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PI-SAGE-ENT Reporting Instructions Contents Click a topic below to proceed to that section or continue through the presentation Overview Flexibility.

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2 PI-SAGE-ENT Reporting Instructions

3 Contents Click a topic below to proceed to that section or continue through the presentation Overview Flexibility PI-SAGE-ENT Form Reporting Scenarios (18:1, 30:2, and students with disabilities)Reporting Scenarios18:130:2students with disabilities

4 PI-SAGE-ENT Overview Due Date The PI-SAGE-ENT is due two weeks after the third Friday in September.PI-SAGE-ENT Errors Verify your data is accurate. Errors in reporting could result in your school not receiving aid for the current school year. Compliance Schools not in compliance with class size requirements may have their SAGE contract terminated.

5 PI-SAGE-ENT Overview (cont’d) Report the following by each classroom/section: –Number of full-time equivalent (FTE) regular, licensed, elementary teachers (only whole numbers 1, 2, or 3); –Total student enrollment count; –Number of low-income students (free and reduced) for each class/section for each grade level; and –Each grade level can have up to 20 class/section entries. Beginning with “Section 01” and working sequentially until all classroom(s)/section(s) are entered. Example: For three first grade classrooms, use sections one through three to report each classroom/section individually. –Save after each classroom/section entry.

6 PI-SAGE-ENT Overview (cont’d) Reporting Total Enrollment Count –Report all pupils being served under the SAGE contract for this school. –Include classroom(s)/section(s) for grades physically located in a different school or building. –Do NOT include in the count any four-year-old Kindergarten pupils or pupils enrolled in this school that are not covered by the SAGE contract. –Multi-age classrooms that include fourth grade students should include fourth graders in total student counts, but do not include them in low-income counts.

7 PI-SAGE-ENT Overview (cont’d) Reporting Low-Income Students –Use the measure used when determining poverty rates by school for the purposes of distributing Title I funds among the various schools in your district. –Many schools use eligibility for free and reduced lunch as their primary means of determining poverty. Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) –If schools in your district are participating in the Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) program, DPI released additional guidance on this program.DPI released additional guidance on this program

8 SAGE Flexibility: Act 95 Allows flexibility for districts and schools with current SAGE contracts –MUST maintain 18:1 or 30:2 class size ratio in kindergarten and first grade –Choose to maintain 18:1 or 30:2 in grades two, three, both, or neither in one or more years of the contract –No SAGE aid for grade levels not implementing 18:1 or 30:2 class size ratios NOTE: Class size ratios are based on classroom configurations on third Friday in September.

9 SAGE Flexibility: Act 95 (cont’d) Compliance in Kindergarten and First Grade –Kindergarten and first grade MUST adhere to 18:1 or 30:2 class size ratio –No waivers are allowed under current SAGE law –Failure to maintain SAGE class size requirements in Kindergarten and first grade could result in the loss of a school’s SAGE contract

10 SAGE Flexibility: Act 95 (cont’d) Grades 2-3 Flexibility –Schools can choose to participate in either grades two, three, both, or neither on an annual basis –To receive aid for a grade level, all classrooms or sections at that grade level must adhere to the 18:1 or 30:2 class size ratios Example: In second grade, class sizes are 18:1, 18:1, and 19:1; the school does NOT receive aid for any students in second grade. –Utilizing this flexibility does not jeopardize a school’s SAGE contract

11 SAGE Flexibility: Act 95 (cont’d) Utilizing Flexibility If your school chooses to utilize flexibility in grades two and/or three, please send an e-mail to Sharon Suchla and Michael Dennison when you submit your ENT: This will streamline our process to ensure aid is allocated properly.

12 General Instructions –Go to to find the online PI-SAGE-ENT reporting form. –Login using the unique username and password for each SAGE school. –Username can be found in the PI-SAGE-ENT Memo. –Passwords can be recovered using the “Forgot Password” link on the login page E-mail or call (608) 266-2489 if you encounter an

13 Entitlement Report View Data Enter Data






19 For the next several slides, we will be presenting various classroom scenarios and how they should be reported. Please pay careful attention to the FTE Teacher Count and Enrollment Count numbers as well as the Comments in these scenarios. Sample Classroom and Reporting Scenarios

20 Sample Classroom “A”

21 Reporting Scenario “A” FTE Teacher Count Enrollment Count Total Low Income Student Count Total Low Income Student Count 1186 Comments: This reporting scenario does not require any comments. Leave the comments box BLANK.

22 Sample Classroom “B”

23 Reporting Scenario “B” 11812 Comments: Two additional students with disabilities enter this class for portions of core academic instruction. They are accompanied by an appropriately licensed teacher at all times. Students with disabilities that enter the general education classroom and are also low-income should be included in this classroom’s low- income count. Be sure to count each low-income student only once. FTE Teacher Count Enrollment Count Total Low Income Student Count Total Low Income Student Count

24 Sample Classroom “C”

25 Reporting Scenario “C” 23015 Comments: Six students with disabilities enter this class for portions of core academic instruction. They are accompanied by an appropriately licensed teacher at all times. Students with disabilities that enter the general education classroom and are also low-income should be included in this classroom’s low- income count. Be sure to count each low-income student only once. FTE Teacher Count Enrollment Count Total Low Income Student Count Total Low Income Student Count

26 Reporting Scenario: Self-Contained Students –Students with disabilities that are not in the regular classroom for any time during reading/language arts, math, science, and social studies should all be reported in a separate multi-age classroom/section. –Be sure not to count students twice (in a self-contained room and in a grade-level classroom/section). –Use the comments section to explain the classroom scenario.

27 Final Reminders –18:1 or 30:2 ratio MUST be followed in kindergarten and first grade to receive SAGE aid. –Schools out-of-compliance in kindergarten and/or first grade may have their SAGE contract terminated. –Be sure that contact information is updated. –Use comments section to indicate when additional students with disabilities and staff are in the regular classroom. –If you know you will not be following the 18:1 or 30:2 class size ratios for any grades, please e-mail Sharon Suchla and Michael Dennison at DPI.Sharon SuchlaMichael Dennison

28 Additional SAGE Support Sharon Suchla, SAGE Program Consultant (608) 266-3983 Michael Dennison, SAGE Program Specialist (608) 266-2489

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