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Family Law as it affects Custody & Financial Responsibility for Children ECMC54 Prof. Gordon Cleveland.

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1 Family Law as it affects Custody & Financial Responsibility for Children ECMC54 Prof. Gordon Cleveland

2 Family Law as it affects Custody & Financial Responsibility for Children Presented by: Kristina Valentini Kristina Vittas Lori Maassarany

3 Family Law as it affects Custody & Financial Responsibility for Children  What is Custody? the physical control of the parents or guardians over the child the right of the parents or guardians to determine the child’s:  Education  Healthcare  Religion  Overall Well-being

4 Family Law as it affects Custody & Financial Responsibility for Children  Relevant Objectives of Family Law Act (Ontario) and Federal Divorce Act: to encourage and strengthen the role of the family to ensure a fair and orderly settlement when partnerships end to ensure the sharing by parents of responsibility for their children

5 Family Law as it affects Custody & Financial Responsibility for Children  Types of Custody: Sole Custody Joint Custody Shared Custody Split Custody

6 Family Law as it affects Custody & Financial Responsibility for Children  Who Gets Custody? Until decided in court both parents have equal rights to custody of their children Court’s decision based on child’s best interests

7 Family Law as it affects Custody & Financial Responsibility for Children  Federal Child Support Guidelines Objectives: to establish a fair standard of support for children to reduce conflict and tension between spouses by making the calculation of support more objective

8 Family Law as it affects Custody & Financial Responsibility for Children  How is Child Support Calculated? the number of children the province or territory where the child’s paying parent lives the paying parent's gross annual income

9 Family Law as it affects Custody & Financial Responsibility for Children

10  How is Child Support Calculated (cont.)? For income higher than $150,000, a different calculation is used:

11 Family Law as it affects Custody & Financial Responsibility for Children  Who pays Child Support? Non-custodial parent A person who “stands in the place of a parent”

12 Family Law as it affects Custody & Financial Responsibility for Children  Affect on Family Decision-Making: Support Recipients (Spouse and Child)  Monthly lump-sum payment adds to “unearned” income  Affects hours of work versus hours of “leisure” decision  Affects spending decisions, i.e. private schooling versus public schooling

13 Family Law as it affects Custody & Financial Responsibility for Children  Affects on Family Decision-Making: Payer of Child Support  Individual has less income each month due to payments  Affects hours of work versus hours of “leisure” decision making  Non-custodial parent, therefore spending decisions are affected

14 Family Law as it affects Custody & Financial Responsibility for Children  Criticism of Policies Criteria to determine the “best interest of the child”, while considered universal, varies with each situation Sole custody is awarded to the mother or female parent in a large number of cases

15 Family Law as it affects Custody & Financial Responsibility for Children  Are the objectives being achieved?

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