full Time Probation Officers 1 Full Time Office Support Representative III 1 Full Time Security Services Officer

7 Metro Nashville Public Schools 1 Full Time Social Worker 1 Full Time Family & Youth Services Assistant 1 Full Time Instructional Specialist

8 Other Agencies Metro Nashville Police Department  2 Part Time Youth Services Counselors STARS  1 Full Time Assessment & Outreach Coordinator Department of Children Services  on-call DCS Liaison Public Health Department  on-call Nurse

9 Overall Center Data

10 721 students (both loitering and targeted truancy) have been referred and/or serviced by M-SAC since it opened on August 11, 2008. 61% for Loitering during school hours (LDSH) 39% for Targeted Truancy (TT)

11 Demographic Data African-American males31% African-American females23% Caucasian males16% Caucasian females14% Hispanic males7% Hispanic females5% Other males2% Other females2%

12 M-SAC Programs Loitering During School Hours (LDSH) Targeted Truancy  Attendance Intervention Management (AIM)  Educational Neglect

13 LDSH Breakdown M-SAC - Transported to the center by PD161 PD - Divert-Referred by the PD Youth Services Division120 JC-Divert-Referred by Juvenile Court9 Denied After-Denied after transport for various reasons13 Denied-Did not meet M-SAC Criteria90 Record Checks-Verify records only42 DCS-In DCS custody6 Total 441

14 As the chart below reflects, M-SAC began the school year off at a slow, but steady pace; however during December the loitering during school hour referrals from the Police Department dropped significantly, but referrals began to increase again in March.

15 AIM-M-SAC Pilot Program 249 Ed Neglect-Cases received from JC (age 13 & under)31 Total 280 * Note: M-SAC yields a 3% repeat offender/recidivism rate Targeted Truancy Breakdown

16 Expansion The A.I.M. Pilot Project (Attendance Intervention Management ) This is an initiative to aggressively address truancy at targeted schools. McGavock High School, the largest high school within MNPS was selected as the 1st test site. As of June 10, 2009, M-SAC Summer Initiative has yielded the following results:  53%Successfully signed up for the program  41%Pending sign-ups  3% School corrected days after further investigation  3%Referred to Juvenile Court All of these students were promoted to their next grade level!

17 Attendance Intervention Management

18 Dispositional Breakdown 249 Completers43% 142 Unsuccessful25% 8 other1% 117 open cases20% 59 pending 10% *1% is contributed to duplicate cases Dispositional Breakdown of the 80% (575) that were referred to M-SAC and actually processed through the center. This breakdown will include those students who successfully completed the program; those who were unsuccessful, cases that were closed for miscellaneous reasons, etc.

19 DCS14 Family & Crisis Intervention Team Health 4 On-call Nurse STARS60 Referrals Social Worker5 Referrals Total 163 students referred for services

20 Social Work Breakdown 35% Referred to Community Agencies 65% Referred to School Social Worker Of those Referred to a Community Provider or School Social Worker: 72% utilized the services 9% denied the services 11% were unable to receive services 8% were referred to other school staff

21 Student/Parent Satisfaction M-SAC provides each student/parent with an exit survey to monitor their satisfaction with the program with a series of questions and a rating scale from 1 to 10. On a scale of 1 to 10 with 1 being the worst and 10 the best, the overall satisfaction with the M-SAC program is 8.9!

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