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New Graduate Student Orientation. What does GSA do? Promotes interdisciplinary communication and collaboration GSA is the voice of graduate students;

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Presentation on theme: "New Graduate Student Orientation. What does GSA do? Promotes interdisciplinary communication and collaboration GSA is the voice of graduate students;"— Presentation transcript:

1 New Graduate Student Orientation

2 What does GSA do? Promotes interdisciplinary communication and collaboration GSA is the voice of graduate students; advocating for their needs Fosters the intellectual, professional and social development of the graduate student community

3 Graduate Student Engagement Graduate Student Taking Classes GradClub GradHub Standing Committees Grad Chamber PACES Program Specific Orgs Off-Campus Conferences GSA Member Contributing to the Graduate Student Community GSA Executive Board University Academic Standards Committee Graduate Council NAGPS Midwest Region Board & Conferences (2014-GVSU) NAGPS Executive Board & National Conference

4 GSA Upcoming Events Tuesday, August 26 th - Grad Hub at Z’s Sports Bar and Grill Tuesday, September 9 th – First Grad Club at the Uclub Saturday, September 13 th – First PACES workshop

5 Stand Out Moments  Appropriation of funds for Graduate Students only  Grad Chamber  Seats on Standing Committees  Hosting the Mid West Regional Conference

6 Meet Your E-Board President – Alaina ClarkeVice President–Sam LynnAdmin Officer – Colette Cascarilla Communications Officer – Marina Okopnaia Finance Officer – Selase Asomoa-Tutu Membership Officer

7 Connect with Us! GSA President Alaina Clarke Join OrgSync and find GSA Facebook /GVGrads Instagram - @gvsugsa LZGiohk&list=UUcJyPbgorwFDHkfJxRrCHUA LZGiohk&list=UUcJyPbgorwFDHkfJxRrCHUA

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