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State Center Community College District Willow International Community College Center State of the Center Report Deborah J. Ikeda, Campus President January.

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Presentation on theme: "State Center Community College District Willow International Community College Center State of the Center Report Deborah J. Ikeda, Campus President January."— Presentation transcript:

1 State Center Community College District Willow International Community College Center State of the Center Report Deborah J. Ikeda, Campus President January 9, 2014

2 Willow International Center Mission Statement Willow International Center Mission Statement: Creating Opportunities – One Student at a Time  We embrace diversity and serve all students of the community;  We believe education is based on integrity, generosity, and accountability;  We foster critical, creative, and engaged thinking;  We support student success by preparing students for their futures and for the community’s future through career/technical certificates, degrees, and transfer programs;  We cultivate community partnerships to enhance student learning and success;  We engage in reflective, data-driven cycles of research and innovation focused on learning and student outcomes. 2

3 Willow International Center Vision Statement Willow International Community College Center is the college of choice for academic excellence, innovation, and student achievement. 3

4 CCCCO Process for Approval 1. Preliminary Notice Letter Submitted May 2008 2. Letter of Intent Submitted Nov 2008 Approved July 2009 3. Needs Assessment Submitted Oct. 2013 4

5 5

6 Accreditation Team Evaluation Report Recommendations (Official)  Institutional Functions Currently Housed at RC be Established at WI Prior to Application for Initial Accreditation  Own processes related to Development and Oversight of Instructional Programs Academic Senate √ Curriculum Committee √ Articulation Function √ Processes for Support of Institutional Planning and Governance (e.g., Program Review) √ Classified Senate √ 6

7 Accreditation Team Evaluation Report Recommendations (Official)  Alignment of SCCCD and college plans and planning processes  District Strategic Plan √  Facilities √  Technology – in process (March 2014)  Organizational Reporting Relationships of Centers √  Location of Signature Programs √  Funding Allocation – in process (Jan. 14, 2014)  Human Resources – in process (March 2014)  Research Capacity √ 7

8 Accreditation Team Evaluation Report Recommendations (Official)  Self Study Report Prepared in Accordance with ACCJC Institutional Self Evaluation Manual √  District process for Review of Board Policies Established √ 8

9 WI Transition Plan  Administrative, Classified, Certificated Staff  Immediate Staffing Plan  Prior to Team Visit in March 2015  High Priority  When Initial Accreditation Granted (Fall 2015)  Operations  Additional Staffing  Based upon future growth 9

10 Integrated Planning  Educational Master Plan  Strategic Plan  Enrollment Management  Technology  Student Success, Basic Skills, and Matriculation  Facilities  Program Review 10

11 Closing the Loop  Strategic Plan  Program Review Recommendations  SLO Outcomes Assessment  New Staffing Requests documented in Program Review Recommendations All Must Tie Back to Action Plans and Budget 11

12 12

13 Initiatives  Self-Evaluation  Possible Bond Measure and new facilities  Student Success Initiatives  CSU Transfer Degree (SB 1440)-CID’s  Student Activities  Financial Aid Review  Student Learning Outcomes& Program Review Annual Report  High School Curriculum Alignment  If DRAM Approved – new faculty and staff positions  Website  SSS and SSS STEM  Title V Collaborative  Title V Willow Only Submission 13

14 You Tube for the Semester W0fJKvdjQgs& 14

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